Got a copy of GT6, ask questions here

Boab how looks this horrible car now? :dopey:

I was able to get an early copy as well ... local mom and pop shop who always gets games early and sells them to me above cost.

Anyway, I'm on a slim 2nd gen PS3, and after 30 mins, here are my first impressions (keep in mind, I'm a casual player, not hardcore like much of the community here, but I am a fan of the series):
+ Menus are smoother. User interface, font, etc. all much more aesthetically pleasing than GT5, and going from point A to point B is more seamless with less lag. (very noticeable improvement in this area).
+ Still some screen tearing (like on "gallery view" at dealership)
+ Game starts you off with 30K credits after doing the forced initial tutorial/intro stuff.
+ You are forced to purchase Honda Fit RS '10 (17K cost)
+ Driving is much smoother frame-rate wise than GT5 ... car just feels tighter/more responsive (I'm not a super-car-sim-nut, but even with just the DS3 controller, it "feels" like you have a lot more control over the car). This was VERY noticeable difference to GT5 where framerate seemed laggy and seemed like slight delay. Hard to explain. Just feels cleaned up/more polished across the board.

That's all I have for quick first impressions. Will check in with other noticeable differences overtime as I see them.
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+ You are forced to purchase Honda Fit RS '10 (17K cost)
That's all I have for quick first impressions. Will check in with other noticeable differences overtime as I see them.

We have to buy the Fit? Great... :grumpy:

But thanks for the information anyways. 👍
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I was able to get an early copy as well ... local mom and pop shop who always gets games early and sells them to me above cost.

Anyway, I'm on a slim 2nd gen PS3, and after 30 mins, here are my first impressions (keep in mind, I'm a casual player, not hardcore like much of the community here, but I am a fan of the series):
+ Menus are smoother. User interface, font, etc. all much more aesthetically pleasing than GT5, and going from point A to point B is more seamless with less lag. (very noticeable improvement in this area).
+ Still some screen tearing (like on "gallery view" at dealership)
+ Game starts you off with 30K credits after doing the forced initial tutorial/intro stuff.
+ You are forced to purchase Honda Fit RS '10 (17K cost)
+ Driving is much smoother frame-rate wise than GT5 ... car just feels tighter/more responsive (I'm not a super-car-sim-nut, but even with just the DS3 controller, it "feels" like you have a lot more control over the car). This was VERY noticeable difference to GT5 where framerate seemed laggy and seemed like slight delay. Hard to explain. Just feels cleaned up/more polished across the board.

That's all I have for quick first impressions. Will check in with other noticeable differences overtime as I see them.
Cheers 👍, keep us posted about your impressions as you progress through career mode. I'm hoping you will see fixed starts, better AI and more exciting races but i doubt it...
Some more impressions before I sign off and try to go deep into career mode:

+ Graphically, a lot of time has been put into weather and lighting effects. E.g. You are blinded by the glare from the contrast of sunny day/dark tunnel when first exiting a tunnel (i didn't notice this in GT5, or not to as great a degree, but it adds a nice touch of realism).
+ Some areas of the track are very shaded (and it changes dynamically -- like the sun moving). If you catch a very shaded area at the right time, it can be hard to see and drive.
+ Also, a really cool touch I didn't notice in GT5: When in cock-pit view, you get a dimmed view like you are staring out of a tinted windshield.
+ Also, cockpit view doesn't cause screen tearing/framerate issues like it did in GT5. Dashboards are still pretty bland however.
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I'ts like the front of the car and the side don't belong to the same many jaggys on the side..but the front actually looks good.

Yeah it seems the more detailed portions a car has the easier it is to produce a good model, but if it is this simple then it stays ruined.
It happens whether you accelerate or not in real world too. So, you should hate the world :)

Are you sure? found these on youtube, I think it's good for comparison.

Real World

Look how stable Alonso's car even when he's cornering with half the car on the grass then he goes back to the track safely. this cannot be done in GT5.


touch the grass for less than 1 second and your race is end.
Are you sure? found these on youtube, I think it's good for comparison.


touch the grass for less than 1 second and your race is end.

You had just your left rear wheel on the grass, that's why you spun.

@logicliker Is there any animation when you buy a new car? Like in GT5?
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Yeah it seems the more detailed portions a car has the easier it is to produce a good model, but if it is this simple then it stays ruined.
What I don't get is why they didn't polish all of them,sure the Alto SSR isn't the most popular car but that's not the point.
Are you sure? found these on youtube, I think it's good for comparison.

Real World

Look how stable Alonso's car even when he's cornering with half the car on the grass then he goes back to the track safely. this cannot be done in GT5.


touch the grass for less than 1 second and your race is end.

yeah because he was braking when coming up on the grass which makes the car have less grip on the left side of the car making it spin. pretty much basic car physics if you did that irl the same would happen.

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