[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
I'm really annoyed. I bought Prologue ages ago...they promised a damage update in prologue but that never happened either...why should anyone believe it will be ready in March 2010?

Maybe Forza 4 will be done before GT5 is out. I'm sure they're already working on Forza 4.

I'm sure everyone here has heard of Duke Nukem Forever. Well, that's what happens when you're slow in development. By the time you're ready to deliver your product is dated and you need to "improve" it to compete and then you become even more delayed until you run out of money.

And March is not 3 month away. Forza is less than a month away.

I think I'll buy the Fantech wheel and Forza 3.

Look, if it was guaranteed March 2010 then great but it's not...it's just another date...no way to tell if it's gonna happen.

Why you posting that ? is it like a threat or something ?

Couldnt care what you do if your throwing your toys out thats fine.

and as far as RedBaron goes his posts are always good for a laugh :D
Get your head out of your arse.

Forza 3 is not even out yet.

It is not out yet, but they have revealed a lot of contents already. From what we can see, it is not as good as prologue, well to me. There are plenty of comparison out there for everyone to check out. However, I think Shift is very interesting and more attractive to me if I am going to buy any racing game before GT5 comes out it will be Shift. It is more on the arcade side, but it looks really cool and got its own style.
There is more then just GT5. Sure its a major title, but its not the only major title.

If thats you being agitated with the release date, don't blame me. Since you asked(or judging by that, demanded), Here's your answer: PSP go. Have you seen any other title being shown other then GT?

GT Mobile sales vs GT5 sales will settle this. Secondly, no, actually, I'm very patient. I will wait till 2010 for GT5. I have great patience.
Meh......PS3 sales are more important. Especially with the slow start they had.

GT Mobile is obviously a very casual game. Why put that over a very serious game? Answer that.

yes because the sales for the PS3 are so down because the 360 has a year head start on the PS3 and the PS3 is already 4 million consoles ahead of where the 360 was at the this point in its life. the PS3 has more then made up for an, actually not, slow start. they have just always had a catching up game to play since xbox had a year head start so the media always made it seem so bad for the PS3. why bad news brings in more readers. but when you look at the actual numbers you see that the PS3s start was on par with the 360's. please look at actual figures and not what the bias media says. and if you need help finding the numbers they are right here.


now the PSP needs the new model to sell well and who do they call to get that done PD. why because they know PD can sell there games and where games sales come in so do console sales.

otherwise a march 2010 release sounds good to me that will give me time to play MW2 and MAG with my buddys before GT5 consumes my life for a few months.
Which ones exactly are you referring to? I am pretty sure the features I am interested in has had nothing promising detailed.

I dont remember which ones he said were user requested just go back and look. I think voice chat and private rooms I could be wrong

Well the GT world doesnt revolve around you dev.

Yes they do 110% in only 250% of the time it takes everyone else to do 100%! It's worth it 80% of the time, every time!

worst agruement of yours I've ever read. That should tell you something.
1 halfa**ed Gt game (GT5:P) is better than 2 forzas (maybe 3 after tomorrow)
ok, this is my first post on this forums.
until now i did just read the forums and listened to some of your expertices..

but tbh, is it just me or am i the only one thinking about "Gran Turismo forever" right now?
i mean, "aiming for a release of a perfekt game" is honorably, but shouldnt the focus nonetheless be on "releasing"?
Sorry, but this is without a doubt the biggest disappointment for me regarding gaming in the current gen. despite from the lack of games in the beginning of the PS3 era.

this is absolute rubbish...
ffs, just bring the game out, u cyan patch it to perfectionism, but please, dont harm us anymore!!
I understand the economics of the competing handheld systems on the market. I'm no dummy. What I am saying is put in 3 good years and complete GT5. This leaves 2 years for GT Mobile on the PSP GO.
I understand the economics of the competing handheld systems on the market. I'm no dummy. What I am saying is put in 3 good years and complete GT5. This leaves 2 years for GT Mobile on the PSP GO.

My theory is they felt they needed to develop the 2 games side by side to make sure they meshed. but idk

I think it safe to say Kaz was hilariously optimistic with that timeline.
Yea, GT PSP is a joke. What a waste, in my opinion. Why put GT Mobile over a system seller?
Biggest mistake in the history of GT.
QFT, but keep in mind that this was a SONY decision, and Kaz intended to get GT5 out first. With more than 50 million PSPs out, someone at the helm decided it need more boost for some unfathomable reason...

