Global Warming/Climate Change Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter ZAGGIN

Which of the following statements best reflects your views on Global Warming?

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An SSW (sudden stratospheric warming) is underway, bringing increased risk for extreme cold and snow to hit northern Europe very shortly.


The stratospheric potential vorticity field on 10th February 2018. The Stratospheric Polar Vortex is about to split in two, and the weakening of the vortex was followed around two weeks later by a severe cold air outbreak over Europe known as the Beast from the East.

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I have not.

Margaret Atwood
"This is the latest," said Crake.
What they were looking at was a large bulblike object that seemed to be covered with stippled whitish-yellow skin. Out of it came twenty thick fleshy tubes, and at the end of each tube another bulb was growing.

"What the hell is it?" said Jimmy.

"Those are chickens," said Crake. "Chicken parts. Just the breasts, on this one. They've got ones that specialize in drumsticks too, twelve to a growth unit.

"But there aren't any heads..."

"That's the head in the middle," said the woman. "There's a mouth opening at the top, they dump nutrients in there. No eyes or beak or anything, they don't need those."

Eat hearty.
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"Global ice loss accelerating at record rate, study finds
Rate of loss now in line with worst-case scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change"
Have any studies been done on what happens when melting ice caps, presumably fresh water, gets mixed with salty water in the Atlantic, potentially slowing down the Gulf Stream current of warm water to the North Atlantic? Is it possible for the melting of ice caps to have the ironical effect of starting an Ice Age in northern Europe?
Have any studies been done on what happens when melting ice caps, presumably fresh water, gets mixed with salty water in the Atlantic, potentially slowing down the Gulf Stream current of warm water to the North Atlantic? Is it possible for the melting of ice caps to have the ironical effect of starting an Ice Age in northern Europe?
Knowing our luck in Scotland, yes.
Have any studies been done on what happens when melting ice caps, presumably fresh water, gets mixed with salty water in the Atlantic, potentially slowing down the Gulf Stream current of warm water to the North Atlantic? Is it possible for the melting of ice caps to have the ironical effect of starting an Ice Age in northern Europe?
If you're referring to thermohaline circulation, I haven't read any specific studies but I think it forms a large part of the research into the Gulf Stream.
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The last time I was in Scotland I was under the impression that the Ice Age was well under way.
Well, that's interesting but unconvincing, seeing as how it's the winter season. You'll know for sure it's a mini Ice Age when the lowland rivers stay frozen in summer.
Well, that's interesting but unconvincing, seeing as how it's the winter season. You'll know for sure it's a mini Ice Age when the lowland rivers stay frozen in summer.
You're unconvinced that's the impression he got? It wasn't literally the Ice Age.

I went on a works jolly to Greenock in the nineties. We were invited to take part in an early morning clay pigeon shoot and as the youngest I was volunteered for the task. The temperature was so low that the physical pain brought tears to my sassenach eyes and my gun was shaking up and down so much it's a wonder I didn't hit the instructor, let alone the skeet targets.

A couple of years later I went to Edinburgh for the August festival. That year the only things I had to worry about were midges and walking up and down that damned Mound.
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In case you were wondering what the climate change situation looks like politically - just take a look at the covid situation. Texas, largely thinking that it's a conspiracy, sees the progress made by everyone else, and takes short-term advantage with no regard for the consequences.

If covid is a conspiracy, and mask wearing infringes freedoms... we have no hope of convincing these people of anything, or to do anything.
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In case you were wondering what the climate change situation looks like politically - just take a look at the covid situation. Texas, largely thinking that it's a conspiracy, sees the progress made by everyone else, and takes short-term advantage with no regard for the consequences.

If covid is a conspiracy, and mask wearing infringes freedoms... we have no hope of convincing these people of anything, or to do anything.

I'm sure these Republican governors know they are killing their people and screwing the planet. But what matters is pandering to morons. And pandering to Trump.

Two tweets as evidence:-

Canada and the US Northwest are currently experiencing a "1 in 1000 year" extreme heat wave, which has seen Canada reach its highest temperatures on record for two days in a row now, hitting a staggering 118F yesterday.

Of course, temperature records come and go and extreme climate events happen from time to time, but this is highly unusual. Normally temp records are beaten incrementally, but Canada's new highest recorded temperature yesterday is some 5F higher than the previous record of 113F set in 1937.

Temp records are being broken across the western US as well, with Death Valley recording a new global temperature record for the month of June at 127.7F - that's just 1.2F off the highest temperature ever directly recorded anywhere on Earth... and it's still June.

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Canada and the US Northwest are currently experiencing a "1 in 1000 year" extreme heat wave, which has seen Canada reach its highest temperatures on record for two days in a row now, hitting a staggering 118F yesterday.

Of course, temperature records come and go and extreme climate events happen from time to time, but this is highly unusual. Normally temp records are beaten incrementally, but Canada's new highest recorded temperature yesterday is some 5F higher than the previous record of 113F set in 1937.

Temp records are being broken across the western US as well, with Death Valley recording a new global temperature record for the month of June at 127.7F - that's just 1.2F off the highest temperature ever directly recorded anywhere on Earth... and it's still June.

That is absolutely nuts, and pretty scary.
That area has had well below acreage rainfall recently too, so the risk of wildfires is huge until there is a dump of rain.
Well, the pressure dome has collapsed and we now have cool on-shore flow here in Seattle. So this extreme heat wave has passed for us here in the Pacific Northwest, at least for the moment. But the bigger issue for the overall western region, the issue of once in 1200 year mega drought, has not at all been affected. Lake Mead, Lake Powell and other major reservoirs are nearing emergency levels. Surface moisture is lacking almost everywhere. Agriculture, fisheries and other industries are in major trouble. Everybody will soon be required to make sacrifices, a "lockdown" of a different kind. Fortunately, the Cascade and Sierra snowpacks are substantially above normal for the moment, although that will not last long.
I once played sets with 3 different bands back-to-back in Seattle and vomited from the heat immediately after. Probably more to do with the gig being in a boiler room than the climate though 😄
Well, the pressure dome has collapsed and we now have cool on-shore flow here in Seattle. So this extreme heat wave has passed for us here in the Pacific Northwest, at least for the moment. But the bigger issue for the overall western region, the issue of once in 1200 year mega drought, has not at all been affected. Lake Mead, Lake Powell and other major reservoirs are nearing emergency levels. Surface moisture is lacking almost everywhere. Agriculture, fisheries and other industries are in major trouble. Everybody will soon be required to make sacrifices, a "lockdown" of a different kind. Fortunately, the Cascade and Sierra snowpacks are substantially above normal for the moment, although that will not last long.
The heatdome has not gone anywhere in pacific north west . It has moved east from the coast but not very far.
Today where i am at we will break a record for third day in a row and not to far from me , Lytton will break Canadas all time high temp for the country again for the third time in a row .

Update todays high in °f for the airport in my town is 115 , and i am about 3 hour drive from swimming in the pacific ocean , Lytton projected high today 120 °f, getting into Death Valley heat range.

Update Lytton hit 121°f today 49.6 °c i believe is the metric number . New territory for this part of the world .

Also sadly Vancouver canada had over 100 sudden deaths related to the heat over 4 days . People died waiting for help that was 2 plus hours behind . 70 percent of homes do not have any ac .
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Thought I'd let you all know that I haven't died from heatstroke yet. 🤣

It was ****ing insane, everything was hot to the touch - it was like being inside a blast furnace. All of the air conditioning units have been sold out. Many people here don't have A/C since we normally don't need it, that could change in the coming years.

I suppose we could move north to the Yukon if we had to, but from the looks of things, they're not doing too well either.
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And again...

Three consecutive days where the previous temperature record in Canada has been beaten by some margin, this time yet another 3F increase on the previous day's record, meaning that Canada's new record temp is a staggering 8F higher than the historic record...
Holy hell, 121 in Canada? For comparison, the highest recorded temperature in Las Vegas is 117 degrees and Phoenix has a highest recorded temp of 119.

I can't wait to see how the anti-science crowd explains how this isn't climate change. When you have temps in Canada rivaling Death Valley, there's definitely something going on.
Holy hell, 121 in Canada? For comparison, the highest recorded temperature in Las Vegas is 117 degrees and Phoenix has a highest recorded temp of 119.

I can't wait to see how the anti-science crowd explains how this isn't climate change. When you have temps in Canada rivaling Death Valley, there's definitely something going on.
Space lasers.
A woman in Burnaby has baked cookies on the dashboard of her car in this heat:

The heatdome is heading towards the prairie provinces, but I don't think BC is out of the woods quite yet.

It's not unheard of for the BC interior to get quite hot in the summer, but Vancouver was totally unprepared for these temperatures.

Edit: Lytton has been set on fire:

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