Gran Turismo 5 B-Spec Remote Race FAQ

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA
when I try to add bobs from my first profile a warning comes up saying: "driver not found". Why is this? Anyone know a solution to this problem?
The fastest way I've seen to get friend requests through the PSN/PD servers is to send a friend request from account A (secondary account) to account B (main account), log in to account B, accept the request, and log back in to account A.

I'm not positive if it matters or not but as it doesn't take that much more time if it is required, after you accept the friend request in account B, start up GT5, exit and then start GT5 with account A and see if that helps.

At least I think that's what I did. :P
Fired up the remote racing aspect of GT5 for the first time 15 minutes ago in the hope of letting my B-Spec driver grind away to level up and earn me credits, sadly since I've not been paying attention I never realised how badly implemented it was and how it's nothing like I expected. I thought it would let you basically choose whatever B-Spec events and let your driver race them, sadly it's some weird thing where I offer my drivers up to the world and can use other people's and there's only a handful of events. I don't get it. Why is it implemented like this and not simply a remote way to race your B-Spec driver. I simply do not understand the appeal of it in the way it's been implemented. Disappointed.
Yea the bspec remote racing widget has lead to high earnings for those that have nothing else to use there PS3 for.
B-spec remote racing has a FIXED rewards structer
Car level type x Distance x grid size = fixed reward.

Track selection does not alter pay out, this makes custom tracks selection pointless.
As does the fact that high level Bobs NEVER spin out. So they will drive the car on every track to their stat limit with out crashing..

Random car selection is the only way b-spec level 10 driver can win a race when racing level 40 drivers, This makes it fairer for low b-spec drivers to enter races but the are still out classed.

(with the server problems they had at release day it was a good thing this was not there ay release.)

B-spec remote is purely about replacing the 15 AI drivers from B-spec offline with 15 of your friends AI drivers and giving them the pay outs all while not even being at your PS3 but on a browser some where else.
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So if PD are updating Remote racing monthly
Next thursday GMT 4am the events should alter.

Nlxaroas you can re host the table if you want it But if the events cycle on Thursday. ill start on a new Table.
I've been reading over the thread for Remote Races FAQ and have seen you all solve many of peoples troubles. I'm hoping you can do the same for me.

I've read each post in there looking for help. I did find a few mention about having a hard time logging in to the GT5 website to remote race. I've deleted cookies, ive been signed in in PSN site and had a separate tab to sign in to the GT5 site, but nothing works. I get the following error:

Unable to sign in to PlayStation®Network.

Please check the official PlayStation®Network website for information regards maintenance or issues that may affect connection

I'll also mention that i used both IE and Firefox.
You have to wait untill GT HOME is actualy allowing New World wide logins.
Then and only then can be fault finding be done.
as of 2.30PM GMT the SITE does not allow new World wide logins.
Thank you sir. You wouldn't happen to have a link I can visit to find out more information about that? Specifically when it will allow me to login.

Thanks again for the quick reply.
Nope youll just have to wait till the site allows users Again to log in.
no time frames are ever given incase they have to go passed that time.
Could be 2 hours could be 2 days.
The time was posted as a reference point incase other users post to show that its been this way for a long time.
US site has been working again if you still can´t login.
Navigate to a different site and delete cookies, navigate back and Allow third party cookies in your browser.
If your using IE9 this should work.

Great job on the FAQ, props dude ;)👍!!

but I need to have some people to help me out on this. No friends yet:grumpy:, So if anyone want to help me out on this heres my name.

PSN: niNJasPY55

Thanks. And If I run into any type of tip or advice from my remote expierence I'll post a few thing for more info. :)
I completely forgot to update you on this:
Q: Is there a limit to how many credits a driver can earn before you must collect the rewards?
So far, nobody has run into the limit...yet. At this moment, there are drivers who have over 1,900,000 credits and are still going. As soon as the limit is discovered, this will be the place to find it. So keep on remote racing. ;)
The cap, at least currently, doesn't stop at 20,000,000 but there's no point in going over that as you'll lose the credits when you cash out. That does, however, enable you to stockpile 140,000,000Cr (your 20M plus 20M for each Bob). ;)
Any idea on a average accumulation rate for cr and exp using remote racing?
yes but its still random read on for why..

See prize grids back a few pages.
See back a few pages on What alters prizes grid pay outs.
Then times by 3 to get hourly rate per driver, Then times buy number of friends that run your drivers per hour that gives you your average.
Its not actualy YOU that desides how much you earn, its your Friends that Will earn you a higher average. Every driver they don't use per hour lowers your B-spec online average.

If you want pure stats its 3x8 place finishes per hour x on the middle payout track x 3 drivers = Cr75,960 per hour average.
I have just started remote racing. I have hosted a couple of races, but the other night after the race had finished, I had a message come up saying ' EVENT NOT FOUND '. Does this mean that I lost wireless connection and lost all credits and xp points? If this is the case would it be better when remote racing too be wired?
Happened to me when I reset my router last night, so somehow you lost connection. I don't think you lost anything besides the ability to host races during the time it was down.
Happened to me when I reset my router last night, so somehow you lost connection. I don't think you lost anything besides the ability to host races during the time it was down.

Thanks for answering the question. I was racing with one of your drivers at the time lol. Changed too wired last night and had no problems. I would like to say thanks to all the GT B spec grinders for adding me. I have been racing but with so many people adding me, it is not always possible to use everyone's drivers but I will over the weekend.
I don't know if you guys can help me on this. I have tried all the things people have said as far as deleting cookies, etc. but I still can't log in on

I get a message that says:
Site Maintenance Notice

The server is currently down for maintenance.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.

and then what I presume is the same thing in Japanese. I CAN however log in view updates on races from my phone. So I guess the question is, what is wrong with my computer?
I have the same message. The only thing that I think it might be is that you currently cannot sign in through Internet Explorer. So I have been signing in through Chrome, but tonight that is also down. Maybe they are correcting the Explorer problem.