- "Go!" - SFGTP5 - 11th & 12th July 2009. Date Confirmed. Who's in?

When should 五 - "Go!" - SFGTP5 be held? Select date / dates that suit you best...

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Staff Emeritus


SFGTP 5 五 :D

in association with

Proudly present:​


The Official SFGTP5 logo from ceiling_fan's design studios!

The Time:
July 11th & 12th 2009.

The Place:

The Smallhorseses Garage, Emeryville, CA.



What we now need are some folks to attend & some equipment to play with!
Let me know if you can make it, and what you can bring!


juana b.

Moral Support:

Equipment so far:
Smallhorses' usual stuff. :P

Alright! There we have it. I'd like to try and run this sometime between mid-May and mid-July (although the weekends of 16/17th May & 4/5th July are out :guilty:) so let me know what's likely to work for you when you sign up? 👍

Once again I may have to call a size restriction on this event if it proves more popular than the previous 4.
10 people is about the comfortable limit that my garage will accommodate, and thus I'm going to reserve power of veto over who attends. 💡
This may not turn out to be an issue if the larger venue pans out, and there's a possibility of a Dual-LAN setup and some "Dutcho" style racing if we can amass 10 or 12 full race stations.

Please bear in mind that you should register your interest here, but also that registration is no guarantee of attendance. :( Sorry.
Final attendees will be notified by PM invitation in advance of the event. :D
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Still being kept kind of busy with work (as almost complete abandonment of the WRS will attest). Have fun though guys, I'll be thinking of you (and remember not to mention yoo-no-whoo or ceiling-fan will have to become his alter-super-ego exhaust-fan :D
I'm going to be a maybe on this. I'm working on getting my car running. And I'd much prefer a later date as it would probably be a while until I could drive myself there. I'll let you know if I can become a definite yes on it.
I haven't played GT4 since SFGTP4, but I'd be happy to show up, hag out with you guys, and try to keep up. :dopey:

Put some votes in for weekends that would work best for me.

I have some vacation planned for around June 20th-27th, and some more around the last date listed. So that's the reason those dates would not work well for me.

Hope we can come up with something that works for everyone. 👍
I'm really torn, I haven't played GT4 since the last time we met. I'll talk with da wifey and see what she says. We are trying to save up for a house so we'll see :nervous: I may have to pass and let Jack take over on my behalf :). I'll keep you guys updated. But I am curious about this new secret place, what is that all about Nick?

I would have to pick either Memorial Day Weekend or one of the mid weekends in July. Memorial Day weekend I used to go to Devil's lake every year (near Lincoln City and the Rogue Brewery...mmmmm Das Beer :)) but we haven't gone in a couple years and haven't heard anything. I will be traveling down to my uncle's this summer tho to go camping on his new camp site he bought so I'll be a few hours away. Maybe I can make a round trip of it, drive down AND bring my G25. I also got a Samsung T260HD last week so I can bring that down too :). I'll see what Magic I can create, if any :lol:

EDIT - Well I talked with Becky and she may come along for a road trip with me if its in late June/July sometime as I'm not too sure about my family trying to get time off at the same time to visit Sacramento. So if we have a date in the summer, I'll be able to drive down and bring my complete setup and Becky can visit her sister in Richmond too (granted she is invited to stay as well :)). If its during the school year like on Memorial Day weekend, then just I will fly down and bring my usual items. But I got the green light, woot! Count me in Nick and Rachel!

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Hey Smallhorses,

Nice to hear youre ready to go LAN racing. I guess you had your fill playing in the snow. Anyway I'm good to go and so are the 16 racing RIGG seat frames. 2 extra wheels, two monitors, two PS2, one 8 port network hub, and some extension cords. Looking forward to meeting the group as it's my first with you guys. Let me know if we have more than your garage can accommodate and I will setup the venue location in Alameda.
I'm not sure if I can make this one or not. There are too many variables to sort out in the next couple of months :boggled:. I voted for mid-June or July 11/12. Most of those other weekends I already know I can't make it.

And doesn't getting to Alameda require driving through Oakland? ;)
I'm not sure if I can make this one or not. There are too many variables to sort out in the next couple of months :boggled:. I voted for mid-June or July 11/12. Most of those other weekends I already know I can't make it.

And doesn't getting to Alameda require driving through Oakland? ;)

Just talk gangsta fresh, blast rap, and wear a A's cap and you will be fine! I'm going to be a rebel and wear a Giants hat and blast metal!! MUAHAHAHAHAA!!!
I'd be wearing a Giants hat too NY style :P

Don't worry guys Alameda is an Island community it's safe here....LOL
Hey Smallhorses,

...I guess you had your fill playing in the snow....

Oh no, no, no! Was there last weekend, have a cabin booked for this weekend too, and there's gonna be snow until mid-April. I think most places are planning April 20th as their closing date this year unless we get another couple of whopper storms roll through. :mischievous:
If I could keep snow on the hills all year, that'd be ideal, but we'll have to change the climate a little for that to happen, and besides, I love the sunny summers here, so much better than the 6 month rainy season that passes for summer in UK! :lol:

Good to see a lot of interest so soon. 👍 Guess some of you are going to have to dust the cobwebs off GT4 and get used to the physics again, but as we've all come to know & love, the LAN racing experience surpasses any online or in-game racing imaginable! :D
In. Maybe. Though it would be absolutely ridiculous for me to miss one that could be a couple miles from my home. :ouch:

*obligatory joke regarding how awesome the banner is goes here*

did anybody notice the characters on the upper-right corner?...
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If you don't bring the pink chair, you will not be let in.

I have terrible news. The pink chair... *sniffles* was put down. One of the latches broke... *sniffles* and we decided to end it's suffering and we took it behind the barn and... *sniffles* shot it in the head.


I got a green one, which is actually more comfortable, but it's like trading in a Koenigsegg CCX for a Maybach :lol:

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