GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
This ought to shake things up


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Important rule update:
  • Teams will now consist of 2 drivers
  • Drivers will no longer be required to be in separate divisions
  • Only 1 substitute driver per season
    • Sub driver must use the same car and ballast settings as the driver they are subbing for
    • Tires will be taken from the absentee driver's stockpile as well as the sub driver's stockpile
      • (If sub driver uses 2 sets of RS the absentee driver loses 2 sets of RS as well as the sub driver)
  • If possible, (we all kinda know who the "Platinum" drivers are) please try and avoid making a super team.
How about team points?
If I remember correctly, the two highest scores were taken with teams of 3.
Will both scores be taken this next season or only the highest one?
How about team points?
If I remember correctly, the two highest scores were taken with teams of 3.
Will both scores be taken this next season or only the highest one?
Actually the past 2 seasons it's been all 3 team members scores been added. Now we only have 2 ppl so it would be the 2 scores

Willie B. Hardigan

With the latest rules updates there's no doubt drivers have shuffled and allegiances shifted.
We ran into DrSpyderPig on a track day at Laguna Seca and he shared a few minutes with us.

Willie: That was an interesting season, you had some decent finishes as well as some not so decent.

Pig: Yeah, it was definitely a challenging season; I have to give my thanks to Lambruhghini for basically running a whole factory just to supply me with cars.

Willie: Now that you mention the car, any thoughts for next season? Will you continue with Lambruhghini?

Pig: I think it's time to move onto something different. The Huracan treated me fairly well I guess but, we did find its greatest feature after the Spa race... it makes for one hell of a bonfire.

Willie: .....

Willie: .....

Willie: Ahem... On a different note, new rules now stipulate a max of two drivers per team, what are your thoughts about this?

Pig: I think it'll be great, it should increase the levels of competition among drivers.

Willie: Have you thought about joining a team? Or are you planning on going solo?

Pig: Haven't really though about it much, although another driver and I were approached by some people about driving for them but, nothing has been decided.

Willie: Some people? a new sponsor? anyone we would know?

Pig: Honestly, I have no clue who they are, I just saw a label that said Diablo, probably some hot sauce.

Willie: So, who is this other driver?

Pig: Sorry, gotta go, the pile up at the cork screw is clean now.

Well there you have it, looks like DrSpyderPig is getting ready to start this new season.
We'll bring you more details once we have them, stay tuned boys and girls.
Meaning...1 2 person team can ONLY reserve 2 cars...not like 6 or 8?
Correct. Only a rep from the 2 person team can claim cars. Not an organization of which owns many teams.

For instance. MPT has 2 drivers. 1 of the 2 drivers can claim the cars for said team.