Now, Amar, you know as well as I- the limitations of the ps3 were KNOWN QUANTITIES when PD started to develop GT5 with these 500,000-polygon cars and tried to get them to do all of those wonderful things you listed.
Thats like having a stock motor in your sportscar, being told that the bottom end can only handle 500hp, and then going off like a total dingbat and slapping a giant 18psi turbo on there giving you a 'predicted' 750hp.
You know? 750 horsepower
sounds great! But we knew beforehand that the block, crank, rods, and pistons could
never handle that. So who would be foolish enough to slap that big turbo on there? And then go back and blame the bottom end for NOT having the strength?
This sums up the decision-making abilities of Polyphony Digitals leaders. All of this controversy can be traced to them, and them alone. 6 years of developement for gt5 is the root cause of our ps4 issue. WE are the ones paying the price for THEIR ineptitude. It's disheartening to hear people use the term "rushed game" when talking about gt5. 6 years?