Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
Could it be that PD made a big error with the Gold Disc, and that they already were printing copy's, maybe even shipping them out. Then they find out it was the wrong disc/version and all of a sudden Sony is scrambling and trying to minimize the damage?

Maybe that was the real reason for the delay, they had to start again printing copy's, trying to catch the already shipped discs. For some they were too late and they were already in the "illegal" circuits?

:crazy::crazy::crazy: where's my tinfoil hat? :dunce: :sly:

OY, I already mentioned that on page 210 :)

But yeah, it sounds like a really good reason why nobody felt like commenting on the reason of the delay.. It would look sort of beyond stupid.
Is it possible to activate feature ? I explain, imagine feature are on the BR but like it's not an "official" version (well we don't know exactly), features wont be active before official release date ?
That manual looks very incomplete. If that is the full manual that came with RDKs' disk then I have high doubts its the game we will get. I could be wrong though and I am not getting my hopes up in case I am wrong.

Yeah, this one is pretty good, although I'd like it to be even more realistic and serious, but it's miles better then what we saw so far from the "retail game", that's for sure.

This is EXACTLY what I have been talking about since these new videos have come out over this past week. That second video (ie the Best Buy demo) has so many more effects and more accurate damage and I KNOW, yes, I KNOW, the final version wasn't going to be scaled back from the Best Buy demo, as recent vids from "leaked full copies" would have us believe.
Oh and check this:

No sparkles when he hits the wall even though they were there in the Best Buy demo...

You do know Carbon Fiber doesn't spark, right? To be honest the sparks in the Best Buy Demo were stupid. I mean, SuperGT cars rub and a million sparks fly? But the bodies of most race cars aren't even metal but fiber glass or carbon fiber. Why would it spark? The skid plates should spark, but no the body of the car.
This is EXACTLY what I have been talking about tince these new videos have come out over this past week. That second video (ie the Best Buy demo) has so many more effects and more accurate damage and I KNOW, yes, I KNOW, the final version wasn't going to be scaled back from the Best Buy demo, as recent vids from "leaked full copies" would have us believe.

Sparkles and actual damage in the demo and hardly any damge and no sparkles at all in the retail copy certainly is strange..
Here are my points, I'll edit these later after work.

Sony's and PD's goal - Protect the contents of GT5 in which they have really been secretive about it and still are.

- November

- EU gets their first shipment, no word on any other regions when they'll be getting theirs. This is the first batch of what we're speculating as the "preview/beta" copies. 555,000 copies might just be a small amount of hundreds, in which Sony knew someone would leak these copies. The 555,000 number is just to hype up the sales. These hundreds of preview/beta copies may be just for promo purposes or just to hype up the crowd... again. These could've been made in mid-October.

- EU was probably chosen first for shipment due to the promo ads, demos, and excitement being higher... you know, just to hype up the crowds

- November 2nd delayed and is still a mystery. Kaz says the reason for the delay was to make the game "perfect"... I think Sony took this time to actually make the first prints and Kaz did confirm that the game has gone gold. Many speculate its based on piracy and production delays. So the preview/beta copies must have definitely been made in mid-October seeing how EU got them first.

- tekken90 and RDK both from EU both have the black/white SLS cover (Signature Edition), but its obviously not in its full packaging form. So these copies were definitely taken from the production line. This is where the leaking first started.

- So far with tekken90 (and we are all pleased with his leaks, thanks!), the videos we've seen isn't anything that PD promised... replicated cars... less # of tracks, most of which are already unlocked from the beginning... replay glitch... damage is severly downgraded from the Best Buy demo... etc.

- RDK encounters the "This feature is not available in this version", claims that it was done when choosing Museum. Though this is most likely not an online error. The keyword here is "version".

- RDK posts every single shot of page in the manual, notice how everything is just in black and white... no pictures other than the XMB. Doesn't even include the HUD even if its self-explanatory, all games should have this in the manual. Compare this to the GT5:P manual... why would PD downgrade that?

- EU, the first country to get the "GT5" shipment shows signs of possible delay. Sony may have just used this time to discard the first batch of what could've been the preview/beta copies, but meanwhile the real GT5 copies were already on their way anyway, just needed a few days to get the shipment there.

- US, AUS, and any other country besides EU are most likely to have one shipment which contains the final version of GT5. The reason being? No one has claimed fame for the beta copies that are being leaked other than those from EU.

- All my local game stores (in the United States at least) expect their GT5 shipment by the end of this week (Friday and Saturday).

I will post my sources, pictures, and links later on... would be nice if you guys can help me make a compilation.
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excellent observation..thers no way PD/sony would have taken 10 steps back where damage was concerned..

Umm, One is what we're seeming to see is a copy that's from ARCADE mode,the guy even stated that in his video comments, as it's been stated before, and that other video is one that was givin to retailers with VERY limited selection and only a handful of cars with max damage already on. So yes, you will see a difference. It's a demo for people to play at a massive merchandise store, yes they are going to have everything sampled in as short of a demo as possible.
You do know Carbon Fiber doesn't spark, right? To be honest the sparks in the Best Buy Demo were stupid. I mean, SuperGT cars rub and a million sparks fly? But the bodies of most race cars aren't even metal but fiber glass or carbon fiber. Why would it spark? The skid plates should spark, but no the body of the car.

