Global Protests Against Social Distancing, Lockdown, Vaccine Mandate

  • Thread starter Dotini
My biggest grip with the Federal government is not prioritizing that broad testing.
If I wanted to institutionalize a regime of fascism, communism, or other authoritarian system, I would resist as strongly as possible doing broad testing.
If I wanted to institutionalize a regime of fascism, communism, or other authoritarian system, I would resist as strongly as possible doing broad testing.

It's knee-jerk conspiracy theory-grade responses like that which hamper any sort of progress.

He never said testing was mandatory, just freely and widely available.
If you're sick still come.

This is so aggressively dumb it must be a parody, right?

If I wanted to institutionalize a regime of fascism, communism, or other authoritarian system, I would resist as strongly as possible doing broad testing.

Viruses have been on Earth for longer than single cell lifeforms. Virus is present in our DNA, and is hypothesized to be at the root of human consciousness. Maybe all consciousness. Humans are literally symbionts. So the ubiquity of virus is an essential fact of nature, the Gaia Hypothesis if you will.

But humanity and its civilizations and technologies are not an essential fact of nature, and are comparatively recent developments. The virus is not novel - we are. The success of humanity and its covering the Earth with 7.8 billion people who rapidly move about has led to a strategic, species-level vulnerability. There is an easy hypothesis that human encroachment on wild animal territory led to the novel coronavirus getting into the global human population, and this time it is highly virulent, successful and comprehensive in doing its purposeful mission of reproducing.

So, is not humanity responsible for its own troubles? Recognizing this, how are are we to continue to flourish on Earth if we must constantly deal with pandemics? The answer is that we must make ourselves less vulnerable by permanently and meaningfully incorporating the principles of isolation, cultural/social distancing on a global basis. We must adapt our economies and lifestyles to do this.
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Viruses have been on Earth for longer than single cell lifeforms. Virus is present in our DNA, and is hypothesized to be at the root of human consciousness. Maybe all consciousness. Humans are literally symbionts. So the ubiquity of virus is an essential fact of nature, the Gaia Hypothesis if you will.

But humanity and its civilizations and technologies are not an essential fact of nature, and are comparatively recent developments. The virus is not novel - we are. The success of humanity and its covering the Earth with 7.8 billion people who rapidly move about has led to a strategic vulnerability. There is an easy hypothesis that human encroachment on wild animal territory led to the novel coronavirus getting into the global human population, and this time it is highly virulent and successful in doing its purposeful mission of reproducing.

So, is not humanity to blame for its own troubles? Recognizing this, how are are we to continue to flourish on Earth if we must constantly deal with pandemics? The answer is that we must make ourselves less vulnerable by permanently and meaningfully incorporating the principles of isolation, cultural/social distancing on a global basis. We must adapt our economies and lifestyles to do this.


I have no words, honestly. You've reduced me to giphy responses 2 posts in a row. Congratulations.
No you can't be upset at people not happy with being locked up in their homes and there's nothing wrong with having a civil discussion about the matter. But there's nothing civil about showing up on the capitol steps fully armed to the teeth like you're hoping a firefight breaks out or maybe the governor steps outside so you can shoot her. Nothing civilized about that at all.
Viruses have been on Earth for longer than single cell lifeforms. Virus is present in our DNA, and is hypothesized to be at the root of human consciousness. Maybe all consciousness. Humans are literally symbionts. So the ubiquity of virus is an essential fact of nature, the Gaia Hypothesis if you will.

I don't suppose you have any credible citations for this, do you?
I don't suppose you have any credible citations for this, do you?

"You've got an ancient virus in your brain. In fact, you've got an ancient virus at the very root of your conscious thought.

According to two papers published in the journal Cell in January, long ago, a virus bound its genetic code to the genome of four-limbed animals."
That snippet of code is still very much alive in humans' brains today, where it does the very viral task of packaging up genetic information and sending it from nerve cells to their neighbors in little capsules that look a whole lot like viruses themselves. And these little packages of information might be critical elements of how nerves communicate and reorganize over time — tasks thought to be necessary for higher-order thinking, the researchers said.

