Goodbye bumper and chase cam

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What view will you use in GT5

  • In Car only

    Votes: 154 39.6%
  • Bumper cam (GT1-4)

    Votes: 81 20.8%
  • Roof Cam (GT4)

    Votes: 13 3.3%
  • Chase view (GT1-4)

    Votes: 23 5.9%
  • A mix of 2 or more, depending on certain situations

    Votes: 104 26.7%
  • Don't know yet

    Votes: 14 3.6%

  • Total voters
Say your goodbyes to any view besides the in car view here

Personally I don't know how I'll ever go back to a roof view or chase view with GT5. You got your wheel, your racing cockpit, the most realistic graphics in a racing game ever, and the most detailed interiors ever. Yet you want to race from the bumper? Or 3rd person chase view?

I don't care how slow I am at first, but there is no way I'm going to race any view but the interior. I just don't see it happening. PD seems to have done a good job in giving us a nice wide view of the road, so I dont see my driving suffering at all.

Thoughts? Opinions?
well, I really don't see much purpose in any view but the interior view. thats going to be the only view that I will use. but also, think of it from someone that gets this game just to have fun and enjoy racing. thats all I did when I purchased nascar thunder 2004. i just used the chase cam. but then again, thats comletely different from gt5. i guess it's a good move on PD's part to put 3 other camera angles in. everyone has different taste.
I know for sure I'll only be using the interior view. I strive for realism and this is the most realistic view there is to race in when it comes to a simulation or any type of racing games for that matter. I use the interior view in any racing games that offers it and no other views (ie: PGR3, TDU, GTR2, rFactor, LFS, and some others that I can't think of right now).

I really hope that PD will implement the driver's head movements so that drifting from the interior view would be more realistic.
Well before we go killing off views because a long awaiting and more realistic view has finally satisfied the masses for 'The Real Driving Simulator'...

This all depends on what you want to achieve, personally with the wheel I prefer 'bumper cam' but then again a couple of friends who come around prefer the hindmost view behind the car. DS2 we all agree the hindmost view.

However we have regular nights where sometimes 3 or 4 of us have a go at the wheel, one chooses a combo (car & track), then we all have a turn trying for quickest lap, the last person of that round then chooses the next 'combo'.

While I personally find the bumper cam more fun, I have to admit that the hindmost view invariably produces the quickest time, for myself and them. Of course the reason behind this is because this view you can position the car and/or take a more aggressive line.

While this new view will provide the enthusiast with a more realistic view, it's the purpose that may decide just which view will be used.
However we have regular nights where sometimes 3 or 4 of us have a go at the wheel, one chooses a combo (car & track), then we all have a turn trying for quickest lap, the last person of that round then chooses the next 'combo'.

LOL! My friends and I do this also and it's always good times! We would keep track of the lap times on a sheet of paper. We would have 5 laps to try and hit the best time on that lap using a particular car. The last track is always the Nurburgring and after that we add up all of our lap times and whoever has the lowest number wins overall. I didn't know other people do this as well. Good times!
Probably a mix of Interior view and Chase cam mix, because I like to look at my car during races.... this leads to crashes.... alot. :lol:
I suck at racing games with interior views, to be honest. I like chase cams (when they are done right) or bumper cams, though in GT4 I rely exclusively on the roof cam. To be honest, I don't see why a wide variety of cameras wouldn't be good.
Do you play GT with a FF wheel? If so take note of where the steering wheel is located.
That's right, it's in your hands. Not 6 feet in front of you on the TV screen.


While it's all nice and pretty to display the dash and working gauges etc it is not the most realistic camera position reletive to you actual seating position in your cockpit/living room. The cockpit view effectivly plonks you in the back seat to fit all the detail of the dash and wheel onto your already limited TV screen.

I can't stand the 'head movement replication' used in some games. Yes, when racing in real life your head does move around due to g-forces etc - but your body also 'feels' these g-forces so your brain compensates for these movements and forces - and therefore you don't actually notice them. Trying to replicate these movements in a game doesn't make it more realistic - just irritating.
I've been after the interior view for some time now in GT, and now it's finally here I'm prepared to give it a full crack of the whip. I really want to make the switch from bumper cam to interior view, however when ever I've tried this before on other racing games, I've always found myself switching back to bumper cam.

Why I do this is not clear, even to me. Maybe it's because the interior view slows the game down or because the developer never gets the position quite right. I remember playing Test Drive Unlimited and thinking that it didn't feel right, and half the screen was blocked by the cars A pillar.

Fingers crossed PD get the interior view right, and I can happily make that switch I've been trying to make all these years.
Bumper cam for me, I couldn't care less about the interior view personally.
Have to agree with MGR/SKE on this one .. from what ive seen of the 'cockpit view' {GT5P} .. it has too much viewable area of the cockpit , including over-kill on the side pillar and mirror .. {i'd much much rather have a view of the track and whats on it than have half the view taken up with the interior of the car}

At this stage i'll still be using bumper cam .. unless the cockpit view is improved for GT5
I go for the incar view whenever possible. Rallygames tend to be pretty hard from that view though, so sometimes I go for the bumpercam there.
About the a-pillar blocking the view; it´s just a matter of getting used to. You´re supposed to look ahead, not at the dash/a-pillar/hood. And that a-pillar would be there in the real car aswell!
If they improve the hand movement to a more relistic feel and look (namely arm-crossing removed, never let go of the wheel, etc.), I'll definitely use almost exclusively the interior cam. Otherwise, I'm sticking with the bumper cam, since nonsense arm movement is distracting not to mention annoying.

