[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
I 970 G'd forza, correct me if i'm wrong but thats quite alot of hours spent playing it, and it's apparant to me, theirs a huge gulf in the physics and graphical quality between f2 and GT5P, can you honestly dissagree with that ?

I just find it pathetic people come here hyped for F3 but then start putting people down for hyping GT5, then start moaning about fanboyism.
It seems like you can't enjoy both games equally these days without people telling you how one game is the best, the other the worst etc, despite zero impartial/credible evidence, just a small carefully chosen list of comparison criteria that inevitably favours their own preference.
I certainly enjoy both. I prefer GT5P physics, graphics etc but I prefer FM2 online features. This is why I said I was nervous about what online content GT5 will provide.

Whats annoying me is the timing of the releases. If FM3 was released in say April of this year then I can guarantee I would of been playing it non stop to this current day. However whats likely to happen is I will only get around 5 weeks of gameplay from FM3 before GT5 comes out. As im the type of racer who loves hotlapping I would find it difficult to keep swapping between games and wouldn't be competitive on either.

There is going to be alot of games im going to have to miss out on i.e MW2, Assasins creed 2. So damn frustrating that for the past 3months i've been bored stiff and yet come Oct,Nov,Dec there is going to be too many games to play.
I have a hard time believing there are many people out there who are asking themselves "Do I buy a PS3 for GT5 or a 360 for Forza 3?" Either you have both consoles and can enjoy both video games, or you have played one franchise consistently and will buy the system which sports that franchise. Any body who has to ask himself the aforementioned question probably hasn't had much experience playing video games, but I think either way this person will enjoy the experience. Why? Because at the heart of these games (GT and Forza), are people who genuinely adore cars and that passion will direct both series down a successful path. Each one offers something different which appeal to various types of car enthusiasts. And in that respect, there is no loser because the bar will consistently be raised and never lowered. Ever.

[/Dr. Phil rant]
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I think it's more than 1-3%. That's too low. I'd get both games but I don't know yet if I am willing to spend $400 for a 360 plus Forza 3. No doubt I'd get it if I had a bit more money. Maybe someday.
It's really only minority of customers that have the balls to buy both consoles and both games, I think about 1-3%?
Which is odd really unless your financial circumstances only allow one console.

For instance I will most certainly prefer GT5 over FM3 and will more than likely stop playing FM3 once GT5 is released. However I will buy the 360 version of MW2 because I prefer the 360 controller. For me I enjoy having the best of both worlds so I don't miss out.

I will say this though. I reckon 360 owners have a greater incentive to buy a PS3 for GT5 than PS3 owners buying a 360 for FM3.
The major advancement will be that the release date will be released at the Tokyo Motor Show, where the game will be playable in its full complete version. The motor companies are in trouble and need as much attention on there event as possible.

Until then PD beg that you buy GTpsp.
I've got the Play mag and it's pathetic. A cover item and inside it's just one page with a few old screen shot and hardly any comment.
Haha, do people still buy console mags?! Such a waste of money these days.

As for the major advancement - I'm simply expecting a playable version of the game that is basically representative of the final product, along with a release date. They don't need to show or announce any more than that.
My take on this

75% chance the major advancement is realtime day/night cycles for the 3 24 hour tracks, Daytona Road, Nurburgring, and Le Mans

25% chance
the major advancement is variable weather

Or maybe both
Here's my reasoning: Next year 3D will be the new gimmick to promote new TVs, which will require cell processors. GT5 will be the showcase 3D game for the ps3. Sony wins by recouping the development cost of the cell processor through increased sales of PS3 slims + HD3DTVs.

It's just a theory but it makes business sense.
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I would rather have the 3rd dimension over a lot of other new features.
Dynamic weather and light cycles would be cool also. So many races are half dry and then half wet, or start light outside and end in the dark. Those features would give the game a little more realism.
while I am setup for 3D, (Mitsu 73" Diamond display) I dont know if GT needs to go there. Movies like Monsters vs Aliens look good 3Ded but a game you may play for several hours strait may get straining. At least to my old eyes.

I personally doubt it's 3-D

KY said it's an advancement similiar to them adding damage. So I believe it will have something to do with gameplay, n ot how you see or control the game.

I just hope its not a gimmick feature like 3-D, head tracking or a livery editor which wouldn't make any sense given the clues

while I am setup for 3D, (Mitsu 73" Diamond display) I dont know if GT needs to go there. Movies like Monsters vs Aliens look good 3Ded but a game you may play for several hours strait may get straining. At least to my old eyes.


After a few minutes with rfactor in 3-D my eyes felt strained as well. 3-D adds to the game but I wouldnt use it, I have no idea what long lasting damage 3-D may do on my eyes
After a few minutes with rfactor in 3-D my eyes felt strained as well. 3-D adds to the game but I wouldnt use it, I have no idea what long lasting damage 3-D may do on my eyes
I remember reading something about the Sony technology has addressed all the old 3D vision problems, eye strain, fatigue and all that.

Maybe it has to do with the 240Hz tech.
Now try not to gang rape me due to my suggestion, but I hope this "Major Advancement" is the addition of Motorcycles.

How can anyone look at a screenshot like this......


....and not hope that just a few of those 1000 cars....were Motorcycles!👍
Yeah the release date is most important thing to me at the moment:banghead:.

But in terms of things being included in the game I would most like to hear about whats happening with tuning & bodykits, I'm hoing it's just going to be a mix of GT4 & GT5P, say each part has its own PP value (e.g. a sports exhaust is worth 2 PP) and each race has a PP limit. Having said that I hope there are plenty of online races where tuning is not allowed as in some ways I prefer to race with standard cars but the problem with GT5P is you can only race standard cars on begginer races so the physics are on standard, the races are too short & the penalty system is useless.
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Most likely the major advancement will be the announcement of cars/features and a release date which WILL NOT be in 09. Probably late Jan early Feb.

I hope i am wrong though a GT5 launch for Xmas would be massive for sales of the Ps3.
Most likely the major advancement will be the announcement of cars/features and a release date which WILL NOT be in 09. Probably late Jan early Feb.

I hope i am wrong though a GT5 launch for Xmas would be massive for sales of the Ps3.

I think Sony would skin them alive if they released it a month or two after Christmas, December is much more likely but you never know, history has taught us despite what PD says you can only be certain when GT is released when you actually see it in the shops.
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I remember reading something about the Sony technology has addressed all the old 3D vision problems, eye strain, fatigue and all that.

Maybe it has to do with the 240Hz tech.

I was under the impression that a lot of the problem with 3d was that your eyes beleive an item is a certain distance away and thus try to focus accordingly. The fact that it's all the exact same distance from your eye messes with your eye muscles and brain and thus can cause discomfort.