PD bassically underestimated the competition, did not listen to the fans and thought they could get away with the old tired GT formula. It turns out that being this ignorant is not good for business.
My thoughts
exactly. PD struts around knowing they are the best racing game creators in the business -
which they are - but now they are suffering for it. I
really hope that there is weather, night racing and more than 20 courses to race on in GT5 after
5 YEARS of work. Anything less than 40 unique courses would be
unacceptable in regards to that time-frame.
What I'm mad about is the spineless, deceptive song and dance Sony has perpetuated since E3, when it was known then, what the time frame for the release of GT5 would be.
Nobody likes getting "strung along" especially when there was absolutely no reason to do so other than, I think they wanted to avoid the obvious ire of their idiotic decision to prioritize GT PSP over GT5.
Maybe you don't realize you have been played for a fool, but many of the rest of us do.
Well said. 👍
deplorable how PD and Sony have handled their biggest franchise - and it's slowly making me resent the whole interview process regarding Kazunori Yamauchi. In fact, is
anyone here excited about whatever presser Kaz is scheduled to attend next? I'm not - because most likely, we will all just be let down
We hope for news - and in the aftermath, we get
nothing. Again, we hope for news - and
again we receive
nothing. At last, we
yearn for a scrap of news and then we get nothing with a side of regurgitated nonsense. Instead of "
The Boy Who Cried Wolf", it's like "
The Kaz Who Cried GT"!
Bad marketing at its finest it looks like. Only reason I see them putting GT PSP before GT5 is so they can promote the PSP go, a complete waste of time in my opinion as it doesn't replace the current 3000 model so its purpose is useless to me.
Again to you, well said. 👍
The PSP-GO is useless to me as well - both because I
already have a PSP 3000 and also because I like a
tangible game in my hands to insert into a system - hence why I wouldn't have purchased a PSP-GO anyway.
At any rate, had Sony been honest and forthcoming, while the news would have still been disappointing, and likely not well recieved, at least you could respect their ability to at least be upfront about it.
As it is, there is nothing to respect, only that which is ligitimately worthy of disdain.
That gave me goosebumps due to it's accuracy!
PD and Sony need to have a meeting [
that is, if they can catch Kaz before he jets off to once again leave his GT5 duties to judge yet another car contest, or to participate in another meaningless race] to discuss the priorities of:
- What the fans want to see in GT5
- What tasks and non-GT5 projects should be put aside to make development of GT5 more expedient
- Solve any and all marketing issues to ensure that at the very least, GT5 will release in all territories at the same time as Japan
- Focus on the growth of the GT franchise and not on what Kaz wants to do with his producer/director time [as is evidenced by his absence on more than one occasion doing everything but overseeing the development of GT5]
- See number 1 - the desires of the fans are what is going to drive the popularity of Gran Turismo as it continues through the years - new features and innovation - not just dressing the game up in "next-gen" clothing. What we want to see in GT5 should be the ONLY thing PD is determined to deliver.
Every freaking time I see him not giving straight answers in an interview, I want to get mad but I just find it hard to get mad at him. He seems so nice and humble in his interviews and he has a very kind face. Kaz is like the opposite of Dan Greenawalt.

I like him and I will buy his game when it comes out.
Me too.
As much as I want to despise him for his half-truths and his misleading, lying nonsense - he seems to be
somewhat straightforward and I know he does work hard [
when he is actually there and working].