Got a copy of GT6, ask questions here

What happens if you win a race? Are there fireworks? How do you get a price car? Are the cars coming out of the darkness with starting the engine again?
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This is the only thing I still need to know. I don't need to have names for events, or how they are appear, I just need the word on wether there's moar...

approx 60 more races than GT5 I read somewhere. Not counting seasonals or Coffee breaks or license test... idk where i read this though.
I don't know if I understood your question.. anyway I was referring to its 'hands on' test ( where he was quite impressed on a car trying to pass him just after he past it

I read somewhere (wasn't sure where) that he was told that the version he was playing included an updated AI algorithm. I was just wondering if that's what you were referring to. I guess it is! ;)
approx 60 more races than GT5 I read somewhere. Not counting seasonals or Coffee breaks or license test... idk where i read this though.

That sounds really good. I expect already made seasonals to make the transfer to GT6, but maybe that expectation is wrong...

I myself am on a not so popular side in that I don't really care for a full field of current LMP cars just to be realistic. While I do get the sentiment, it doesn't matter so much to me as long as GT6 will regain the playground status GT4 had, you know, lots of different events with different types of cars with different types of outcomes. A challenge around every corner. That is what GT5 lacked the most, in my opinion...
Sorry if it's been asked already....

Do you get 1 "star" after every RACE wins?

Did you have any Championship races so far? if so, winning that also gives you 1 star in total or stars for every races?

How many races in Novice section?

One of your picture shows "Stars Acquired 6/24" does in mean ONLY 24 races in Novice?

Thanks and enjoy the game!
546. :) 576 was a typo I think... idk its 4 am. lol

That's a 182 races aside from seasonals, special events and licenses? (ashamed to have taken the calculator out for this conclusion) Sounds right to me :)

I'm a happy camper!

Also, shame for the standards to have black cockpits, but hey, I expected that. The german site caught me off guard though.

I'm often called a dreamer but, what if the standards receive upgraded cockpits in the day 1 patch? What if this site already has that patch? Perhaps...

I expect it to be a type, but a friend of mine, who speaks German at home, translated the sentence which clearly states that all cars have detailed cockpits. So what do we have here? Visitor padding by simply lying? An insane typo? Or do these guys have a day 1 patch already?

Though I expect the worst, I do find it rather strange...

I am very happy though to see that standards hav been clearly improved, at least on the cars we saw. I do hope the Aston Marton V8 Vantage (the old, 1998 blocky one) has been improved drastically. That one was truly an eyesore, tbh.
Sorry if it's been asked already....

Do you get 1 "star" after every RACE wins?

Did you have any Championship races so far? if so, winning that also gives you 1 star in total or stars for every races?

How many races in Novice section?

One of your picture shows "Stars Acquired 6/24" does in mean ONLY 24 races in Novice?

Thanks and enjoy the game!

For as far as I understood you get 3 stars for a race win, 2 for silver, 1 for bronze. Still leaving 182 races outside of special events, seasonals and licenses and coffee breaks though...
Are the load times better now, or does it still take forever to start a race or buy a car ?
Sometimes, yes. It takes time to load a race when you press the "start race" option. In terms of buying a car, I think it's better.

Question: which car do you think sounds the most authentic at the moment? :)

Can't really say at the moment.

@ Boabdulrahman,

Any event/race/license seemed hard to you until now? (use the grand tour eiger 8c event as a comparison base)

I'm still at the International B level, and no. The events seem pretty easy at this stage.
Can you go to Aston Martin dealership and check the '04 Vanquish to see if it's a premium now. It has a dash ._.

While you're at it, post a picture of the V8 Vantage (1998) I spoke about. Loved the car before GT5 but in GT5 it was a complete eyesore.

Damn, I feel almost guilty to ask something when you are already under fire with so many questions. Anyway, would be much obliged to see. Thanks already though for the wealth of information buddy!
Some other questions. :)

Have you noticed any jaggies caused by smoke or water spray?

Any slowdowns in the menus?

And a harder question: which "standard" car looks horrible, if you have driven one?

Thank you for your time! 👍