God of War: Ascension

United States

"God of War IV’s score may be from Timothy Williams who worked on Conan the Barbarian (the 2011 film), Rise of the Argonauts, and DOTA2.

Williams lists God of War IV as one of his upcoming projects in his resume:

PSM magazine claims God of War IV will be released in mid-2012 and will have online multiplayer. Kratos will team up with his brother Demios who was introduced in God of War: Ghost of Sparta to escape the afterlife."

UPDATE: Thanks to Ddrizle for the new trailer for what may actually be another prequel for the series.


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Never really tried GoW. May have to look into this one. I thought GoW 3 was the end of the trilogy?
Never really tried GoW. May have to look into this one. I thought GoW 3 was the end of the trilogy?

Well worth picking up all 5 now that the 2 psp releases are available as downloadable games on ps3.

Cant wait to see IV but am sort of sad they are including multiplayer. I can see some awesome use of online co-op but hope they dont just tack on some dumb MP modes because everyone else does too.
GoW kinda wore me out a bit. The 1st is still the best, my favorite PS2 game by far. But GoW 2 + 3 somehow never really fascinated me in the same way.
meh skipiing tired of all the thingsin in God of war I want a game I can play through and have fun more than once and not have a buch of threesomes not my cup of tea anymore
Only liked God of War for a little while, but I beat all of them, and will be following this until it comes out :D
I really wish more single player would be advertised. It seems they're pushing multiplayer so much that the story aspect is becoming second priority. I remember hearing that this single player will be a lot shorter than previous games. I don't know how well this is going to work. :nervous:

Looks nice, never played a GOW game but they all look pretty amazing.

It's a fantastic series of games. Both the Playstation 2 games were released as HD upgrades onto the Playstation 3, and so were the two PSP games. Well worth playing through all five, if you ever have the time. 👍
I LOVE God Of War. I really can't rate the GoW games because they all deserve a perfect score. I hope i will have enough money when this comes out, too bad i never bought PS+, i could be playing the beta now.
Single player teaser

It looks like that was sort of like a boss fight trailer because i saw Charybdis and one of the furies......and it also looks like a person is carrying the life cycle power that Kratos used in the first trailer.

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