Give us better sounds - PLEASE !!

  • Thread starter steamcat

If he can analyze a V10 sound and then simulate it with a beer can, PD have no excuse. There is absolutely no reason why PD can't implement "better" cars sounds into GT6. Seriously though they should hire him, he'd teach PD a lot.
Yes I think people get too focused on how accurate sounds are. With so many cars its impossible to have great accuracy

So instead of chasing the impossible dream I suggest adding sound effects that each car can benefit greatly from

Brake Squeal
Transmission Whine
More Realistic gear shift sounds

And to top it all off the transition from low/half throttle to wide open throttle needs to sound abrupt and powerful especially on stronger motors. When you go to WOT on a 600 HP engine or almost any engine the mounts twist and the entire block shifts. The jump from low to high RPMs should be heard not just in pitch but also in the mechanical jolting around inside the motor

I may make a faux video with said sound effects on top of GT5 sounds to get an idea of what it would sound like

With intake sound correctly implemented (its volume controlled by throttle position) that transition is easily introduced. There is a difference in the exhaust note which I haven't fully understood yet, but I think it's related to the throttle being shut and so the intake being audible through the exhaust. There might be an easy way to simulate that, e.g. modulating the exhaust sound with the intake sound (something I need to try.) There's also the unburned fuel thing, which is also easy to implement with a 2D (throttle, engine speed) lookup for A/F ratio (i.e. an engine map), and special dispensation for ignition and / or fuel cut, driving a "spit, pop and bang" generator. Then there are things like part-throttle instabilities (primarily carburettors, but also cams) which are a bit harder to isolate in any given engine, but easy enough to "simulate", along the same lines as idle hunting ("brap").

I'd love for the physics interaction to drive a sort of low-frequency effect for subs and butt-kickers. So suspension jolts, tyre grip-slip oscillation and drivetrain "shunt", with some high-frequency flourishes emanating from the body shell itself (metallic clangs and rattles), coupled to a cabin reverb. We are of course straying further and further into the realms of complex synthesis, but the s-word is a dirty word in these parts (despite engine sounds in most games being some form of complex synthesis or other).

That video sounds considerably worse than the game itself. There's also this one:

The biggest difference to my ears is the lack of intake sound.
Again, the problem is self-evident, we don't need the silly exaggeration.

If he can analyze a V10 sound and then simulate it with a beer can, PD have no excuse. There is absolutely no reason why PD can't implement "better" cars sounds into GT6. Seriously though they should hire him, he'd teach PD a lot.

Meh? I'd have that sound generated by a beer can and nothing else over the current Lamborgini sound in GT5. And to think PD use "high-tech" stuff to record sounds.
Meh? I'd have that sound generated by a beer can and nothing else over the current Lamborgini sound in GT5. And to think PD use "high-tech" stuff to record sounds.

There's lots of distortion in it that convinces your brain into thinking it's "loud" (again, non-linear effects). His so-called "low-frequency element" can only come from the intake (missing in GT) because the exhaust is more-or-less equal length (so it's at 5 times the fundamental and above only). The low-frequency components in the intake sound end up modulating the piercing note of the exhaust to give the impression of more meatiness. As I keep saying, including intake sound will cure a lot of issues with the sounds in GT, especially if combined with an attention to matching the right sound to the right engine.

If you're going to make demands of PD, be sure you're demanding the right thing. There is nothing particularly "high tech" about recording equipment; it's a pretty mature technology in terms of quality, and recording is only an issue because they seemingly didn't capture intake sounds properly, or at all (it's the only reason I can think of for its absence in every game) - which has nothing to do with "technology". I suspect they are aware of this shortcoming, but I don't know how they'll address it for every car.
And it can't be Prologue either. E3 2010 demo?
Prologue had Rome? Rome took PD over two years to recreate, fyi.

He posted a video of GT5 before the sound updates after the fact that GT5 was released earlier than it should have been released quality-wise. These are points that get brought up far too often.

If sounds were average in GT5, i wouldn't really mind, but they are really bad, and thats just the tip of the iceberg with gt5, other areas do need improvement, but sounds are the first prority, its not a jok when people refer to gt5 as the real vaccum cleaner simulator
Simple opinion and doesn't mean that you're speaking for the rest of us. FM4 overall has more realistic sounds than GT5, yet I prefer GT5's sounds the way they have been for months now.
Simple opinion and doesn't mean that you're speaking for the rest of us. FM4 overall has more realistic sounds than GT5, yet I prefer GT5's sounds the way they have been for months now.

Ah, now that's not strictly true. FM4 makes use of more of the real car's actual sounds (the dominant component of the sounds in FM4 is actually intake in most cars, if you listen closely, because it's "meatier" that way), but it's not actually more realistic. It's far less realistic in many ways, in fact.

Put FM4's samples in unmolested, properly balanced form (something more like FM2, actually) into GT5 and the difference between the two, even using the same mashed samples, would be as clear as night and day.
We/I have the game ^^^. I don't ever say that the sounds don't need improvements. I stay away from those arguments as best as possible for other people have deeper understandings of this than me. See Griffith500's reply to mine.

See, your the reason why GT5 is how it is. You won't admit to the problems and you defend PD. The ignorance is in you my friend.
Show me where I said that GT5 has no faults. Where did I say that it was perfect? I do my damnedest not to do that, because I'm not an idiot.
I stay away from those arguments as best as possible for other people have deeper understandings of this than me.
Well you clearly do have a understanding since my post was ignorant.