Though it may sound surprising that bits of human genetic code come from viruses, it's actually more common than you might think: A review published in Cell in 2016 found that between 40 and 80 percent of the human genome arrived from some archaic viral invasion. [Unraveling the Human Genome: 6 Molecular Milestones]

That's because viruses aren't just critters that try to make a home in a body, the way bacteria do. Instead, as Live Science has previously reported, a virus is a genetic parasite. It injects its genetic code into its host's cells and hijacks them, turning them to its own purposes — typically, that means as factories for making more viruses. This process is usually either useless or harmful to the host, but every once in a while, the injected viral genes are benign or even useful enough to hang around. The 2016 review found that viral genes seem to play important roles in the immune system, as well as in the early days of embryo development.

But the new papers take things a step further. Not only is an ancient virus still very much active in the cells of human and animal brains, but it seems to be so important to how they function that processes of thought as we know them likely never would have arisen without it, the researchers said.

The Arc gene

Shortly after a synapse fires, the viral gene known as Arc comes to life, writing its instructions down as bits of mobile genetic code known as RNA, the researchers found. (A synapse is the junction between two neurons.)

RNA is DNA's messenger and agent in the world outside the cell's nucleus. A single-strand copy of code from DNA's double helix, it carries genetic instructions to places they can be useful. (And, interestingly, viruses tend to store their genetic code in RNA, rather than in DNA.)

Following the Arc RNA's instructions, the nerve cell builds "capsids" — virus-like envelopes — around it. Those envelopes let it travel safely between cells, and it does just that, entering neighboring neurons and passing its packet of genetic information along to them, according to the studies.

It's still unclear what that information does when it arrives in a new cell, but the researchers found that without the process functioning properly, synapses wither away. And problems with the Arc gene tend to show up in people with autism and other atypical neural conditions, the researchers said.

In a companion article, two experts who were not involved in the 2018 papers (the same two experts, in fact, behind the 2016 review) wrote that this process offers the best explanation yet for how nerve cells exchange the information necessary to reorganize themselves in the brain over time.

"These processes underlie brain functions ranging from classical operant conditioning to human cognition and the concept of 'self,'" they wrote. (Classical and operant conditioning are simple forms of reward and punishment-based learning in animals and humans.)

Bizarrely, Arc seems to have made the jump from virus to animal more than once. The researchers found that Arc genes in humans and other four-limbed creatures seem to be closely related to one another. The Arc genes in fruit flies and worms, however, seem to have arrived separately.

The next step for this research, the outside experts wrote in the companion article, is to bring experts in neuroscience and ancient viruses together to work out the mechanisms for just how Arc arrived in the genome, and exactly what information it's passing between our cells today.

Originally published on Live Science.


"Viruses have their own, ancient evolutionary history, dating to the very origin of cellular life. For example, some viral- repair enzymes—which excise and resynthesize damaged DNA, mend oxygen radical damage, and so on— are unique to certain viruses and have existed almost unchanged probably for billions of years."


Communication and cooperation among viruses:

The secret social lives of viruses
Scientists are listening in on the ways viruses communicate and cooperate. Decoding what the microbes are saying could be a boon to human health.


Viruses known as phages (green) can better infect cells like this bacterium (orange) when they cooperate and communicate.Credit: AMI Images/Science Photo Library
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Nope, I didn't think so. Those articles are pretty much irrelevant to most of your post. They did say viruses have been around for a long long time, but we already knew that.
Nope, I didn't think so. Those articles are pretty much irrelevant to most of your post. They did say viruses have been around for a long long time, but we already knew that.

Maybe ... but that's one psychedelic, funky looking virus though. :eek:
No you can't be upset at people not happy with being locked up in their homes and there's nothing wrong with having a civil discussion about the matter. But there's nothing civil about showing up on the capitol steps fully armed to the teeth like you're hoping a firefight breaks out or maybe the governor steps outside so you can shoot her. Nothing civilized about that at all.

