GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
Poor attitude = denied

Head back to gang bang racing.
Thx for the interest tho :)

From the Kinetic-Fullness camp comes this breaking news bulletin.​
It is with much sorrow that this morning i informed my brothers at Bulls and Arrows Racing that i would be handing in my resignation effective immediately. Due to the rumors around the paddock about the impending re-alignment and reverting to the old team rules, it is apparent that guido, r4mrod, and myself could not legally be on the same team any longer. Since i was the last one in, i volunteered to be the first out and allow them the opportunity to add a member that makes them legal, or allow them the freedom to go in whichever direction they felt was best for the team.
We had a good run and will be brothers in arms hence forth, just not under the same banner.

After a second season in the TMC GTR i was able to bring home a somewhat earned GR3 championship and am chomping at the bit to prove it wasnt a fluke. With the league rules mandating i am not allowed to continue in the same car after the finish i had, we will have to say goodbye to the beast from the treated me fairly well old boy, and enjoyed the run. TMC also pulled out stating they would prefer to quit while they were ahead...fair nuff

That being said....

I would like to formally announce the newest team venture P B R...this is a privateer movement, and are currently in search of 1 gold and 1 silver, or 2 silver drivers to round out the team. We are not about strict rules, we are about individuality with a team goal. You will be able to run whatever car you wish and any color scheme you desire. Although you will be required to bring your own sponsors along with you because my new sponsors are only able to cover my costs (lots of body work to fix in a season for this guy). So if this interests you please @ me in this thread or DM me. I will consider all interest and will consider all pertinent info best for team make up including past attendance, projected future attendance, ability to play well in a team environment, along with all around racecraft and attitude. This is not a first come first serve decision. I will be excited with any and all interest into this new team venture and weigh all attributes.

Some of you may be wondering....P B R ? WTH does that stand for?

Youll just have wait for that to be uncovered at a later date, sorry. (btw it has NOTHING to do with the watery sludge that some pour down their gullet).

See you in the practice lobbies leading up to next season!
P B R founding member Kinetic-Fullness
Silver Driver PSN: DefinitelyNotNeutron 🤣🤣🤣

From the Kinetic-Fullness camp comes this breaking news bulletin.​
It is with much sorrow that this morning i informed my brothers at Bulls and Arrows Racing that i would be handing in my resignation effective immediately. Due to the rumors around the paddock about the impending re-alignment and reverting to the old team rules, it is apparent that guido, r4mrod, and myself could not legally be on the same team any longer. Since i was the last one in, i volunteered to be the first out and allow them the opportunity to add a member that makes them legal, or allow them the freedom to go in whichever direction they felt was best for the team.
We had a good run and will be brothers in arms hence forth, just not under the same banner.

After a second season in the TMC GTR i was able to bring home a somewhat earned GR3 championship and am chomping at the bit to prove it wasnt a fluke. With the league rules mandating i am not allowed to continue in the same car after the finish i had, we will have to say goodbye to the beast from the treated me fairly well old boy, and enjoyed the run. TMC also pulled out stating they would prefer to quit while they were ahead...fair nuff

That being said....

I would like to formally announce the newest team venture P B R...this is a privateer movement, and are currently in search of 1 gold and 1 silver, or 2 silver drivers to round out the team. We are not about strict rules, we are about individuality with a team goal. You will be able to run whatever car you wish and any color scheme you desire. Although you will be required to bring your own sponsors along with you because my new sponsors are only able to cover my costs (lots of body work to fix in a season for this guy). So if this interests you please @ me in this thread or DM me. I will consider all interest and will consider all pertinent info best for team make up including past attendance, projected future attendance, ability to play well in a team environment, along with all around racecraft and attitude. This is not a first come first serve decision. I will be excited with any and all interest into this new team venture and weigh all attributes.

Some of you may be wondering....P B R ? WTH does that stand for?

Youll just have wait for that to be uncovered at a later date, sorry. (btw it has NOTHING to do with the watery sludge that some pour down their gullet).

See you in the practice lobbies leading up to next season!
P B R founding member Kinetic-Fullness
Lol I like it!
Thanks @Moby45 for allowing me to sub in that mid engine beetle. It was a pleasure to drive

Sorry to @SydViscus for our entanglement. It was a risky attempt at a pass in that section of the track and I should've tucked in and waited for a better opportunity. I make mistakes too 😜
No worries @SAMHAIN85 you are faster and wouldve passed anyway, I enjoyed getting to race you even if it was a brief defense.

I know you are a clean driver and I endeavor to be one myself so no hard feelings!!

Good race and congrats on the win man :cheers::cheers:
Additions? Ford GT? 🤣🤣🤣

Also great track line up (Except -Suzuka and +Sarthe 😛)
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Attention all drivers:

Are you tired of watered down fake syrup?
Are you tired of monopolies?
Dont want to be part of some kind of weird breakfast gang bang?
Dont like flimsy bacon that looks like bologna?
Afraid of pancake circle jerks?

Then come join P B R....we will take down the conglomerate that pushes that watered down mess they claim is maple. We dont have uncomfortable meetings around pancakes and weird bacon. We eat REAL bacon here, and along with your help we can send them where they the bottom of that stat sheet.

Inquire within

Important rule update:
  • Teams will now consist of 2 drivers
  • Drivers will no longer be required to be in separate divisions
  • Only 1 substitute driver per season
    • Sub driver must use the same car and ballast settings as the driver they are subbing for
    • Tires will be taken from the absentee driver's stockpile as well as the sub driver's stockpile
      • (If sub driver uses 2 sets of RS the absentee driver loses 2 sets of RS as well as the sub driver)
  • If possible, (we all kinda know who the "Platinum" drivers are) please try and avoid making a super team.