Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
I think this is not the full retail version.

Only one other (verly unlikely) thought crossed my mind: As some have stated in this thread they would not lock content until you connect your playstation to the internet (besides online mode or youtube upload). But they could lock content for those who are connected to the internet until November 24th. This could also not be tricked by changing the date setting of your playstation if it would rely on internet timeservers or some sort of master server...
Another dead give away.

And tell me guys, what kind of game has NO display of the HUD for ANY game at all? You can't simply print out a manual and say what each part of the HUD means without using an image to point it out.
I agree.

There's also no legal info, which is really strange, as well. Even if that info is in game, it should be in the manual, as well.

Yeah this right here is important, no matter what country you live in, there always has to be legal info in the game book, and there's no page numbers, page 1 does give copyright info tho. I dunno, I mean it's definitely GT5, what version we wont know till we get it in our hands, I mean who knows, maybe you can put rims on standards /prays to the gaming gods.
sorry your analogy with forza3 doesent work it is a false analogy, in forza3 you need internet connection to use internet connection to play the full game already present on the disk...

also : NO WAY sony would recquire internet connection to access the full GT5 game...this would kill millions of sales of the game (believe it or not but a lot of ps3 users do not have their console connected to internet)

UM wrong My internet was down and it did not let me play the full game I can only play Arcade mode. It did not let me use my garage either.
Well i don't really care if his copy is fake or real as long as my copy is the full game and o one more thing why cant I find the tuning thread anymore because I can't view these videos for some reason no more
It's rather amusing that people simply take out of this, what they want to believe and are absolutely steadfast in their own convictions.

At this point, all we're really left with is a big question mark. This may still be the final retail version we'll all end up with. Or it may not be. There simply isn't enough evidence either way to prove anything.

I agree.
I'm sorry, but that manual also looks fishy. All black and white and not one single art or design in it. Especially the fact that there is no picture that explains the HUD.

Yup, the manual exists to explain things. It's been a while since I've seen a manual that has no picture reference.
Maybe it really isn't the full version. Tekken's GT auto video showed no option to buy horns and we've already seen horns in the item list and items must be bought from GT auto.
Are you sure RDK just didn't have time to photo all pages of the manual? Can't be bothered clicking them again but they looked like most modern manuals look these days (light on content and instantly forgettable).
Best Buy Oregon demo... as featured on the news page several months ago.

This error message was a result of trying to access 'My Home'. Is this an online feature as well? I think not.


Thank you for this. It was the same thing I was saying the same message from the demo about not being available in this version.
Perhaps.... This is some kind of sign? GT5 will undoubtly be the start of a huge alien invasion - i see no other explanation.

I rest my case.
And Kaz was just a scout, probably. Later they flew Translator-san in, who is the Alien king, to start the invasion, beginning with the internet.

Can't say it didn't work, we all love translator-san! :)
sorry your analogy with forza3 doesent work it is a false analogy, in forza3 you need internet connection to use internet connection to play the full game already present on the disk...

also : NO WAY sony would recquire internet connection to access the full GT5 game...this would kill millions of sales of the game (believe it or not but a lot of ps3 users do not have their console connected to internet)

What I mean is the fact that you had day-1 DLC in Forza 3 prevented some piracy, people who would have downloaded it over the internet and play with a pirate copy bought it. I know this is what I would have done if I had a Xbox360, I love racing, if I'm missing out on a game I'm really looking to I will buy it instead of manufacturing my own copy at lower cost.
I wouldn't ever put too much stock in anything to do with the manual. The reason being they can be written pretty much any time in the game's development cycle. Right at the start of development when the game is designed so to speak a huge document is created, its like that for pretty much every game. The goal is to make the end product meet the specifications set out by the design document. During the development process the design doc is updated, but it shouldn't need too much tweaking if the game is as intended sometimes they add in features late on, but your'd be suprised how early must things are set in stone. The reason I mention this is because the info found in the manuals is just ultra simplified pieces of info from the design doc, so the manual can be written at pretty much any time believe it or not.
Thats like saying Mercedes didnt bring out the A 140 which had a high tendency to flip onto its roof or its like saying the original Audi TT wasnt dangerous or like the recent Lexus cars weren't being recalled because the brake master cylinder was faulty.

All these scenarios dic actually happen by the way. The original Mercedes A140 flipped over easily and needed to be recalled. The audi TT tended to spin and crash easily so it had to be recalled and the lexus (cant remember which model( had to be recalled this year because of a faulty brake master cylinder.

No matter how big or small the corporation is they will make a big mistake
at least once. To there is no reason this couldnt be the wrong disk being played by RDK and it may be the reason for the delay.

sorry, but NO WAY this kind of mistake (printing the wrong disk, seriously ?!! they are not amateurs) by a big professional coroporation...

and your analogy with bad car designs/production issues is wrong, the right analogy would rather be this : producing the wrong car not the final designed car in paper (printing the wrong disk, not the final build of the game) ! this cannot happen, because it is not the responsibility of only one person, but several persons doing this for a living...

if this happens, I believe it is a first in the history, so rare this will enter the guiness book lol
I thought the best buy damage was pretty good.

But maybe they really did listen to all the haters who said the damage looked stupid, and like the front of the car had melted. Lots of "pro" sites got in on the act saying the same ****. Maybe they took that type of damage out.

It's just odd that we were promised dents, sings, scrapes and scratches, they demo'd some crumpling, and now all we are left with is the bumpers moving a bit if you crash at high speed 3 or 4 times.... odd.
Here's a shot of one of the pages in GT5 prologues manual, taken with my crappy cell phone, for comparison.

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Maybe a stupid question, but...

This game, doesn't it have an automatic firmware update to 3.50?

I don't know if RDK has updated his PS3 to 3.50?

If not, did he get the message to update or not?

Because if he didn't have to update it, it could be an old version?

Off course if he was asked to update, then it could be the real version.

So, is the question to RDK, did you have to update or not? Or had you already the 3.50 update installed?
sorry, but NO WAY this kind of mistake (printing the wrong disk, seriously ?!! they are not amateurs) by a big professional coroporation...

and your analogy with bad car designs/production issues is wrong, the better analogy would be this : producing the wrong car not the final designed car in paper (printing the wrong disk, not the final build of the game) ! this cannot happen, because it is not the responsibility of one person, but several persons doing this for a living...

if this happens, I believe it is a first in the history, so rare this will enter the guiness book lol

What about the Ferrari 458 Italia's defect causing it to catch fire? Was that mistake caused by just one person? I think not.
[tinfoil hat]

sony took an old build, branded it as the collectors edition and released it to do viral marketing. tekkin are rdk and probably sony scouts and reps from sony are currently viewing this thread with this look on their face.


[/tinfoil hat]