As far as the pillar goes, it don't bother me at all, my car has one too so I'm used to it. :rolleyes:

liked the picture, I am happy racing just seeing the one wheel, in car view is cooler but restricts vision, I therefore concur that unless I am cruising around for fun, then I will not be in-car, rather bumper, its good enough for me.
It will probably take me a bit of time to get used to it. I used to race from chase cam all the time, then, when I got GT3, I worked out that bumper cam was better. When I get the chance, I'm not going to waste it! I might use the bumper cam when I need more visability though!
Don't see why they can't stylise an interface which does what LfS does. View of car on/off & location of camera in XYZ up to a certain limit.

Perhaps, an aim function too. 'Target view is of next apex'. I hate coming up to super late apex corners and not seeing what's on my inside. I want to swing my head around and see what's about to dive up the inside of me.

I'd happily take an in cockpit view, as long as it 'zooms' to the windscreen, and only 'zooms out' or 'dip my head' to read instruments when I want it to.

In fact, an 'active view' which when another vehicle is approaching, gives you a 'quick look' by either quickzooming on the mirror, or actually twisting your head would be funky (perhaps a little distracting, but very realistic.)
I really can't say where my view will be... When I first started in GT I was a chase cam fella. Every so ofter during GT3 I would change to the bumper for the sake of having a new perspective and a little fun, although my racing was still always done from the kiddie view.
In GT4 I started with kiddie view but eventually I moved to the roof cam. The roof cam offered a view of the car so I wasn't disoriented yet it offered the close-up graphics and attention to detail I loved in the bumper cam. It seemed like the best mix for me since the sound and graphics were better while still giving me a point of orientation to help my clean racing.

In GT5 I'm sure there will be changes to both the availible views and the physics... Because of that I can't say where I will be. If GT5 proves to be a D1 simulator then I will probably switch back to the chase view. However, if the physics are realistic enough to avoid constant drifting then I will certainly give the interior view a chance. None the less, if roof cam is availible and the cockpit view doesn't get the job done for me, then I may be on the roof again in GT5.

Bottom line:
I just can't say where my camera will be until I've played the game. 👍
What you really need for an interior view to work is some kind of device that monitors the players head movements. Maybe an ear piece with motion senses in. So if you turn your head to look in your side mirrors or to look past your a pillar the camera moves slightly. I can't see PD/Sony making this, but it would be a nice touch.

Or give us the option of plugging in three screens, so you can have a wrap around view.
My default view varies. In-car is great. But sometimes, the Roof Cam can be very effective as well. I usually fear that cars may not have a very good seating position where you can see as much of the road as possible. In these situations, it's best to go with the Roof Cam. I admit that I don't use the Bumper Cam all that much. I almost find the Chase Cam to be effective for drifting. I usually use the Roof Cam for rallying and most road races. I personally wouldn't ditch the Bumper Cam nor the Chase Cam. Give me camera views in this order:

Chase Cam - Roof Cam - In-Car - Bumper Cam

It would be great if you could configure camera views like in most Need for Speed games. I would like to have all four of these available for my races.
The way a car should be raced, cockpit camera if you want realism - GT4 is a racing car simulation, and how could it simulate real racing if there are views from the cars roof or the bumper??:scared:
I think I'm going to use cockpit mode only. However, I didn't vote, as I feel the need to protest against discussing even the tiniest little piece of this game to death before it's even released. Only when I have played it I can tell you which mode I will use, therefor I fail to see the reason to discuss this now.
Michael88 - Then why have you played the game until now (if you have)?...

Options, variety, multiple choice... the larger the options a game has, more likely is to please a bigger number of people. That way, everyone (or almost) gets what they want.
Michael88 - Then why have you played the game until now (if you have)?...

Options, variety, multiple choice... the larger the options a game has, more likely is to please a bigger number of people. That way, everyone (or almost) gets what they want.

Thats a bit off topic but if you really want an answer:
First GT features cars you'll never see in most racing sims and it also has the best mix of physics/graphics. There are of course numerous other minor things I love in GT.
In one sentence: The good things weigh more than the bad things, and there arent a lot competitors to choose from.:scared:

Options, variety, multiple choice... the larger the options a game has, more likely is to please a bigger number of people. That way, everyone (or almost) gets what they want.
I absolutely agree with you in that point, I dont care of the other car views but its always good to have other choices for other peoples even if you dont like them lot.

But I hope noone here thinks that in car view isnt the most realistic camera ofr a racing simulation! (Not talking about wheel on hands, no wheel etc. )
For nostalgic reasons, I know for sure I'll use the 3rd person view because thats what I've been used to since GT1 and all the racing games I've played also have it. I probably will use the Roof cam too since it looks realistic on a closed cockpit cars and the incar for open top cars just because I've enjoyed the onboards in real life on the Audi R8, Audi R10, Pescarolo C60 Judd, and the Acura ARX01.
I like the interior view, but in the video of the Ferrari F430 interior, it's a bit hard to read the dials, but maybe thats because the video is of low quality. But in the view of the Audi, where the dials are back lit is is much easier to see.