[Gran Turismo 5 @ E3 2010] (SEE POST 1!: New Vids, Pics, Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Is it just me or ..... do the Rally cars driving at night seem to be a bit anemic in the light department ? Every Hella light I've seen, lights up the road just so much better than the videos seem to indicate. If my TV doesn't brighten that view, I doubt that I will do very well in the night time stages :guilty:
Just seems odd that kaz's attention to detail is gone out of the window on 800 vehicles.
Sort of goes against the grain.
For the people who don't use this view that's fine for them.
I happen to use this view myself. The cars I now chose to drive will ultimutly depend on premium or not. Which is a great shame.

Why is this so hard for people to comprehend???
It doesn't mean there is no cockpit view on those 800 cars, it refers to damage and detail of cars! 💡
If you want car parts to bend severely and pieces to fall off, you have to build a much more detailed car model with all the stuff underneath, and for all 1000 cars to be of that detail, it would take them a couple of years more and no one(including PD) wants to wait that long after 6 years!
There's DLC and updates for that, after the game is out!
Get it? Ok. Let's move on.:)
How the hell did you notice that!?!
Great spot!

Yep I noticed that too..
I also noticed that those lights should be larger when the car is passing through large shadows (tree shadows for example, there are some frames form above later on, I suppose). Just a comment... It is great by the way!
Another thing that I noticed always a really little one... is that the sand 'clouds' risen by the cars (i.e. on LeMans track) at a certain point vanish at once.... I think they should fading more at the end...

Don't make me wrong ... this game is superb , stunning, unique, in one word is a masterpiece. I can't wait to have the Europe release date so that I can order my Collector Box. I nver bought one for any game... but the time has come.
G4TV will be doing a hands on demo today at 6:30 They are still covering E3 Live. If I herd correctly they said they will have people doing a time trial. Cant wait to see what thats about.

They also have a live tweet feed so maybe someone can get them to ask about the interiors.
G4TV will be doing a hands on demo today at 6:30 They are still covering E3 Live.If I herd correctly they said they will have people doing a time trial. Cant wait to see what thats about.

They also have a live tweet feed so maybe someone can get them to ask about the interiors.

Yes, there will be a NASCAR Competition where four players will compete to beat the fastest time. The course hasn't been specified, though.

70's porno music. Yeahh baby :cool:


I'm again worried about cockpit view.Who wants to drive a car without a cockpit view instead of with cockpit one...(maybe it's even better to have ONLY premiums, less but all the same quality)


Well, it would be nice to drive in a cockpit view (providing they fixed the wheel rotation issue... I read earlier that they had?), but I think my main spot's gonna be the classic bumper cam. Cockpit would be nice to cruise around in, but for serious racing and time trialling I'd be using bumper cam... so whether or not a car has a cockpit view doesn't matter to me.

But, from what I've read, all cars will probably have the cockpit view. What they mean by only about 200 cars having fully modeled "interiors" is NOT the cockpit view - they're talking about engines, chassis, all that sort of stuff.
I think that they still hiding something and only after the premiere we'll find out what the game really is. I'm talking about damage and all that stuff.
6:30 eastern. Its supposed to be a Nascar demo but im hoping they pop the question about interiors. Im gonna send 10 tweets to their live feed asking them to do so.
Is it just me or ..... do the Rally cars driving at night seem to be a bit anemic in the light department ? Every Hella light I've seen, lights up the road just so much better than the videos seem to indicate. If my TV doesn't brighten that view, I doubt that I will do very well in the night time stages :guilty:

I noticed that to, IRL headlight lights up the road much more...but I dont want to complain about this part because it looks SOOO good!
Im not sure what time that is. But I also herd that Sony completely virtualized their booth so you can check it out on PS home.

The Booths in home only shows the trailers that were shown during the press conference. Interesting to walk around and see the layout but you dont get to actually try any games or anything like that.
The Booths in home only shows the trailers that were shown during the press conference. Interesting to walk around and see the layout but you dont get to actually try any games or anything like that.

Oh ok. Well maybe the guys from UK can stream the show tonight were they might clear this up. Im worried though that the hosts from G4tv arent big fans of GT and might ask stupid questions.
Why is this so hard for people to comprehend???
It doesn't mean there is no cockpit view on those 800 cars, it refers to damage and detail of cars! 💡
If you want car parts to bend severely and pieces to fall off, you have to build a much more detailed car model with all the stuff underneath, and for all 1000 cars to be of that detail, it would take them a couple of years more and no one(including PD) wants to wait that long after 6 years!
There's DLC and updates for that, after the game is out!
Get it? Ok. Let's move on.:)

"The 200 premium cars that take the final count past the 1000 mark are something else, however. The premiums have been lavished with a slightly worrying amount of detail - every single screw is visible in the hubs, the interiors have been recreated down to the stitching (standard cars won't have interiors, which is a bit sad, but there are, like, 800 of them), and their undersides have been comprehensively modelled to take into account a new physics system which, along with allowing for dents and scratches, can sends your ride flipping through the air during collisions."

Which part of that mentions anything about damage?
It still could be misworded due to translation but I wouldn't be surprised if all the 750+ GT4 cars weren't as highly detailed.