GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
2/16/19 ARL race info
Circuit de Sainte- Croix AII
Laps: 13
* also found under the race calendar post

also just a reminder we are going to be on testing a new series for possibly monday nights tomorrow feel free to join in and run some laps
@Nick Cannella I made a car choice (911 RSR) and # choice (59). Looking at the roster on the website, it appears that both are available.
Thank you sir. All info has been updated. And thank you for registering at our website www.aracingleaguecom
There are no livery restrictions. If you'd like to include the ARL logo on your designs, use the search function in decals.
@TexasJDC I'm liking the idea of a Monday night series. There will be quite a few weekends that I will be at IMSA Weathertech races and will be unavailable to race those weekends.
no worries man lucky you! we have a full time and part time status all we ask is that you confirm before saturday night 9 pm est if you intend to race that weekend so we can help @Nick Cannella get the scoresheet and split the rooms all ready for the race that night.

BTW just so everyone is aware last night we had 14 confirm they were racing and we had 4 more show up with a room only allowing 16 drivers we had to make a switch on the fly and my hat is off to @Nick Cannella for sacrificing his qualifying to get the remaining guys in a room so they could race. he has put alot of work into the scoresheet and dividing the rooms and last night having to do it on the fly he handled it very well and knocked it out quick and you guys didnt hesitate to switch rooms quickly, over all everyone did a amazing job getting situated so we could race
Do you guys have a Discord server for communication or is it all done here and website?
i have a discord set up but ill be honest iv never tried to use it for the league. we communicate through here and psn messanger mostly
The guys I normally game with and sometimes race with we have a discord, but it's mainly used as a database and catch-all for keeping up with stuff. A decent tool to use for that aspect. At one time, we had quite the plethora of useful and useless information.
Guys for this week it is the full saint Croix and it's in reverse make sure to get some laps in to memorize this monster I'm sure someone will have lobbies open just about every night so finding one shouldn't be an issue Texas has a late night lobby open just about every night for anyone interested
I’ve been fighting my pedals for a few months now and I think it’s time to make a transition.

I’m looking into the following
T300 RS GT
Fanatec CSL

I’m focused towards the T-GT and I’m looking for feedback. What are you guys running.
I’ve been fighting my pedals for a few months now and I think it’s time to make a transition.

I’m looking into the following
T300 RS GT
Fanatec CSL

I’m focused towards the T-GT and I’m looking for feedback. What are you guys running.

Honestly I have the t 300 gt love it but dont turn force feed back up too much because the wheel gets super light after a lap or so
If you playing only GTS I would go with the T-GT, other wise Fanatec

to note, i use a t150 with t3pa pedals on a rickity playseat. :lol:
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I’ve been fighting my pedals for a few months now and I think it’s time to make a transition.

I’m looking into the following
T300 RS GT
Fanatec CSL

I’m focused towards the T-GT and I’m looking for feedback. What are you guys running.
I use a Logitech G29. I have a H shifter too, but I don't use it in GTS


We as a group have got to implement confirmation before the race into our routine to avoid mass confusion going into the race. Nog3861/@Nick Cannella has asked weekly for drivers to verify their status on racing that Saturday and has for multiple weeks been forced to sacrifice his qualifying session and practice due to last minute entries. I know it seems like a small detail but we need to take into account that he also has to update the scoresheet, split lobbies for every non-confirmed entry and still start on time. Starting on time is very important for the east coast guys on a normal night starting at 10:30 central means they are starting at 11:30 EST finishing around 12:30 EST on a perfect night. So with that being said we are going to ask from now on any driver wanting to race Saturday night to please confirm their intentions to race or not race by 9:30 central time. When confirming you are planning on racing we ask that you tag @Nick Cannella and @TexasJDC into the confirmation to avoid any oversights. If a driver does not confirm their intentions prior to the 9:30 central cut-off they will be asked to leave and honestly I hope I don’t have to ask anyone to leave I really don’t want that but we must follow the guidelines. PSN conformation is only valid if a driver does not have GT Planet and cannot get GT Planet (M1SS-D3V10US & Grim_has_wifi are the only exceptions at this point). If for any reason a driver does not have a GT Planet account please get in contact with me and I will do whatever it takes to get you signed up (PSN TexasmostHated) or pass the word along to nog3861 so he is informed as well if you can’t create one.

*exceptions can be made to this rule if we have prior knowledge and the BOD agrees to wave this but I would not expect it to be on very many occasions as this would be considered a “special circumstance”


With the recent update on GT Sport there have been many instances a driver getting stuck on the grid (including myself). Hopefully this will not be a problem going forward but until GT Sport fixes this problem we will need to adapt a rule for being stuck or disconnecting. The rule we are putting in place for the time being is that if a driver gets stuck on the grid we will restart if problem persist we will ask the driver to clear cache and restart PS4 then rejoin the lobby, if the same driver is still having issues we will ask that driver to leave for the night and issue last place points to the driver/drivers for that race. It really sucks being stuck on the grid and I want everyone to race each week but at the same time we can’t restart more than twice for the same driver it’s not fair to the others and I’ve noticed that’s when we go from starting at 10:30 and having issues to starting at 11 or later it really hampers the east coast guys.

*This rule is subject to change if we can find a better fix but for the time being this is what will be enforced.

Last update to the rules

When filing a IR private message me on either GT Planet or PSN messenger following the IR rules and guidelines provided. Failure to do so on these formats will result in IR being dismissed for failure to comply with IR rules.

Side note: sorry for the mid-season change by no means do i want anyone to take this message and rule change personal thats not my intentions, we just want to refine some previous rules and add a few new ones to make the racing more enjoyable for everyone. i wanted to take a second and thank you guys/girl for all youve done to make this league what it is you all have done a amazing job. lets have a good fun race at St. Croix!
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I currently have the G29 setup with the shifter. You should use the shifter as the time Gained is crazy!!

I will be on both GTS and iracing. But mostly GTS at this time.
I currently have the G29 setup with the shifter. You should use the shifter as the time Gained is crazy!!

I will be on both GTS and iracing. But mostly GTS at this time.
I am still getting use to sim racing but I know @SRT DK Racing has had fanatec in the past maybe he will chime in and give his opinion
1550022736270929465326.jpg here's that mod for the G29 shifter I was talking about, came in mail today