[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
I dunno, they kind of bother me being all light and floppy like that but it hasn't really struck me as too bad just yet...
When GT5 finally does come out, you be sure and check every blade of grass, flower and tree leaf for accuracy for us. We're counting on you, Deve. :sly:
If you look at the picture of the interview the interpreter is non other than the E3 guy! He's has his notepad and everything, I bet he's doing a cryptic crossword this time!
Glad to see the Shelby Daytona Coupe is in the game! It's the 2nd car from the right.

How do you know its in the game? That would have to mean the Porsche 917-10K, 935 and the 917-30 (also shown) would be in the game as well.
I swear, this site is filled with people who have no idea what they're talking about, yet pretend to be know-it-alls. Reading this mundane discussion about the barriers and how they're filled with water of concrete plastic unrealistic physics BS is sigh inducing.

Apparently in these people's tiny worlds, barriers on race tracks only exist in the concrete and the filled-with-water variations and anything else, ones that are not filled with water or *GASP* some other kind of barrier is simply not possible in our dimension of being.




Now get back on topic, I'm sick of these OCD people nitpicking stuff in GT when they know nothing.
Sorry for the delay in my news!! My battery died on my phone whilst I was at TGS!!! Just recovered from an immense day now! With all driver aids off in the Ferrari 458 I noticed a lot more realisting twitching under braking even with ABS on1 the back end was getting very light under heavy braking into most corners. I can confirm the Mercedes SLS as that was on the ocnsole next to me. God knows how they managed to get that car in so quick!!!

The new physics engine seemed a lot more realistic than Prologue even in the short 3 or 4 minutes I was allowed on it. It was welll worth the wait though and I nearly queued up again for a second go but my belly started rumbling to me saying NEED FOOD NOW!! All in all though it looks a lot better and feels a lot better. There were some pretty good developments there though on other games. New Call of Duty looks stunning, Xbox's body motion tracking thing (cant remember the name) is very impressive and there was so much DLC for the DS there everyone was wandering around playing games and getting updates right there and then!! Didn't affect me though as I just walked over the top of them being about 3 foot taller than everyone there!!!

Well, I need to go and eat now and try and get back to where I'm staying... Then its just a case of getting ready for the GP next weekend!!!
Sorry for the delay in my news!! My battery died on my phone whilst I was at TGS!!! Just recovered from an immense day now! With all driver aids off in the Ferrari 458 I noticed a lot more realisting twitching under braking even with ABS on1 the back end was getting very light under heavy braking into most corners. I can confirm the Mercedes SLS as that was on the ocnsole next to me. God knows how they managed to get that car in so quick!!!

The new physics engine seemed a lot more realistic than Prologue even in the short 3 or 4 minutes I was allowed on it. It was welll worth the wait though and I nearly queued up again for a second go but my belly started rumbling to me saying NEED FOOD NOW!! All in all though it looks a lot better and feels a lot better. There were some pretty good developments there though on other games. New Call of Duty looks stunning, Xbox's body motion tracking thing (cant remember the name) is very impressive and there was so much DLC for the DS there everyone was wandering around playing games and getting updates right there and then!! Didn't affect me though as I just walked over the top of them being about 3 foot taller than everyone there!!!

Well, I need to go and eat now and try and get back to where I'm staying... Then its just a case of getting ready for the GP next weekend!!!

Sweet. Thanks for the info. I am glad to hear the physics are getting more challenging.
Thanks BossDodd! glad to hear the physics are better from a fellow member. Did you happen to notice any other little changes in the game? ie: shadow differences, different gestures in the cockpit? I hope there is paddle shifting motions now, it has always bothered me haha
I can't believe all the things everybody wants, implemented in to GT5! If PD could do half of the stuff wanted, we wouldn't see GT5 for another 5 years!!

P.S. Hotrails17, watch the track. That is what i do!:sly:
With all driver aids off in the Ferrari 458 I noticed a lot more realisting twitching under braking even with ABS on1 the back end was getting very light under heavy braking into most corners. I can confirm the Mercedes SLS as that was on the ocnsole next to me. God knows how they managed to get that car in so quick!!!

