Gran Turismo 5 B-Spec Remote Race FAQ

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA
Why is that I when left my PS3 turned off all day and my new found GTPlanet friends were using my drivers, but when I got home and switched on my PS3 all of the money my Bobs had earned had disappeared. 1.2 million credits GONE. Anybody help with this?
Did you save manually after putting your drivers online? The autosave feature is broken in remote B-Spec.
Can I still use my drivers in B-spec career if they are shared? Assuming theyr not all ready being used in a remote race by someone else.
No, you have to take them offline to be able to use them.
Is anybody still suffering problems with autosave (e.g. prizes disappearing, drivers going offline)? It's supposedly fixed with the new patch.
Q: How does the scoring work?
At this moment, this is not completely clear. It appears you gain more credits by ending higher than you started, rather than just ending first. It also could be the case that you gain more credits by driving against higher level drivers. But so far, there’s no definitive answer. Any thoughts/proof on this is appreciated.

I can without a doubt say that is not true. I have a few races where I started 1st-14th and finished 7th, against same BOBs, and always received the same credit payout. The EXP payout seems to differ a bit. My credit payout was 82% of my EXP pay out when coming 1st against a lower level opponent, but it was 87% of my exp gainst an equal level opponent.
Okay, so credit payout is fixed per finishing position, but it depends on the amount players what the amount is. Track and number of laps matter too, or is reward always fixed to finishing position? XP is (presumably) lower for racing lower level opponents and a bit higher for racing equal opponents. Possibly even higher for racing better opponents. Is that a good summary so far?
Races done on the 6 lap INDY race, always same 14 opponents. 2 level 0 opponents, 6 level 32+ opponents and 5 level 12-15 opponents

lvl 0 bob

starting position-------------finish position------------credit payout


lvl 13 bob

starting position------------finish position-----------------credit payout


lvl 14 bob

starting position---------------------finish position------------credit payout


Here are a few races I did to see how opponent level affected credit earnings.

lvl 15 bob

opponent level----------------finish position---------credit payout

Also did a race with 7 players in total.

starting position-------------finish position------------credit payout


If you look at the pattern of payouts, you can see the credit difference between the finishing spot is the same/almost same from place to place and of course depends on the race you do.
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Is there a way to change the music played during BSpec remote races? It keeps playing menu music and I don't like it, but I like the menu music during the menus so don't wanna lose the menu music.
I don't know if it was possible in 1.06 or that it is new in 1.07, but you can view live race results for B-Spec drivers being run by your friends through the website. Check the log to see who's running your drivers, then select that friend in the friends list. This will open up their profile page. Then click on their Remote Race button. This will show the live race results for that race. Haven't checked if it works on PS3 too.
Anyone know why my newly added friends are not showing up in the list on I am wanting to do remote races all day from my iPad, but my newly added friends are not showing up as actually being my friends so I can't select any opponents for my bob to race. Any help will be appreciated.

Anyone know why my newly added friends are not showing up in the list on I am wanting to do remote races all day from my iPad, but my newly added friends are not showing up as actually being my friends so I can't select any opponents for my bob to race. Any help will be appreciated.


I am having the same problem.
It takes a while for the site to update. Usually it's updated within 24 hours.

Thank you sir! That is what I thought, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong... Doesn't happen often but it can occur... Lol
I don't know if it was possible in 1.06 or that it is new in 1.07, but you can view live race results for B-Spec drivers being run by your friends through the website. Check the log to see who's running your drivers, then select that friend in the friends list. This will open up their profile page. Then click on their Remote Race button. This will show the live race results for that race. Haven't checked if it works on PS3 too.

That's pretty sweet :]
NLxAROSA - A comment was brought up here that I think has a place in your FAQ:

Q: Should I run all of my friends Bob's in races I host?
A: That all depends. If you know they are around and able to run races themselves, it's usually a good idea to leave one available so they can do so. However if they're unable to set up races themselves (sleeping, no net access, etc.) there's no reason you can't use them all.

Feel free to change the above however you see fit. :D
Thanks for this FAQ.

The people who have earned 1,900,000 with their B-Spec driver remote racing - at any point do you earn a prize car? Or just money?

I have left one of my drivers at 3 dots hoping one day it will unlock a prize car ticket.
The people who have earned 1,900,000 with their B-Spec driver remote racing - at any point do you earn a prize car? Or just money?
Sadly, so far no prize car, only credits.
Thanks for this FAQ.

