[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Common sense is no longer common.

E3 2009- Concept trailer
GamesCom 2009: Demo (with damage)
TGS 2009: 30 minute speech about stuff we knew?

No. No. Be realistic, people. We've seen two grainy videos and that's it. You don't waste an opportunity like TGS. You take advantage of it. 3 3/4 days left.


am i the only one that like it when games are not released on a yearly basis like COD or MoH or even forza on its bi yearly release. i perfer games to take time to have a true game development cycle and not be rushed out in a year. why is it that only playstation games are like these? metal gear only have 4 MGS games (not counting the original MG games) in 10 years. gran turismo is now only on 5 after 12 or 13 years. final fantasy games are even like this. in 13 years they have released only 6 main games all of them having long development cycles. these games always just seem better then the rest. why? because they are not rushed out and milked for all there worth. same goes for PC racing sims. they arent just rushed out and the end result is always a trully great experience i just dont get those with alot of games anymore and i have pretty much quit buying most games now because of it.
All the online features that some people said they'd die for have been announced

What are they because apart from the release date and the Video I can't find anymore info.

I apologise for not reading this thread properly or staying up for the presentation but im not feeling too well today.
What a bummer... Come online this morning only to see that GT5 doesnt come out til March 2010... Oh well, Gives me time to play all the games I pre-ordered like MW2 and Operation Flashpoint or Shift which Im playing now...I do hope though, that KY drops a MONSTER of a game in March 2010... because if he doesnt, it will be very disappointing... not only for me, but many others as well I presume... 5 to 6 years of development should yield a game of MASS proportions like we've never seen... Atleast thats what you would think, I imagine... I guess only time will tell.. :indiff::indiff:
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What are they because apart from the release date and the Video I can't find anymore info.

I apologise for not reading this thread properly or staying up for the presentation but im not feeling too well today.

Awwwww...you poor guy! There will be private online lobbies, voicechat, uploading video and photos to share and leaderboards. Pretty much things that are standard for any current gen racing games.:lol:
"Online= Open Lobby, Text/Voice Chat, Private Room, Online Photo Album, Online Replay Album, and you can export replays to YouTube"

taken from page 1 of this thread VOR
"Online= Open Lobby, Text/Voice Chat, Private Room, Online Photo Album, Online Replay Album, and you can export replays to YouTube"

taken from page 1 of this thread VOR

#1 in my book.
"Online= Open Lobby, Text/Voice Chat, Private Room, Online Photo Album, Online Replay Album, and you can export replays to YouTube"

taken from page 1 of this thread VOR

I am stupid. Just spent ages googling and it was on pg 1 all this time lol. I need at least 5 cigs, 6 coffees before I properly wake up in the morning.:dopey:

Cheers for letting me know mate.
Anytime, i've got alot of time for people who are not just posting rubbish overreacting again.

Still 3 days to go of TGS i'm sure more details and info will come out atleast
So can we expect an update for prologue? Man this is dissapointing, March is ages away. :( now I even have to put off buying a wheel to.

March (6 months) if your Japanese

Going off the blueprint set by Gran Turismo 4, the game will be released 2-3 months later in North America and Europe, meaning 8 to 9 more months, May - June 2010 for NTSC and PAL

That's just absurd.

And what info has been released to keep you excited about this game? Everyone is over 900 cars and youtube output.

Square-Enix has been consistently pumping out new screenshots of Final Fantasy XIII to Famitsu for the past year.

All we've gotten from GT5 over the past 12 months is a 60 second teaser trailer.

EDIT: Tokyo R246 andsome cars we've known about for ages.. YAWN
I do hope though, that KY drops a MONSTER of a game in March 2010... because if he doesnt, it will be very disappointing... not only for me, but many others as well I presume... 5 to 6 years of development should yield a game of MASS proportions like we've never seen... Atleast thats what you would think, I imagine... I guess only time will tell.. :indiff::indiff:

couldn't have put it better myself Blitz.....
Anytime, i've got alot of time for people who are not just posting rubbish overreacting again.

Still 3 days to go of TGS i'm sure more details and info will come out atleast

I must admit im rather more laid back about this release date.

The way I see it is nothing we do or say will make GT5 arrive any sooner and although we're disappointed these things happen in game development. Maybe PD fully expected to release GT5 in Dec but ran into a few technical problems. I would prefer they fixed these rather than release game that instantly needs patching. I recently purchased NFS Shift and this game is full of bugs/glitches that needed at least another 3months of development!

Im just going to enjoy the other games especially MW2. Im also trying to save for a cockpit but now the release might be March I might be able to buy a Gameracer Elite instead of a Wheelstand Pro. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Just thinking but what a summer we have to look forward to next year, Gran Turismo 5 and the World Cup.:)
I really can't say enough bad things about them having "Premium" and "Standard" car models.

Just imagine, you're going to buy your favorite car, or win it, only to be like "Awwwwww.....my favorite car isn't Premium :( "

And that's what's gonna happen more than 80% of the time.
Wow. I think that's rather bull ca-ca for them to come out now and say 2010, seeing as how they were all "Sooner than you think" etc. etc. and then saying they there will be some pleasing information during TGS? The reason they're taking so long and are apparently only 65% done better be because they're doing 100% damage model on every single car in the game.

65% done after 5 years? Geez.
All the online features that some people said they'd die for have been announced

Yeah but we already knew about ALL of that.

And while that may be impressive from a Gran Turismo only perspective, all of those things are run of the mill standard stuff for racing games, and have been for years.

It's not "exciting" that those features are there. It would simply be unthinkable if they weren't.
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Nah, I'm not having it.

KY is winding us all up. There are a few more days to go I reckon on the last day he'll announce a release date a lot sooner.

He must do - like somebody else mentioned they had 'releasing in 2009' on the posters at the gamescom show so how does a professional company get it so wrong and then go back on its word?

they can't of put it back just because of the bad press the damage got as I'm sure the game fanatics who work at PD would of gave them the same kind of feedback as we all did.

I'm expecting a new 'surprise' release date at the end of the show which is still 2009 or a nice big update for GT5P.

If not then all I can say is WOW - in disbelief.

And to all the GT fanboys who don't mind waiting another 6 months I see what you mean - we all want it to be a great game but come on, there's waiting and then theirs this episode with GT5 - it's beyond a joke now.

Most of the news about the on-line stuff is standard stuff nowadays so reading the first page didn't set my pulse racing.

Fingers crossed for some 'Good' news to come out over the next few days.

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