The new physics engine seemed a lot more realistic than Prologue even in the short 3 or 4 minutes I was allowed on it.

I will sleep great tonight because of your post. Thanks for taking note of the important stuff and not whining about how the damage wasnt perfect:tup:

BTW, I loved the "3 feet taller than everyone else" comment, that gave me a good laugh.
i swear, this site is filled with people who have no idea what they're talking about, yet pretend to be know-it-alls. Reading this mundane discussion about the barriers and how they're filled with water of concrete plastic unrealistic physics bs is sigh inducing.

Apparently in these people's tiny worlds, barriers on race tracks only exist in the concrete and the filled-with-water variations and anything else, ones that are not filled with water or *gasp* some other kind of barrier is simply not possible in our dimension of being.

Oh wait!

oh my god! Real life has bad physics or peeps didn't fill water of concrete confirmed omgggggggggggggggggggggggg

now get back on topic, i'm sick of these ocd people nitpicking stuff in gt when they know nothing.

The new physics engine seemed a lot more realistic than Prologue even in the short 3 or 4 minutes I was allowed on it. It was welll worth the wait though and I nearly queued up again for a second go but my belly started rumbling to me saying NEED FOOD NOW!! All in all though it looks a lot better and feels a lot better.

Personally I didnt see much difference over prologue. The graphics didnt seem any better, and I did notice some screen tearing. Physics wise everything seemed exactly the same. I didnt notice the rear of the car being any wilder.

I was disappointed actually. There was no damage I could see, the tokyo track just seemed like a high res version of the GT4 track. Getting to drive the new gull wing was nice though. Still for TGS I was hoping to see something more. I took some video of the game but when I got home I didnt see any point in uploading it, nothing new.

Forza 3 impressed me more actually. Physics wise it seemed a little dulled down, but it was much more fun to drive and watch. As a GT fan it kills me to say it, but that is how it was.

Oh and those xbox girls... Killed the sony babes :P
Now, keeping this in mind, I'd like people to direct their attention to the bottom-right corner of any post. There's two speech bubbles there and if you click on them, a little green + appears. You can click on loads of them and little green + appear on all of the ones you click.

Now, when you click on Quote or Go Advanced, all of these posts are quoted. And this means you can respond to several people in one go in one post!
Oh, wow! Thanks for that. I always thought that button was for nested quoting, and I could never figure out why it didn't work.

I've been multi-quoting by quoting a post, typing up my reply, copying the entire thing, canceling my post, quoting another post, pasting in the other reply at the top, typing up a reply to the second post, repeating the above as necessary, then finally posting the whole thing. ><

This will be much easier. Thanks again! :cheers:
Link 2

You can get off of Kaz's dick now, genius.
These are very old articles and they don't (obviously) give an exact release date. As already proved , things may change. They said christmas 2009? Well now it's march 2010, not a big difference.

p.s. please stop with the bad language
I was driving bumper cam as I always do so I didn't notice the paddle shifts but when I was watching someone else I noticed there was no head movement. I did notice some screen tearing too but as the game is only 65% finished I'm sure that is the sort of thing that will be ironed out. I am certainly not going to start bashing an incomplete game!! And yes the Xbox girls were soooo much better than the Sony ones, I am gutted I missed the french maids cafe though, saw a picture after though!

I couldn't believe some people though, they queued up for over an hour to drive worse than my gran!! I did however keep the side up though no crashing and only one slight bump of the barrier on the first turn when I hit the brakes for the first time and nearly lost it completely but just managed to get enough speed off to get it turned but still a little scrape on the exit.

Did anyone notice and track deformation? I thought I saw a tyre flying off a barrier but I cant be sure...
> Nasanu, With the damage I think you also have to bear in mind they were only letting us drive in Arcade mode so I think damage would be a lot more limited there than in career mode.
Did anyone notice and track deformation? I thought I saw a tyre flying off a barrier but I cant be sure...

There is a seperate bundle of tyres you can knock down on the first corner as well as moveable orange & white barriers around the track and foam blocks on the last bend you can move.