This is an important thread & it needs careful post attention.
What happens to me when i go & research this subject & try to arrive at some complete understanding is i get sidetracked in a morass of detail;
CLOUDS being one of the major features of Climate & any Deltas from the norm we establish our perspective w/ & base our Actions On. The above was some of the yield concerning a clouds & cloud seeding search.
The bottom document can be obtained
at a website
HybridVigor.org, whose stated aim 'is dedicated to stimulating unconventional thinking and unexpected discoveries'. Not a preconceived goal to disprove bad practices throughout the Royal Society etc etc. But to look for cross pollination that could aid actionable perspective. They've quite a bit of work on the role of Clouds.Which brings us nicely on topic as defined by the threadtitle.
Fossil fuels are not abiotic interstellar manifestations from a benevolent landlord that could share the particular of our perception. They are part of a stupendously complex life form of life forms. The Climate ? The Atmosphere ? - Organic Processes of a considerable age 4,000,000,000solarcycles. Genetically Individual Mankind 30,000yearsoflords G.F. the Factor. If we 'Own' the Planet then our actions, our General Activity has a 130,000:1 frickin' lens magnifying the trivialist of our Organic interplay, the cruisest Left Turn could be 130,000mph down the quarry dump.
From the same document, a little known discovery about the nature of the Upper Troposhere;
Mad rocket science? = insensitivity to the medium that is equivalent to an ocean. We have a more 1:1 relationship if we pour sht into a sea, river or bathtub ( but the degree of our intelligence implies bathtub is the image of direct actionability). Pumping stuff into the 'invisible' atmosphere w/out recourse to it's systems is NOT something of no consequence, a mere acceptance of 'rights' derived from an immediate invisibilty.In fact, most clouds are invisible, the higher Cirrus cloud formations are usually obscured by lower cumulus & nimbo-cumulus & many of these ice crystals have not being taken into account much when it comes to their reflective short wave capability. Heres another HybridVigor take;
There is a huge relativity to our idea of anything 'stable' fixed' and/or 'unchanging' when we apply these comfort images to our Real & Valuable Home. Most of these adjectives are better off applied to our cronies down the gov.pub & the contstant erectile launch of our churches than to any billion year+ organic-aligned Resource.
So let's take a look at the Thermal Contract upon which to fix our temperate certainties;
Even w/ megatonnages of greenhouse gases entering into this equation annually there is still a huge daily thermal engine that has it's own regulatory processes & mechanisms. As James 'She's a Bad Btch' Lovelock likes to point out ; in the timespans of Gaia(earth) Glacials & their Interglacials are a rhythmic reaction to increased solar output on the multistory organic atmosphere. Life in an Ice Age is Superabundant at the poles in the ocean and in the tropical forests (read; equatorial deserts at present). A heated ocean is bad for algae & plankton, the chilled drinks make for the party & the oxygen driven diversity.
So to my mind the question of 'Global Warming' remains open, but in the realm of analysis there is certainly Human Linked Massive Climate Altering. This evidence is worthy enough to be
undeniable. So tp elevate
inaction to a level worthy of yr private science rich persons god is Treacherous to logic, reason & more importantly the relationship w/ our mother concerning the value of our individual genetic thread. She retains the metal exchange rate that could v.quickly bankrupt our ability to interfere or even act at all. Right today it is still a matter of parameter & thusly pessimism won't catch a re-evaluation vis-a-vis the System we are actually trying to interface. But blind Unchangingness is a self-interest & a delusion that could be actionable in terms of Treason, usurping of energy values inclusive for a smaller exclusive value set, or even an alien & hostile value set altogether. Humanity is organic & we seek harmony but considering the state of interplay it seems we have a plastic torture toy inserted somewhere and these
silos we consider to be the
money when they are not sun-fed corn or anything of the sort. No, Corn we dump in the trade winds but a missile is a non-terrorist hero prick god to you non gays.
As i said in my first post of this thread, the Peak Oil crisis is going to hit 'civilization' like a ton of bricks enough decades earlier as to make Climate Change something of an aftershock. Long before anyone will convince Famine that Global Warming exists because of what happened to the sealevel etc we will be faced w/ v.tough adjustments to our parameters, so we better get used to the idea of learning how to dance & to stay in motion right now today while we have the flexibility & not wait for markets and other gods to dust of some hoary old tune. .