[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
again, thats people's own faults for hyping it

Well, than you forget about Kaz and his 'major advancement', and the release 'soon after gtpsp', and the 99,9% certain 2009 release posted on the news page couple weeks ago, and the flyer at gamescom that says Q4 2009, and....
Well, than you forget about Kaz and his 'major advancement', and the release 'soon after gtpsp', and the 99,9% certain 2009 release posted on the news page couple weeks ago, and the flyer at gamescom that says Q4 2009, and....

Rollovers a major advancement to me..

Like people have said 'soon' in Japan however weird it may sound isn't the na or eu version of soon.

The flyer was never proven to be legitimate was it, i even remeber alba saying he looked around and was there all day and never saw it, there was no proof at all that was legit!

It's all perspective, if you went in with massive hype and false hopes then yeah its underwhelming, to me however it was pretty standard procedure
Rollovers a major advancement to me..

Like people have said 'soon' in Japan however weird it may sound isn't the na or eu version of soon.

The flyer was never proven to be legitimate was it, i even remeber alba saying he looked around and was there all day and never saw it, there was no proof at all that was legit!

It's all perspective, if you went in with massive hype and false hopes then yeah its underwhelming, to me however it was pretty standard procedure

Well all hints were pointing at a 2009 release, not a single one at 2010. As a real GT fan, who has been looking forward to this game for about 3-4 years now, I can honestly say this is a major letdown. Especially since there is no explanation whatsoever!
So if you're not upset by how this went, you don't care much about GT imo...
Thats fair enough, i'm just glad we could discuss it properley :)..

It's still only 3 months extra, i just think alot of people are overreacting.
Of course it's not ideal and i'd like it to come sooner, but me getting annoyed and venting solves nothing
The flyer was never proven to be legitimate was it, i even remeber alba saying he looked around and was there all day and never saw it, there was no proof at all that was legit!

The fact it was on a picture of the HKS CT230R that we have never seen means it came from Sony somehow.
I don't quite understand why the game is considered Japanese, then translated to English. All in game footage has always been in English hasnt it?

All the videos/gameplay all say 'best lap' instead of japanese equivalent.

Whats the chances GT5 will need to be translated to Japanese from English?

After all, at least 50% of the game is English derived.

Formula 1 : Worldwide english.
WRC : Many languages, but official information and the definition of WRC are in english.
NASCAR : Obviously, this is the exception, its not English, its American!! :sly:
What do they need to explain? There has never been an official release date until yesterday.

I'm not upset in the slightest. Want to tell me how I don't care much about GT?

Well, how about the laughing when he was asked about a 2010 release and he said 'sooner than you think'?

And if you honestly was already expecting 2010 okay, but if you along with everybody else expected 2009 and you're still not disappointed or a little mad about this, I do question your love for GT!
And now you probably come up with 'I want a good/finished game' and I follow you on that one, but then Kaz shouldn't have hinted at 2009 in any way!
Was license test announced in that leaked document at E3? Sounds silly but it could very well be that the game was delayed because the same mode in GT5 was used as in GT PSP with the latter not being reviewed well due to it. Just trying to think of the reasons, personally I think the biggest reason is FFXIII and simply it was not yet complete.
Well, how about the laughing when he was asked about a 2010 release and he said 'sooner than you think'?

Have you seen some of the guesses in here? Some aren't even this millennium, never mind this financial year.

And if you honestly was already expecting 2010 okay, but if you along with everybody else expected 2009 and you're still not disappointed or a little mad about this, I do question your love for GT!

Anyone who was expecting anything was optimistic. We had no concrete date confirmed from Sony/PD. We also all know that both are renowned for letting actual release dates slide quite alarmingly. To then act all shocked because they've announced a date which doesn't match your unfounded expectations shows that your expectations are unrealistic and you have no knowledge of the history of GT games.

I'm sure my thousand pound GT collection was done for some other reason than love of the games though...

And now you probably come up with 'I want a good/finished game' and I follow you on that one, but then Kaz shouldn't have hinted at 2009 in any way!

As I am at pains to point out to people on this site, you should only ever take as fact that which is presented to you as such and not attempt to make your own interpretations from other data. If you read what is written and what is written turns out to be untrue, it is the fault of the author. If you infer your own information and it turns out to be untrue, it is the fault of the reader.
Clear example of two different visions here...
Never mind, I respect your view on all this. And your point about history is true, GT4 went exactly the same way (that's why I don't trust the March release either). What doesn't mean they couldn't have learned from it in some way...
Some quick questions I came up with, someone send them to PD

- Why 2010 and not 2009?
- NA/EU release date?
- New Tracks not seen in GT before?
- Changing Time of Day for endurance races?
- Changing Weather?
- Online Stats?
- Will youtube output be in HD?
- How much does damage effect handling?
- What is the difference between damage on racecars and damage on road cars, if any?
- Custom Liveries?
- Will their be dedicated servers for online racing?
- Will online racing be region free?
- In private online rooms what options can be customized?
- How customizable are single player arcade races? Can we customize who we race against?