If Kaz and PD doesn't shape up and start looking around at the competition, they're going to be headed in the same direction. Might take awhile for the people to wake up and realize that there are better games out there. That is my honest opinion on the matter.
So, you think Kaz should:
  • Release buggy, smaller games earlier?
  • Rush games that don't work as advertised, and even with numerous patches, STILL don't?
  • Milk it with DLC you have to pay for, and integrates awkwardly?
By the way, I'm unaware of what "better" games are out there. FW3? GRID? Shift? Sure, whatever keeps you happy and off the streets at night. ;)
GT5: Prologue could have been epic, in that damage could have been first implemented there. This would have given us time to give PD feedback on what we liked/disliked. Anyways, I'm going to wait until GT5 comes out, whenever that is, but it's silly to see a casual game meant for the bus ride home overriding a marathon-of-a-game.
-> ...
Exactly, however that was just posted so the guy could highlight that it says 2008 GT5
^ Maybe the 'indicated' 2008 is the end between 2008 and GT5 is 2009. :boggled:

QFT, but keep in mind that this was a SONY decision, and Kaz intended to get GT5 out first. With more than 50 million PSPs out, someone at the helm decided it need more boost for some unfathomable reason...

So, you think Kaz should:

* Release buggy, smaller games earlier?
* Rush games that don't work as advertised, and even with numerous patches, STILL don't?
* Milk it with DLC you have to pay for?

By the way, I'm unaware of what "better" games are out there. FW3? GRID? Shift? Sure, whatever keeps you happy and off the streets at night.
^ Oh god, I hope it won't be like GT2 again with "no 3rd gear Integra" and stuff. :scared:
Oh well,given the farce GT5`s development time has taken and it`s continually delayed release date and the speculation that surrounds it. It is no real surprise it has been pushed all the way back to march 2010.

At no point at all has GT5 ever been delayed. March 2010 is the first release date ever officially announced for GT5.




Maybe this'll sink in everyone's head sooner.
So uh, what turned out to be this 'major advancement' ? Do we even know that much? Is it true all cars have damage models, are the damage models improved? Is there any substance that has come out of TGS so far?
At no point at all has GT5 ever been delayed. March 2010 is the first release date ever officially announced for GT5.

Something can't be delayed if there is no time or date attached.
Finally someone else has worked that out too! Thankyou!
All i have to say is


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At no point at all has GT5 ever been delayed. March 2010 is the first release date ever officially announced for GT5.

Plastering 20'x20' posters everywhere at gamescon last month that said coming in 2009 doesn't count? Laughing about the possibility of a 2010 release date as well?

Kaz got hopes up and dropped the ball big time.

Promising a "major advancement" will be shown at TGS only to show nothing except promote that mission based garbage called GT PSP which has already gotten crap reviews.

Its starting to look like Turn 10 is the lesser of the two evils
RACECAR-> Vehicle/Race Car Wish List extend mode. :lol:

OT-> I really wanted to re-post that freak-mode vid again, but I better not. :indiff:

BT-> Hmm, 03/10...What PD is really up to its sleeve? Something really big that would make every one happy I guess! :confused:
So uh, what turned out to be this 'major advancement' ? Do we even know that much? Is it true all cars have damage models, are the damage models improved? Is there any substance that has come out of TGS so far?

So far!!??

TGS is pretty much a few hours old! TGS is going to last 3 days. Lots of interviews and stuff will come.
FFS quit the moaning.
At no point at all has GT5 ever been delayed. March 2010 is the first release date ever officially announced for GT5.

thats not true.
remember that cardboard standup saying release will be Q4 09.

but its pointless to point that out unless my posts dont show up anyway...
So uh, what turned out to be this 'major advancement' ? Do we even know that much? Is it true all cars have damage models, are the damage models improved? Is there any substance that has come out of TGS so far?

All the online features that some people said they'd die for have been announced
So, you think Kaz should:
  • Release buggy, smaller games earlier?
  • Rush games that don't work as advertised, and even with numerous patches, STILL don't?
By the way, I'm unaware of what "better" games are out there. FW3? GRID? Shift? Sure, whatever keeps you happy and off the streets at night. ;)

So you're the type of person who would look at something and copy the bad thing instead of the good thing? That is amazing that you would even bring up an asinine thing like that to say. How about doing it like a smart person would and look at the GOOD things the competition are doing and take that to the next level? How about looking at the competition and learn about their way of recording sound?

You would have to be pretty god damn stupid not to realize a simple concept as that. It is the same in all fields, not just videogames. One company comes out with a Hybrid car, another will take that idea and try to out do them. If you don't then you end up where GM and Chrysler are at right now. Know why Ford is still above water? Take a wild guess, genius.

What is a better game to you? Is it the graphics? Is it the tons of cars and tracks? Is it better physics/tuning options/car customizations/intelligent AI/Online play? Everyone's point of view is different when it comes to judging which game is "better". I'm not going to say if GT5 or Forza 3 is better because I haven't played either game and don't know enough about them to say. All I know is with the improvements that each franchise is making with each game, it won't take long for Forza to surpass GT.

Can you honestly look at the GT franchise and say without a doubt that you think they have improved greatly since GT1? The only improvements I've seen so far is the graphics and number of cars. That may be well and good for now but it won't always be that way. Let me guess, you guys are going to call me a Forza fanboy and a troll now right?:lol: