[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
I am ok with the news. Just continue with prologue, Froza3? it is not even as good as prologue. It has more cars, but overall I still prefers prologue. Prologue is good enough for me till whenever the GT5 comes out. :)
yay, world map!

I'm not upset, but so far, what serious new features are there that aren't just connectivity/graphics/ui/menus?

I seriously hope that they've developed a major feature or two over the last 5 years that isn't either superfluous graphical masturbation or usability and options.

yes they have. The most important part of the game, the physics.
This is Kaz and PD we're talking about here! They do things at 110%, not the usual 100% that other developers go for. With that said. I highly doubt the game is only 65% done if it is going to be releasing in March. It has to be hovering around 85-90% done for a March 2010 release. You have to remember the size of this game. 45% of another game may take 5 months but not for a game like GT5.

Yes they do 110% in only 250% of the time it takes everyone else to do 100%! It's worth it 80% of the time, every time!

And what's this all about "only 3 months". Why is it when people were expecting a dec release date, there was no official release date, but when it comes time to try and make march sound as good as possible, it's only 3 more months... 3 more months than what? The relesae date that never existed?

BTW that is 100% longer than a december relesae date and that's only if it was a december 31 release date.

And I don't know in who's book that is "very shortly after GTPSP".

I really wonder what people will say if the game releases in march and it's not all the silver lining people are claiming (ie whatever it is that is going to make it perfect then instead of rushed now).
I am ok with the news. Just continue with prologue, Froza3? it is not even as good as prologue. It has more cars, but overall I still prefers prologue. Prologue is good enough for me till whenever the GT5 comes out. :)

Get your head out of your arse.

Forza 3 is not even out yet.
Oh well,given the farce GT5`s development time has taken and it`s continually delayed release date and the speculation that surrounds it. It is no real surprise it has been pushed all the way back to march 2010,it`s very disappointing and has upset hordes of people including myself. March 2010 is 6 months away from today,thats a long time to be asked to wait.
Yes they do 110% in only 250% of the time it takes everyone else to do 100%! It's worth it 80% of the time, every time!

And what's this all about "only 3 months". Why is it when people were expecting a dec release date, there was no official release date, but when it comes time to try and make march sound as good as possible, it's only 3 more months... 3 more months than what? The relesae date that never existed?

BTW that is 100% longer than a december relesae date and that's only if it was a december 31 release date.

And I don't know in who's book that is "very shortly after GTPSP".

I really wonder what people will say if the game releases in march and it's not all the silver lining people are claiming (ie whatever it is that is going to make it perfect then instead of rushed now).

dev, its time to put your big boy pants on.

Didnt you read that Kaz put in "requested features", aren't you happy about that?
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Just read the latest news and I have to say im rather pleased the release date is March 2010. Only last night was I moaning to my friends about MW2, FM3, GT5 being released near to each other, so at least I can now spend plenty of time on all 3 games.

As for the release date being March instead of Dec has me wondering. Remember how threads were locked on here about rumours of some people playing a GT5 demo. Well maybe there was an actual GT5 beta and maybe some bugs were found that mean't the release date is delayed!
CAN SOMEONE TRANSLATE what is written in this picture, besides the numbers 2010-03 ? No speculation, just 1:1 translation?


It could be date for not game but some kind of add-on or whatever. Just translate it, will ya?

Well not very good news at all this morning :( ... they estimate March for Japan and will be around Summer 2010 for the US, which will mean roughly September - December 2010 for Europe as we get everything last 👎

Anyway ... on the bright side! Modern Warfare II and a couple of other titles will get the attention they deserve due to PD being consistently 1 -3 years behind schedule :cheers:

To the best of my knowledge every GT title since GT2 has been held back and held back so many times it ends up being all about the hype they can stir up! surely people have heard of the carrot and the donkey :lol:

Personally I will just ride it out as before with the previous titles but don't anyone hold their breath as PD has a habit of multiple release dates before you actually get one that is valid ;) and I wouldn't believe the March carrot either :)

I bet NFS shift III and Forza V will be out before GT5 :P enjoy the wait guys as it's only the beginning of a handful of dates ;)
yes they have. The most important part of the game, the physics.

Sure, the new physics is great, but I'd consider physics as a fundamental part of the game - part of the foundations. Like graphics, I'd expect it to have been reworked by this time.

Still, let's keep waiting.
It took 65 months to complete 65% of the game. When they release it in March 2010, then the game will be only 71% complete or what? After six years of development? And all idiocracies still present like poor colission and damage, buzzing sound, mindless AI, invisible walls, no burning rubber on tarmac? It's just joke. And all statements about Gran Turismo are so foggy and incomprehensible...
Yes they do 110% in only 250% of the time it takes everyone else to do 100%! It's worth it 80% of the time, every time!

I really wonder what people will say if the game releases in march and it's not all the silver lining people are claiming (ie whatever it is that is going to make it perfect then instead of rushed now).

I was being sarcastic about the 110% part just so the math would add up.:lol: As for what people will say when the game releases in March with the same lame stuff that has been in all the previous GT games? Most likely nothing. Why? Because people are morons and it will take them awhile to catch on but slowly they will catch on if things doesn't start changing with the GT franchise.

It's the same as the American car companies going down. They kept on building unreliable pieces of crap through the 70s, 80s and 90s and people started to catch on. In 2000s, their cars improved greatly in fit/finish and reliability but it was too late. Most people already jumped ship.

If Kaz and PD doesn't shape up and start looking around at the competition, they're going to be headed in the same direction. Might take awhile for the people to wake up and realize that there are better games out there. That is my honest opinion on the matter. I'm sure 90% of the people on here will disagree with me on it but whatever. I'll still be buying GT5 and will also be buying Forza 3 because I have the luxury to do so and I will enjoy both games greatly.

Will I be buying GT6 when it comes out? We'll see what they have to offer. If it is just a prettier GT5 with not much added. My money will be going elsewhere. ;)
Lads... If GT5 is only 65% complete, then bagging GT Mobile would not have made that much difference. Just be happy that we now know when it is actually going to be released. I know I am.
Did KY knows that in real world 6 month is a veeeryyy long time...:crazy:
Child born when GT4 was released will be able to play GT5, it's crazy

I'm just going to forgive this game i'm bored
i was being sarcastic about the 110% part just so the math would add up.:lol: As for what people will say when the game releases in march with the same lame stuff that has been in all the previous gt games? Most likely nothing. Why? Because people are morons and it will take them awhile to catch on but slowly they will catch on if things doesn't start changing with the gt franchise.

It's the same as the american car companies going down. They kept on building unreliable pieces of crap through the 70s, 80s and 90s and people started to catch on. In 2000s, their cars improved greatly in fit/finish and reliability but it was too late. Most people already jumped ship.

If kaz and pd doesn't shape up and start looking around at the competition, they're going to be headed in the same direction. Might take awhile for the people to wake up and realize that there are better games out there. That is my honest opinion on the matter. I'm sure 90% of the people on here will disagree with me on it but whatever. I'll still be buying gt5 and will also be buying forza 3 because i have the luxury to do so and i will enjoy both games greatly.

Will i be buying gt6 when it comes out? We'll see what they have to offer. If it is just a prettier gt5 with not much added. My money will be going elsewhere. ;)

I was being sarcastic about the 110% part just so the math would add up.:lol: As for what people will say when the game releases in March with the same lame stuff that has been in all the previous GT games? Most likely nothing. Why? Because people are morons and it will take them awhile to catch on but slowly they will catch on if things doesn't start changing with the GT franchise.

It's the same as the American car companies going down. They kept on building unreliable pieces of crap through the 70s, 80s and 90s and people started to catch on. In 2000s, their cars improved greatly in fit/finish and reliability but it was too late. Most people already jumped ship.

It's amazing how being a "loyalist" (can't risk the f word in here :D ) will do that to you... blinders are wonderful thing.

Did KY knows that in real world 6 month is a veeeryyy long time...:crazy:

I'm just going to forgive this game i'm bored

Considering they seem to feel 6 years is a reasonable time to frame for GT5, I wouldn't be surprised if not...
Meh......PS3 sales are more important. Especially with the slow start they had.

There is more then just GT5. Sure its a major title, but its not the only major title.

GT Mobile is obviously a very casual game. Why put that over a very serious game? Answer that.

If thats you being agitated with the release date, don't blame me. Since you asked(or judging by that, demanded), Here's your answer: PSP go. Have you seen any other title being shown other then GT?
Im sorry whats Gran Turismo 5? I seem to have forgotten.. OOHHHH THATS RIGHT!! The game thats taken like.. 35 years to make.

That said, Need For Speed Shift is full of glitches, bugs, errors and things that shouldn't happen. So the wait for GT5 will be well worth it.
I'm really annoyed. I bought Prologue ages ago...they promised a damage update in prologue but that never happened either...why should anyone believe it will be ready in March 2010?

Maybe Forza 4 will be done before GT5 is out. I'm sure they're already working on Forza 4.

I'm sure everyone here has heard of Duke Nukem Forever. Well, that's what happens when you're slow in development. By the time you're ready to deliver your product is dated and you need to "improve" it to compete and then you become even more delayed until you run out of money.

And March is not 3 month away. Forza is less than a month away.

I think I'll buy the Fantech wheel and Forza 3.

Look, if it was guaranteed March 2010 then great but it's not...it's just another date...no way to tell if it's gonna happen.