GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
I'll be back home tomorrow night, but it being V-Day, probably will not be on. This is my work week where I'm out of town for 3-4 days. Monday night I had just shut down the PS4 when you posted up the test lobby. I guess you were watching the President on TV like I was, lol!
I'll be back home tomorrow night, but it being V-Day, probably will not be on. This is my work week where I'm out of town for 3-4 days. Monday night I had just shut down the PS4 when you posted up the test lobby. I guess you were watching the President on TV like I was, lol!
Lol putting kiddos to worries man just make sure to post in the thread when you plan on racing and we will get you on the scoresheet
First post has been updated with a flag rules video this should eliminate any confusion about the flag rules. We havent had any issues lately but never hurts to have the added info
I am not sure if I am racing tomorrow night. I WANT TOO!! But with my brake pedal issue causing me the win Tuesday night I don’t want them to officially lock up and cause I mess with you all.

On a side note. My Fanatec CSL Elite and the ClubSport V3 pedals have been ordered.
I gotcha man bummer about the pedals thanks for the heads up if you change your mind we will have a spot for ya. Congrats on the fanatec!
Still contemplating whether or not to run this week. Still getting acclimated to zero assists. I've always run with the cones on for a reference and TCS @ 1, but been practicing a bit this week. I'll make a decision tonight or tomorrow. @TexasJDC are you going to have a lobby up tonight?
Death Wish Coffee Racing Team confirming entry for tonight.
