Global Leaderboard

  • Thread starter zabeu
Despite my initial reservations, I felt I shouldn't let the pad driver clique down (having been one myself for two and a half iterations of GT, after all :D) - so now there's a little pad icon next to a driver's name if he's using the SixJackSis(tm).

And there's this too:

LOVE IT!!!👍 , defently some more motivation to improve my time and rank up.
Despite my initial reservations, I felt I shouldn't let the pad driver clique down (having been one myself for two and a half iterations of GT, after all :D) - so now there's a little pad icon next to a driver's name if he's using the SixJackSis(tm).

And there's this too:


First of all, thanks for your quick response implementing this novelty. Fabulous, Mr Zabeu :) Great job for all GTs players, especially for thousands and thousands of pad drivers ;). My especial thanks for you.

One question: I imagine you have need to filter all PAD drivers by querying HTML driver rows of Tuned & Normal standings previously and then matching the resulting list to Samlet board, so it's necessary to be at least in one of both Tuned or Normal boards (Top 250 of GT offcial site). In your algorithm did you consider to be in both or, at least in only one board?

My own example: I'm a pad driver and my scores are 1'37.082 and 1'49.621 (3'26.703), however I don't appear in corresponding 160th of world pad standings. Is it because I haven't a TOP 250 time with Normal car (Spain board)? But yes with Tuned...

Excuse my english and I hope you understand my doubt.

Many thanks for yout time, Zabeu.
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You have to be in both I think, that is why you don't see that many Japanese lower on in the PAD board.


But I believe that statement is a sufficient condition only, but no necessary :)

Anyway that is a fantastic job!

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Thanks again everyone for the kind reception. :bowdown:

The controller type is determined using the PD pages for both the race and road car laps. If you appear in your country's combined top 250 but not in the individual lap leaderboards, gtdb will therefore not be able to get this info (and assume you're using a wheel). It's rare but it does happen, especially for records towards the end of the regional tables. If you use both a pad and a wheel, the road car lap will decisive.

This info is pulled from the PD site once a day, so a newcomer using the pad may have the icon showing only the next day.

You're showing fine in the pad ratings now, Turbodeif ;) (and your english is rather good imo 👍 :))
Despite my initial reservations, I felt I shouldn't let the pad driver clique down (having been one myself for two and a half iterations of GT, after all :D) - so now there's a little pad icon next to a driver's name if he's using the SixJackSis(tm).

And there's this too:


Woow thanks a lot for implementing PAD drivers ranking - now I have a target to achieve :sly:
The Japanese drivers totally dominate the pad ranking!!! :crazy:

Cause their the best at videogames overall.

Man, I don't get how you people are so fast with the pads. I couldn't get passed 622nd in normal car. I guess I just suck :nervous:
great work on the gtdb site, you just keep adding features. excellent work.
poor ol' New Zealand in 17th on average :(

i'm trying to help us out,but it appears only about 10 of us are even trying to get faster,we need at least 50 of us kiwi's flying to move us up that leaderboard,it would also help if i could find your speed !!

Note from Moderator:

No slang words that promote laziness, ie; “r”, “u”, “plz”, etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters.
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Thanks again everyone for the kind reception. :bowdown:

The controller type is determined using the PD pages for both the race and road car laps. If you appear in your country's combined top 250 but not in the individual lap leaderboards, gtdb will therefore not be able to get this info (and assume you're using a wheel). It's rare but it does happen, especially for records towards the end of the regional tables. If you use both a pad and a wheel, the road car lap will decisive.

This info is pulled from the PD site once a day, so a newcomer using the pad may have the icon showing only the next day.

You're showing fine in the pad ratings now, Turbodeif ;) (and your english is rather good imo 👍 :))

Hi all,

Thinking it well you are completely right, Zabeu. Taking records of both the Tuned and Normal pages is the only way to make sure 100% that drivers used the pad. :)

Gtdb is an elegant and fantastic site, mate, congratulations; and thank you for being so kind to me.
Sorry but how do you join a team?

It varies from team to team, for some you can just request to join and they will let you in, others require a certain amount of posts on their forum, and some you may have to to prove that you are a fair driver by taking part in races with members from that team.

It's generally not too hard to join any team though and very few require you to have a high level of skill.

Hope that helps :)
Despite my initial reservations, I felt I shouldn't let the pad driver clique down (having been one myself for two and a half iterations of GT, after all :D) - so now there's a little pad icon next to a driver's name if he's using the SixJackSis(tm).

And there's this too:


Brilliant mate, your efforts are much appreciated.
Is there any way you can determine between wheels, 200 and 900 degrees...??
Keep it up...👍
Thanks Turbodeif, and good laps to you :cheers:

DCP, you can get detailed controller info from the csv data (only available if you're logged in at gtdb).

NissanSkylineN1, if you haven't found it already you may want to search this site for the "GTP registry". 👍
Thanks Turbodeif, and good laps to you :cheers:

DCP, you can get detailed controller info from the csv data (only available if you're logged in at gtdb).

NissanSkylineN1, if you haven't found it already you may want to search this site for the "GTP registry". 👍

Thanks mate, you are really organised, well done....👍
Of all the times in the world, the top 2 Americans are 25th and 26th, and are 0.014 seconds apart. Great work Dudes!

The top of the board has changed a lot in the last few days, except one thing, Takeuchi01 is P1. Lets see if Lars can strike back in the Stocker though.
Sorry guys, for some reason the PD servers have the hiccups today. First there was a downtime, and now the road and race car times have been swapped again. GTdb followed suit (after all, PD should be our reliable authority on all things time and date ... :lol:) and now all the laps in PAL, Asia and Japan show as "new". :(

This will happen again when they realise the mistake and swap the lap times over again. Again, sorry, there's not much we can do about it. :cheers:
Yes. I've programmed something similar that gets PD site contents and it's affected too because of new changes.

And there is nothing to sorry, Zabeu: Great job getting, analyzing an showing GT Time Trial data to all of us with such a larger variety in statistics.

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gtdb strictly mirrors the source records at, and if they replace a lap with a slower one gtdb will do the same. After all, PD's servers surely must be considered the ultimate authority in this matter.

That said, I'd like to know where that happened, dave?

currently 290th in the world. I must attack the normal car soon as I feel there is almost 4 tenths for me there. The ultimate goal for me is 250th.

Does anyone know if its the top 250 worldwide or the top 250 japan that get free entry into this exclusive online event?