Gran Turismo 6: A very disappointing game

  • Thread starter Its No Use
If you want realism, buy a track car and do some track days. If you want a damn good game that gives you a hell of a lot of bang for your buck and lets your automotive passions explore the world's best cars and tracks, then GT6 is a pretty epic offering. That's how I look at it anyway!
It is nothing special but it is better than 5. The core gameplay is almost identical, but 6 has more everything and it is faster to move around. For hot lapping which is about the only thing Gran Turismo is good for these days, GT6 brings more to the table and it makes going back to GT5 pointless.
Nope. GT6 has more cars, more tracks and better physics. And then does nothing with them for an offline player. GT5 still has racing in it. Arcade mode, with some difficulty, and Practice mode single make races. Drop tyres by two grades and you can get a good race. All GT6 offers is time attack and that's not enough for even budget game money.
Its not a disappointing game
It is quite a good game, but it is just an arcade racer
It is however a very disappointing simulator, while the driving fine (for the most part)
The AI's are pure bumpercar arcade game at its worst!
I got GT6 for 20BP less than two years ago, at the time I also owned touring car, F1, WRC titles for PS3 and even Project Gotham on XBox, all of these other games are now somewhere else and only GT6 remains, it cant please all of the people all of the time, but it isnt all bad.
Same here bruh! I`ve had GT6 since Launch day back in December the 6th of `13. I`ve been through so many racing games & i`ve traded mostly all of them in, even Forza games i`ve traded in. Only GT6 has remained. It may not be as good as other GT titles, but it has that GT feel to it that no other game has. You play some other racing arcade games they just have a generic feel to it. Whereas GT has it`s own feel to it.
I brought my copy for £20GBP new this year May16 (very late) but I still got 100's hours out of it and will get 100's more driving (What other racing or any game do you play this much for this value) I agree with @GTPVenomZombie GT has a special feel/vibe to the game that makes you want to keep going back to it, and that is why we are all still here on this Forum I guess! :cheers:
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Its only good for the seasonals. They already let VGTs go, and that wasnt something that everyone was positive about anyway.
The current 600PP non race car seasonal is AWFUL!!! worst seasonal ever!
It really underscores why l want to ditch consoles altogether and go PC
However the 700PP race car seasonal is quite good
The current 600PP non race car seasonal is AWFUL!!! worst seasonal ever!
It really underscores why l want to ditch consoles altogether and go PC
However the 700PP race car seasonal is quite good
I have it the other way around, I think the 600PP seasonal is far better than the 700PP race car seasonal because of the penalty system, the AI can hit you and I get a 3 second penalty that is not fair racing. The 600PP race I am doing that all the time because I have no problems with the AI, ok they may make some mistakes sometimes but that is racing, I like when you use under powered cars and you just win which is better than getting frustrated in the 700PP race.
The AI in the 600pp race keep repeatedly ramming into me when l try and use a sub 500pp underpowered car,
I can get into the lead, but they will just crash you off the track in the final lap, and that gets annoying FAST!!!
It is fine with a 600pp car, but that gets boring quick,
The 700pp race leaves plenty of room to pass, so l am not getting many penalties, and is fun using a full 700 pp car

The AI's in the 600pp race act very unsportsmanlike, however if you make one tiny mistake in the 700pp race you are penalised, and it is this inconsistency that makes Gran Turismo disappointing for me
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The AI in the 600pp race keep repeatedly ramming into me when l try and use a sub 500pp underpowered car,
I can get into the lead, but they will just crash you off the track in the final lap, and that gets annoying FAST!!!
It is fine with a 600pp car, but that gets boring quick,
The 700pp race leaves plenty of room to pass, so l am not getting many penalties, and is fun using a full 700 pp car

The AI's in the 600pp race act very unsportsmanlike, however if you make one tiny mistake in the 700pp race you are penalised, and it is this inconsistency that makes Gran Turismo disappointing for me
I win with well under 500PP and I have not had any problems with the AI hitting me or ramming into me, perhaps it may be your braking because I brake right up to the apex, which make it faster going around the corners and left foot braking helps for faster cornering as well for a wheel, for a controller I don't know.
And keep one eye on the rear view mirror. It's just like online lobbies when people make mistakes, stuff happens. Adapt and overcome.

And don't block. Let them pass and draft them.
With a slower car l can out corner the AI, but they have more speed in the straights and just get behind me and start trying to ram me off the track without even trying to pass, one even hit me full speed at the end of the long straight causing both him and me to spin out while the rest of the pack went by,

I have had a couple good moments when the AI was unable to wreck me, either because l was able to recover from being hit, or dodge out of the way,
With a slower car l can out corner the AI, but they have more speed in the straights and just get behind me and start trying to ram me off the track without even trying to pass, one even hit me full speed at the end of the long straight causing both him and me to spin out while the rest of the pack went by,

