I’ve read a lot of posts for and against reopening the country. Many attacking those who protest or want to open businesses back up as selfish and reckless. It got me to thinking.
There are those wanting to reopen, yet they’re being classified as selfish or worse. There are also those that rely on all kinds of people to supply them while they cower in fear at home. Isn’t that also being selfish?
You expect your garbage to be picked up.
You expect the grocery store to be open so you can get food to feed your family.
You expect truck drivers to supply the stores.
You expect farmers, meatpackers, fruit and vegetable pickers all to keep food in that grocery store.
You expect Amazon to still ship all the things you’re ordering while you sit at home shopping.
You expect the delivery driver to leave it on your doorstep.
You expect your phone to work, your power to stay on, and your mail to show up rain, sleet, or shine.
And of course you can't forget these healthcare workers and all they do.
The whole premise of shelter in place is based on the arrogant idea that others must risk their health so you can protect yours. There is nothing virtuous about ignoring the largely invisible army required to allow people to shelter in place.
I know there are some of you that are screaming mad about what I just said but stop and really think about what is allowing you to stay "safe" in your home.
I truly believe that with some common sense on my part, I could easily go back to life as it was. I want to go to restaurants, I want to go out to concerts, and yes, I want to see my Barber for a haircut
And yes, I could catch COVID-19. I could also catch the flu or a cold. I could get run over by a bus. I could get struck by lightning. We take risks everyday. If you choose to stay home, that is absolutely your choice. And please don’t start screaming at me about how I’ll just spread it. Why are you worried? You won’t get it because you’re staying in your home. Are you going to shelter in place every time a new strand of the flu happens?
Our economy can’t withstand much more of this. If our economy collapses, so will every other economy worldwide.
If that happens, you will see the rise of tyrants.
I absolutely don’t want people to die...from COVID or anything else. I want people to live.
But sheltering in place is not living.
-Travis Owens