Show me where I said that GT5 has no faults. Where did I say that it was perfect? I do my damnedest not to do that, because I'm not an idiot

Your reply was a big indication. What am I suppose to take of that?
Watch this one then.

The person that made that video must clearly be deaf since the game doesn't sound nowhere close to real life. Only when the car starts up in the garage menu does it sound good.

It's funny how fans that defend the game's sound say you need an audio system with good bass for it to sound right but yet when the car starts up in the garage screen you don't... 👎
It's funny how fans that defend the game's sound say you need an audio system with good bass for it to sound right but yet when the car starts up in the garage screen you don't... 👎
Interesting point here. And a good one. Why is it that when I play other racing games on the same equipment that the sounds are much better than that of GT?

The "you need bass" argument is not a really good one.
In fairness it's only King who plays that card I think.
He's not about and I haven't heard that much from other people.

Maybe we need to buy a Large/Small theatre.
The person that made that video must clearly be deaf since the game doesn't sound nowhere close to real life. Only when the car starts up in the garage menu does it sound good.

It's funny how fans that defend the game's sound say you need an audio system with good bass for it to sound right but yet when the car starts up in the garage screen you don't... 👎
EDIT: Nvm, I though that video was like the Corvette one (showing the way the sounds are terrible).
Me, as a fan of the game and stuff, never tried to justify the sounds...i always believe that they were/are horrible at its best. lol

I have a very good 5.1 sound system connected via optical fiver cables and there is no bass, and no equalizer that can make sounds realistic when they are not. *period*

We don´t need to discuss that at all people. Just hope for PD to do what it is needed...just introduce the same good thing that they did with the "start" car sound and "idle" sound of the cars. Then just remove all that digitalized bad and inaccurate sound of every car and make it right.

Look at games such GTLegends, GTR2, Race07/GTR Evolution and latests mods for rFactor such as Enduracers (LMP cars with the most realistic engine sounds ever), ADAC GT Masters and so on.

And no guys Forza is not the best example for anything...sounds are good but not accurate or way too realistic...and Forza has not the same mix as GT5 has in the overall sound package. I mean external sounds (wind and that kind of stuff) works better but still there are some missing things.
And NFS Shift engine sounds are bad...very very bad...please guys more games and you´ll find why i am talking so bad about it.

I´m tired of reading the same excuses and same games over and over like there are only 3 different games in the market.

We need better,accurate and realistic sounds. *period*
The main problem with GT5's sound is that it is badly optimized for 2 speakers (not headphones). It sounds pretty good with 7.1 surround systems and large theater settings, in which you can tell precisely where which sound is coming from and with the appropriate intensity, but it's awful for 99% of players.

I think it was rushed.
The main problem with GT5's sound is that it is badly optimized for 2 speakers (not headphones). It sounds pretty good with 7.1 surround systems and large theater settings, in which you can tell precisely where which sound is coming from and with the appropriate intensity, but it's awful for 99% of players.

The sound is really good but the ENGINE SOUNDS the CAR ENGINE SOUNDS the "WRRRRROMMM" SOUNDS :dopey: is what it is bad in the game!

The rest is just fine but they messed up the mix a bit in 2.06 update when you have a car next to you and you can´t almost even hear your engine car.

But the quality of the overall sound is great.
The main problem with GT5's sound is that it is badly optimized for 2 speakers (not headphones). It sounds pretty good with 7.1 surround systems and large theater settings,

👎 The better the audio system the more it enhances how bad this game sounds.
👎 The better the audio system the more it enhances how bad this game sounds.

I use a 7.1 headset and I don't hear better engine sounds. I just hear the awful engine sounds more clearly and at a higher frequency. A better sound system won't fix the games flawed engine sounds.
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<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

This is not that bad? :crazy: :ouch: 👎 :nervous: :indiff: :ill:

Do you have another example with the hood of the real car, on? The sound is different with and without the hood.

I agree with the sounds being "sub-par" and needs work but horrendous and a travesty? some of you need to lay off the thesaurus because some of those words are a bit over the top, don't you think?

I've also seen people hear talk about how "easy" things are to implement, where we're you guys when PD was hiring? We sure could use you guys on the team.
I agree with the sounds being "sub-par" and needs work but horrendous and a travesty? some of you need to lay off the thesaurus because some of those words are a bit over the top, don't you think?

In a simple word. NO

There is really no excuse for the sounds in this game. It's by far the worst sounding car game in this gen. I'd rather have it exaggerated like NFS or GRID than what GT5 is currently.

(I'm not saying it should be exaggerated either, just rather have that than GT5 in the sound department)
In a simple word. NO

There is really no excuse for the sounds in this game. It's by far the worst sounding car game in this gen. I'd rather have it exaggerated like NFS or GRID than what GT5 is currently.

(I'm not saying it should be exaggerated either, just rather have that than GT5 in the sound department)

Me too, yes. I don't play NFS:S anymore and took down my videos of that thanks to the d-bags who aggressively enforce their ownership of EA content (and I even captured them live because the game *doesn't let you turn off the stupid bgm during the replay*... yet they made a claim against replays of nothing but car and Nordschleife). But I always loved the 911 GT3 RSR or MC12 GT1 engine sounds especially while blipping and downshifting into corners, what awesome buzz (or howl) that just never got old. Eventually the input lag would always make me put the game down but playing GT5 sure does make me wish at least a few of the cars were that awesome to listen to while driving.