Peaceful armed protest is fine.
For a lot of gun nutters it's an excuse to get all their gear out and show off

That's all it is. People who only feel agency whilst holding a gun, incapable of articulating a position/dissent without a supporting threat of violence "Listen to me because I'll kill you otherwise". It's not impressive. Fundamentally, a display of immaturity that would undoubtedly issue a big sigh from the founding fathers.

I'm not saying its legally's just childish.
That's all it is. People who only feel agency whilst holding a gun, incapable of articulating a position/dissent without a supporting threat of violence "Listen to me because I'll kill you otherwise". It's not impressive. Fundamentally, a display of immaturity that would undoubtedly issue a big sigh from the founding fathers.

I'm not saying its legally's just childish.

If everything in life were that black and white, I could say that GT players are simply game nerds who can't drive in real life and aren't capable of making sound life decisions because they base their whole life experience off of a video game. Might nail it with some but not everyone. It's weird to paint with such a broad brush.
If everything in life were that black and white, I could say that GT players are simply game nerds who can't drive in real life and aren't capable of making sound life decisions because they base their whole life experience off of a video game. Might nail it with some but not everyone. It's weird to paint with such a broad brush.

People who bring guns to a "peaceful" protest kind of subverts the whole idea of peaceful protest doesn't it? It's not that broad of a brush. There's a lot of folks that protest peacefully without guns...including gun owners.
In some developing countries, food starvation is the very first thing that leads to protest and civil disobedience in reaction to social distancing and lockdown.

In the US, the picture is much less dire concerning food shortages. But here are our potential problems:

- Virus outbreaks at food plants
- Agricultural reliance on guest workers
- Supply chain mismatches
- Increased food insecurity
- Crunch on delivery capacity
People who bring guns to a "peaceful" protest kind of subverts the whole idea of peaceful protest doesn't it? It's not that broad of a brush. There's a lot of folks that protest peacefully without guns...including gun owners.

Police officers who bring guns to a "peaceful" traffic stop kind of subverts the whole idea of a peaceful traffic stop doesn't it? Or police officers bringing weapons to a "peaceful" protest in case things don't end up peaceful. FBI agent carrying a gun into a bank to make a personal deposit. He's not there to rob the place. Why does he need a gun?
People who bring guns to a "peaceful" protest kind of subverts the whole idea of peaceful protest doesn't it? It's not that broad of a brush. There's a lot of folks that protest peacefully without guns...including gun owners.

Part of the point (always) with some gun owners is to demonstrate their rights and that those rights are compatible with peace. So it gets their message across more effectively to have guns.
Police officers who bring guns to a "peaceful" traffic stop kind of subverts the whole idea of a peaceful traffic stop doesn't it? Or police officers bringing weapons to a "peaceful" protest in case things don't end up peaceful. FBI agent carrying a gun into a bank to make a personal deposit. He's not there to rob the place. Why does he need a gun?

You're getting off track here.

Part of the point (always) with some gun owners is to demonstrate their rights and that those rights are compatible with peace. So it gets their message across more effectively to have guns.

I think you are vastly overestimating the typical armed protester.
A peaceful rally of over 2000 folks at Olympia caused the Governor to announce plans for accelerating rollback of the lockdown. There were many prominent public officials and ordinary citizens present who openly carried weapons legally. The protest gathering itself was illegal according to the Governor's lockdown orders, yet State Patrol officers ringing the demonstration took no action.

This is a good example of democracy in action, and a very liberal Governor who keeps his ear to the ground in order to remain politically viable in the next election.
I think you are vastly overestimating the typical armed protester.

Maybe. I dunno. I've been around a lot of gun owners. They often rally around the notion that the presence of guns is not a presence of danger or violence, but the contrary. You should hear them talk about how safe firing ranges are, and how America has allowed a disarmed population to be normalized, and how they'd like to change that. In some cases, people will say things like "if you could just get people to come to a firing range and see how everyone has a gun and nobody gets hurt..."

It is something that's quite near the core of gun culture.