Carbon is a metal...
You do know Carbon Fiber doesn't spark, right? To be honest the sparks in the Best Buy Demo were stupid. I mean, SuperGT cars rub and a million sparks fly? But the bodies of most race cars aren't even metal but fiber glass or carbon fiber. Why would it spark? The skid plates should spark, but no the body of the car.

Oh sorry, my mistake. :)
What about the Ferrari 458 Italia's defect causing it to catch fire? Was that mistake caused by just one person? I think not.

again wrong analogy,

we are talking here about this mistake :
polyphony digital finished a final Gold build of GT5, ok ?

now instead of sending this final Gold build of GT5 to the factory to print million of copies, somehow another non final build of game arrive to the factory.

do you know how many persons would be responsible for this big mistake to happen ? many many persons...from kazunori yamauchi himself, to the guys working at polyphony, to the sony guys, to the factory guys...very low probability...

Again it is like a wrong version of a car get produced instead of the final version of the car designed on paper...very low probability for this to happen...
Are you sure RDK just didn't have time to photo all pages of the manual? Can't be bothered clicking them again but they looked like most modern manuals look these days (light on content and instantly forgettable).

The picture of the page which had the HUD "explained" on had the features that exist on the HUD in a list covering more than half the page. It made no reference to what they do or where they are on the screen, just that they exist.

It could be real, but there's forgettable and then there's unprofessional.

I wouldn't ever put too much stock in anything to do with the manual. The reason being they can be written pretty much any time in the game's development cycle. Right at the start of development when the game is designed so to speak a huge document is created, its like that for pretty much every game. The goal is to make the end product meet the specifications set out by the design document. During the development process the design doc is updated, but it shouldn't need too much tweaking if the game is as intended sometimes they add in features late on, but your'd be suprised how early must things are set in stone. The reason I mention this is because the info found in the manuals is just ultra simplified pieces of info from the design doc, so the manual can be written at pretty much any time believe it or not.

Yes, you might indeed create the manual early on. But you wouldn't finalise it months in to the development process of a several year project. You touch it up and finalise it at the end, when all the features are completed. That manual doesn't even have any placeholders for pictures.

I update our manual when the game is being mastered, you do the literature at the end when the screens you are given are final. You wouldn't print one that looked like that. Anyone who'd accept that as a final submission would need shooting. If that's the final manual I get in my GT5 next week, I'll eat my hat and everyone elses hat, even the Mexican's with the really big hats made out of cheese. [/homer]
Umm, One is what we're seeming to see is a copy that's from ARCADE mode, as it's been stated before, and that other video is one that was givin to retailers with VERY limited selection and only a handful of cars with max damage already on. So yes, you will see a difference. It's a demo for people to play at a massive merchandise store, yes they are going to have everything sampled in as short of a demo as possible.

Tekken has already statet that even though he is playing it in arcade, it is with pro setting enabled.
GT5 would definitely have a better looking manual than that. Even the paper looks terrible. I could be wrong but the overall package should undeniably reflect the experience you have playing the game and browsing the official website etc. In other words such a manual would not represent the GT brand accurately.
The manual is intresting...

1. On controls page it says: "All screenshots for this manual have been taken from the English language version" (but theres no screenshots in manual-weird, or its an early print with missing screenshots...)

2. It states the course maker has circuit, & point to point tracks(something that was questioned as missing recently, after seeing new videos of course maker by Tekken90)

3. Car damage-Premium cars feature headlights with high & low beams and extensive damage. Standard cars feature standard details and damage effects.

Nothing new, but clarification of features IF the manual is the real deal.
This is from Tekken:

Same, but game installed FW 3.50 at first start so that can't be too much old build... I still think this is final build. But who knows now... One thing is sure... its a rare copy! :D

Knowing that the game installed the 3.50 FW update at "first start", this may well be the final version of the game. :scared:
Tekken has already statet that even though he is playing it in arcade, it is with pro setting enabled.

pro settings for arcade, yes. we have that option in prologue, it's still arcade. Arcade won't have a damage model both internal and external like it will for the main mode, that's why GT has arcade mode.
You do know Carbon Fiber doesn't spark, right? To be honest the sparks in the Best Buy Demo were stupid. I mean, SuperGT cars rub and a million sparks fly? But the bodies of most race cars aren't even metal but fiber glass or carbon fiber. Why would it spark? The skid plates should spark, but no the body of the car.

If Carbon Fiber doesn't spark then what causes sparks when an F1 cars front wing is touching the track :P
The manual is intresting...

1. On controls page it says: "All screenshots for this manual have been taken from the English language version" (but theres no screenshots in manual-weird, or its an early print with missing screenshots...)

2. It states the course maker has circuit, & point to point tracks(something that was questioned as missing recently, after seeing new videos of course maker by Tekken90)

3. Car damage-Premium cars feature headlights with high & low beams and extensive damage. Standard cars feature standard details and damage effects.

Nothing new, but clarification of features IF the manual is the real deal.

I have no doubt the information in the manual is accurate and real, but I do think it's highly unlikely if that's how the manual will appear when the game is shipped.