The people who have earned 1,900,000 with their B-Spec driver remote racing - at any point do you earn a prize car? Or just money?

I have left one of my drivers at 3 dots hoping one day it will unlock a prize car ticket.

Just credits, but I have not let it go over 2 million, combined from all 6 drivers.
If I put my ps3 in server mode for remote races... can I turn off the system online from my computer later on?

I ask because I live at my university res and my ps3 is in my home town.. I wouldn't mind leaving it on for half a day if I'm able to turn it off from my computer later on..
If I put my ps3 in server mode for remote races... can I turn off the system online from my computer later on?

I ask because I live at my university res and my ps3 is in my home town.. I wouldn't mind leaving it on for half a day if I'm able to turn it off from my computer later on..

Don't think so.... Why not just have someone turn it off for you when you want it off.
Gran Turismo 5 B-Spec Remote Race FAQ


Q: How does the scoring work?
At this moment, this is not completely clear. It appears you gain more credits by ending higher than you started, rather than just ending first. It also could be the case that you gain more credits by driving against higher level drivers. But so far, there’s no definitive answer. Any thoughts/proof on this is appreciated.

It looks like all that matters is how many people total are in the race, and where you finish in that race. (Doesn't matter your driver's level, your competitions level, if you move up or down from your stating position, etc..)

The points seem to be the same across all the "minutes". ie, all 5 minute races offer the same points, and all the 10 minute races offer the same points, etc.. The money earned does vary from race to race (so the first 5 minute race will give you diff $ than the second 5 minute race, etc..)

The points are interesting, in that it seems to be done so that the 'center' position in the race is worth the same amount, regardless of the number of racers. So 2nd in a 3 person race is worth the same as 3rd in a 5 person race, 4th in a 7 person race, etc.. And then as you go out, you get more for #1, and less for last. The table I've made for the 5 minute races is:


Derived from the raw data:


I hope that helps! (I'll update as I get more data)
Wow, thanks for putting in that effort, albrnick, and for posting the results! Valuable. And here I was trying to stay away from including lower-level drivers from my remote races, because I thought it would drag down the rewards.
Thanks for the FAQ, much appreciated.

But I have a Non Frequent question , I am either too tired to think clear, or I fail somewhere.

So i shared 2 of my bob's, tried a race against few of my friends FROM my PS3 and worked fine. Then i put my PS3 into standby server, and went to my computer. Logged into, picked Canada, click on the Gt5 My home button, logged in the same account, and Remote race says : You are now reading to start a Remote Race with a green light.

I click on it, then the purple ish window appear with the name of my 2 shared bob, but thats about it. Select Event is greyed out, view Race is there but empty, and i have the green light saying "You are now ready to start a Remote Race."

Where did I fail?

Thanks guys
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I'm experiencing precisely the same issue, vardd. So far nothing I've tried (logging out of both the browser and the PSN and logging back in and switching countries on (which has worked with issues in the past)) has worked, despite the fact that it's been working perfectly all day. If anyone has a solution, I'll all ears, too.
Thanks for the FAQ, much appreciated.

But I have a Non Frequent question , I am either too tired to think clear, or I fail somewhere.

So i shared 2 of my bob's, tried a race against few of my friends FROM my PS3 and worked fine. Then i put my PS3 into standby server, and went to my computer. Logged into, picked Canada, click on the Gt5 My home button, logged in the same account, and Remote race says : You are now reading to start a Remote Race with a green light.

I click on it, then the purple ish window appear with the name of my 2 shared bob, but thats about it. Select Event is greyed out, view Race is there but empty, and i have the green light saying "You are now ready to start a Remote Race."

Where did I fail?

Thanks guys

I'm experiencing precisely the same issue, vardd. So far nothing I've tried (logging out of both the browser and the PSN and logging back in and switching countries on (which has worked with issues in the past)) has worked, despite the fact that it's been working perfectly all day. If anyone has a solution, I'll all ears, too.

Hello guys, I'm from Hong Kong and I'm experiencing exactly the same problem posted from you. While I can't select the races from the computer's internet browser, the races work fine from the PS3 (where I start them in-game, not in standby mode), oh well. :indiff:

For those currently experiencing issues, the thread titled "Remote Racing Down" might have a clue within.

Oh, I was thinking something similar, PD might be updating the race events or the web-based server is under maintenance while the PS3 in-game server is still running. :)
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