Answer by KY " I've been told to answer only questions about GT Mobil"
Maybe they bother because of the tractor-trailer loads of money their games rake in 💡

Oh yeah, and I'm really sorry they have to bother with implementing gameplay features they should have had automatically--such as damage--if they are the "Real Driving Simulator"

And what makes you think they listen to what people say anyway?
Do you actually think they are reading the crap in the GT5 forum and taking meticulous notes? If Polyphyony is relying on the scatterbrained posts of fanboys to decide what features they are going to put in their games, then they've got serious problems. Some of the features that we finally have semi-confirmation of for GT5--such as voice chat, private rooms, damage, etc.--should have been no-brainer features from the start.

the features you are looking for was not in prologue for a reason. it's called PROLOGUE.

GT fans have went beyond the requests of normal gamers. they want everything. they want it all. hundreds of cars to hundreds tracks, damage that somhow surpassess burnout paradise, dynamic weather, day night cycle.
They want to drive to their own pit stops sighing at the thought of smashing into pit crews, to full blown tires.

in a way i can sympathise with kaz. victim of their own success.

like i said. forza fans are alot more forgiving and easily satisfied. and that in turn helps turn 10
I think that lot of us are ready to exchange all that bunch of useless cars which most of us will never drive for better and less sterile surrounding graphics with some life, weather, time changes, proper and not buzzing engine sounds, better than mindless and punting AI, better colission physics in which you can't grind away forward from every contact, rubber on tarmac, all lights working including reverse ones and so many other details that PD is overlooking for years.

That's the way forza goes since beginning and why that once poor game is slowly growing into better title than GT is. That's the thing some people and Kaz can't realize. His megalomania is slowly killing GT.
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Does anyone have any more information about the pitstops?
I'd really like to know from what point do we gain control of the car. Whether it's like GT4, which is automated right from entering the pitlane to leaving it, or whether it'll be more realistic, with us having to control the speed of the car ourselves and finding the right pitstop box.
I'd love it if it is as realistic as that, it seems a waste having the lollipop man fully animated like that only to have the game do everything for you!
As I stated in another thread, I want full control over my car in pit stops, but I hope they put in the option to bind a pit limiter (even on cars that wouldn't have it), because I know the moment a pit stop is going to count is the minute my foot is going to slip and I'm gonna go 5 over the limit and get a penalty.
They should make it like in GTL.
The drive to the pit goes automatically, but when the pitstop is over, you have to drive the car out of the pitlane.
As I stated in another thread, I want full control over my car in pit stops, but I hope they put in the option to bind a pit limiter (even on cars that wouldn't have it), because I know the moment a pit stop is going to count is the minute my foot is going to slip and I'm gonna go 5 over the limit and get a penalty.

Doubt you will ever get full control in the pitlane; I guess a limiter *could* be possible, but the car would be on rails if it were. Else you'd be able to drive into a crowd of pitcrew, and then they'd have to get GranTurismo a different PEGI rating.
I know this is completely random but I really really hope they will let you completely turn the HUD off. I mean everything off! Would be extremely nice when using the cockpit view. Should make things very interesting as well in an online race when I force the HUD off.
what info have we been given about car customisation or anything to do with the GT garage or anything related to this, SWEET F ALL
all we have is some new cars and that is it, oh and a crap release date March 2010 OMGWTFBBQ
so by the time GT5 comes out all the news will be about the new PS4 and then GT5 will be delayed untill that comes out
what info have we been given about car customisation or anything to do with the GT garage or anything related to this, SWEET F ALL
all we have is some new cars and that is it, oh and a crap release date March 2010 OMGWTFBBQ
so by the time GT5 comes out all the news will be about the new PS4 and then GT5 will be delayed untill that comes out
I know this is completely random but I really really hope they will let you completely turn the HUD off. I mean everything off! Would be extremely nice when using the cockpit view. Should make things very interesting as well in an online race when I force the HUD off.

here is your chance!


On Saturday, September 26 (in Japan), GameSpot will be heading to Polyphony Digital to check out more of GT5 and talk with series creator Kazunori Yamauchi. If you've got a question or two about the game, put it in the comments below, and who knows, we just might be able to get it answered on your behalf.

Stay tuned for more on Gran Turismo 5 in the coming months.