I don't know if you have noticed but Time Warner has been on this global warming kick lately that seems to be heading into Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" hitting theaters May 26th.
HBO has the documentary called "Too Hot Not To Handle" produced by Larry David's wife, Laurie David. I didn't watch it but a clip on teh news showed a guy talking about how when
ALL the ice in Antarctica melts sea levels will rise 200+ feet.
What has killed me is that I have seen her on LA and New York TV stations as well as the nationals and only Fox News attempted to challenge her with statements from other scientists. Everyone else just aksed what she thought of the skeptics, setting her up for the same line every time, "We need to put the skeptics where they belong." When Mike Jerrick challenged her on Fox News she started shouting about how those guys don't know what they are talking about and get paid by oil companies. She never once actually addresed the opposing data from a book.
CNN this past weekend also had two "CNN Presents" specials on global warming and the oil crisis. The global warming one was called "We Were Warned," which immediately made me think of South Park and "We didn't listen. We didn't listen!!!"
Time magazine has also been doing articles recently on global warming. I haven't read those so I don't have any info on that, but I saw the covers.
I don't know if Time Warner has anything to do with Al Gore's documentary but they certainly seem to be leading up to something or trying to head up a huge campaign.
EDIT: I just checked and "An Inconvenient Truth" is conveniently being produced and directed by Davis Guggenheim, most recently known for directing and producing HBO's "Deadwood." So there are some
convenient ties there.
EDIT2: I noticed that Al's Web site
www.algore04.com has a link to the same global warming site (
www.stopglobalwarming.org) that Laurie David has been mentioning, where people can go and join the "virtual march" against global warming.
There appears to be some tie-ins here.
And as a side note, I can't wait to see "An Inconvenient Truth," narrated by Al Gore. How much of the audience can stay awalke through that? Love him or hate him he isn't a very charismatic speaker unless he's angry.