Global Protests Against Social Distancing, Lockdown, Vaccine Mandate

  • Thread starter Dotini
I found this gem while determing the origins of another image.


While not quite as stupid as the other image, this is still just next level stupid.
I did a bit of researching on your image myself and found this hilariously satirical thread on a subreddit with a rude name.
Uber-liberal Washington State Governor Jay Inslee - the drop-out climate change Democratic Presidential Candidate - has decided to partially open recreation activities on May 5. This includes state parks, public lands, boat ramps, recreational hunting and fishing. Residential construction was reopened last week. Golf will also be a part of this 2nd step of many to come in reopening the state's economy.

The more desirable Country Club golf courses are of course a focus of the very wealthy and their political contributions our governor is so astutely aware of.
As anyone claimed this lady was just being sarcastic? Seems to be the go to excuse at the moment.
Oh I'm absolutely certain someone has, though I haven't actually witnessed it.

It's your basic "everything I don"t like is "__[insert label]__" and, in this particular instance, it seems to suggest that the Red Scare never really went away as a right-wing bogeyman. It's even stranger that those of that particular bent have demonstrated a propensity to invoke McCarthyism in a similar manner. But then moral panic isn't about making sense.
I found this gem while determing the origins of another image.


While not quite as stupid as the other image, this is still just next level stupid.


I remember when stuff like this was so absurdly over the top that it was hard to even call it satirical.
Social distancing = communism? Really?

Why are people acting this is happening during "normal times"?

I swear some of these people think this is how the world is going to stay post-virus.
Social distancing = communism? Really?

Why are people acting this is happening during "normal times"?

I swear some of these people think this is how the world is going to stay post-virus.

Social distancing, isolation, lockdown, mandatory shelter-in-place, these ideas are anathema to an individualistic society used to great personal freedom with constitutionally guaranteed rights of movement, speech, assembly, etc. This, and because these restrictions are not strictly legal in some ways, makes people concerned that some restrictions will persist indefinitely after the emergency is over. "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile" is an old concern when giving officials in government additional powers, the fear is government will retain all or part of the added powers. This is often termed creeping socialism, creeping communism, or creeping fascism. To us, it's all the same thing: creeping authoritarianism.

Because the cost of fighting this emergency is so huge - now $5 trillion soon to be $10 trillion - the burden of paying for it inevitably falls upon the people, whose unemployment rate is now up to 19% or so. "Normal times" are gone forever. Even in the highly unlikely event the medical emergency totally evaporates in a few months or years, the costs in the economy, lost jobs and ridiculous debt burdens at every level, will result in massive inequalities and demand for social change, benefits and relief. Calls for centralized government to make life easier for states, cities and people will be strongly present. Probably unavoidable.
Uber-liberal Washington State Governor Jay Inslee - the drop-out climate change Democratic Presidential Candidate - has decided to partially open recreation activities on May 5. This includes state parks, public lands, boat ramps, recreational hunting and fishing. Residential construction was reopened last week. Golf will also be a part of this 2nd step of many to come in reopening the state's economy.

The more desirable Country Club golf courses are of course a focus of the very wealthy and their political contributions our governor is so astutely aware of.

Frankly, golf is one of those sports where you usually always remain six feet apart as a courtesy, the room is there, and to prevent a metal stick/dense ball from striking you at 120 miles an hour. There's limited danger and I'm sure most professionals and amateurs enjoy not having the crowds around.

If there ever was a case for a sport that could make it in the present world of COVID-19, that's probably near the top.
Frankly, golf is one of those sports where you usually always remain six feet apart as a courtesy,

Except when you're in a cart with someone you don't know because the grumpy old man who's the ranger forced you to pair up with a bunch of other grumpy old guys since you can't be a solo golfer out on the course.
Except when you're in a cart with someone you don't know because the grumpy old man who's the ranger forced you to pair up with a bunch of other grumpy old guys since you can't be a solo golfer out on the course.

Yeah and you had better not be the only one walking where the rest of the old guys are in carts. That really makes them grumpy.
Except when you're in a cart with someone you don't know because the grumpy old man who's the ranger forced you to pair up with a bunch of other grumpy old guys since you can't be a solo golfer out on the course.

Ban the carts - if you're not strong enough to walk and drag your clubs, stay off the course.

Economically, are a handful of golfers better than none at all? Or maybe's not my forte.

Subtle with a hard b.

I think, like Antifa folks rioting discrediting the broader Left, this is going to work against the Right. Do most Michiganders (sic) really want to see armed protesters in their state capital?
I think, like Antifa folks rioting discrediting the broader Left, this is going to work against the Right. Do most Michiganders (sic) really want to see armed protesters in their state capital?
Open carry is permissible in both the capital and the capitol. Attempting to breach a barricade and take the floor of the House is probably decidedly less kosher.
What I don't understand is what the protestors were going to do if they busted onto the House floor brandishing weapons. Open carry is fine, it's their right to do that, but as soon as you start using your weapon as a threat it becomes something else entirely. As a gun owner myself, I absolutely hate these people since they make us all look bad when in reality most gun owners are just average people who just want to defend their homes, hunt game, or just shoot at targets.
I wonder what the percentages are of people that are veterans that saw wartime and want to have that "commando" feeling and the people that never served but wanna feel badass because they got an AR-15
What I don't understand is what the protestors were going to do if they busted onto the House floor brandishing weapons. Open carry is fine, it's their right to do that, but as soon as you start using your weapon as a threat it becomes something else entirely. As a gun owner myself, I absolutely hate these people since they make us all look bad when in reality most gun owners are just average people who just want to defend their homes, hunt game, or just shoot at targets.
It's this whole, "Murica Revolution" image these people seem to want to project. "We're gonna stand on the politician's foot steps! They'll see we're angry and armed! They'll see we're willing to die* for our freedumb".

*Die actually meaning provoking an authority-response that gets spun on Breitbart & Turning Point USA, to display how the govt. is physically beating their freedom away.
Even in an open carry state, at what point does the National Guard get involved? Should they get so far as to indeed disrupt the state capital building and flood the House floor would be quite worrying.

It brings me back to an idle wonderment of mine about having the second amendmemt, fine, but what happens when armed idiots get behind something really stupid?

I'm assuming that it's the National Guard that would deal with it. Either them or the Marshal Service.
Even in an open carry state, at what point does the National Guard get involved? Should they get so far as to indeed disrupt the state capital building and flood the House floor would be quite worrying.

It brings me back to an idle wonderment of mine about having the second amendmemt, fine, but what happens when armed idiots get behind something really stupid?

I'm assuming that it's the National Guard that would deal with it. Either them or the Marshal Service.
Maybe you haven't been paying attention.
Last month 2500 armed protesters flooded the state capitol in Olympia. It was illegal according to the governor's recent dictates. The protesters were lightly ringed by State Police. It was peaceful, nothing happened other than the protest and no arrests were made. Two days laters, Governor Inslee acceded to a large portion what the protestors were demanding.