I have had a couple good moments when the AI was unable to wreck me, either because l was able to recover from being hit, or dodge out of the way,
Being hit from behind in the straight just before a slow corner to overcome this with the AI, is to know where he is behind you, if the AI is coming up behind you fast just move of the driving line and let him past you but it all depends where he is on the track, as @coryclifford said keep one eye on the rear view mirror, by doing this you will not get hit. I have no problems driving and winning the 600PP seasonal race at Nürburgring GP/F with a 475PP car because I know what to do at the end of the straights at the track.
It is not possible to dodge while making a turn when the AI hits you at full speed
The problem is they DO NOT PASS, they follow you and ram into you, even going out of the way to smash into you
This is supposed to be Gran Turismo, NOT burnout paradise
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It is not possible to dodge while making a turn if the AI hits you at full speed
If you see him coming at full speed don't turn or you be sorry, the easiest way is to just let him go buy before you start turning in, when there is a slow corner after a long straight I never turn when the AI are behind me.
The AI refuse to pass, even after they ram you they will not pass you they just follow behind and continue ramming you until they cause you to go off the track, or you cross the finish line,
ONLY if you are forced off the track will they they pass you, this seasonal is seriously defective,
It is a demolition derby, NOT a race! Perhaps you should try this event before commenting
And not just once, or with one car, as it appears to be at its worse with certain cars at moderate PP levels in the low 500 range, ones that can get in front with a couple laps remaining, but not enough speed to out run the lead cars in the straight, higher PP cars can keep clear of the insane AI's and slower cars do not get out in front early enough for the AI to wreak havoc,
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The AI refuse to pass, even after they ram you they will not pass you they just follow behind and continue ramming you until they cause you to go off the track, or you cross the finish line,
ONLY if you are forced off the track will they they pass you, this seasonal is seriously defective,
It is a demolition derby, NOT a race! Perhaps you should try this event before commenting
And not just once, or with one car, as it appears to be at its worse with certain cars at moderate PP levels in the low 500 range, ones that can get in front with a couple laps remaining, but not enough speed to out run the lead cars in the straight, higher PP cars can keep clear of the insane AI's and slower cars do not get out in front early enough for the AI to wreak havoc,
The only time the AI looks like ramming into you are on the front straight and the back straight, everywhere else if fine in fact I have close racing with the AI and when I overtaken them nothing happens.
They are ramming me repeatedly in the straights, trying to spine me out in corners, running themselves of the track trying to chase me down, with cars in the low 500 or upper 400 PP range, for the most part the event is completely underivable, however when l use a higher or lower PP car it is OK
They are ramming me repeatedly in the straights, trying to spine me out in corners, running themselves of the track trying to chase me down, with cars in the low 500 or upper 400 PP range, for the most part the event is completely underivable, however when l use a higher or lower PP car it is OK
They are ramming you repeatedly in the straights, that never happens to me and they never chase me down either, the only time to watch out for the AI are at the end of the long straights where sometimes the AI don't brake properly, other than the straights the AI are very good.
If you look at the thread about the event, you will see many other people having the same issue
It appears the AI aggression setting is turned up way toohigh
If you look at the thread about the event, you will see many other people having the same issue
It appears the AI aggression setting is turned up way toohigh
I have played it every day and the AI aggression is only on the straights approaching the corner but the aggression is very low and nowhere else on the track.
Get off the racing line. This isn't that hard to figure out. I have no problems being rammed because I understand what they do, and that's not deviate from the racing line, which thus, forces you off the line.
I do not know what event you are playing
But every other person playing appears to be having the same issue
I say I am a good driver, I don't have any problems with the 600PP seasonal event, as I stated before I am aware of the AI aggression on the straights only because they brake to late coming to the corner but nowhere else on the track, as @coryclifford said I understand what they do, and that goes to me as well.
I cannot help from smiling when reading this thread. No offence to people here! :nervous:

It is just that the more I read, the more I recall aggression from other "HUMAN" fellow racers in online lobbies. Very often, you will find a fellow racer braking too late and run into you from the backside pushing you into the sand. And then, there are the drivers (that perhaps have a faulty blind spot indicator) that knock you off sideway in order to overtake. What happens most is people just do not care braking in heavy traffic, with the full knowledge they will run into you!

Lately, I am fortunate enough to find a lobby of Japanese racers in the notorious Green Hell. I must commend them for their sportsmanship and courtesy. Although they are not the fastest drivers I have seen, they really race as professional drivers should. By that, I mean they do know the existence of a brake pedal and will use that to avoid incidents. Often times, they inadvertently run into you causing you mishap. Then they will apologize and wait for you to overtake after you recover. Now, that is what I call sportsmanship. :bowdown:

Obviously, everyone wants to win. Nonetheless, I find racing like professionals and with people that behave so is equally rewarding.
I can go past the other 11 AI cars in a 485PP car at the A-spec Intermediate Level Non-Race Car Challenge: Nürburgring GP/F, and I have no AI follow or repeatedly ram into me or trying to pass me, the only time they want to pass me is on the straights just before the corner, everywhere else on the track I just go away from the AI until I get to the top 3 AI and past them without a drama.
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