Gran Turismo 7 and GT Sport User Interface Fan Art

Here is my latest piece - Endurance Events selection screen. It is what you see after selecting from the image in the spoiler below.

The background from the Endurance category tile is carried over while the colour scheme from my Licence cards is utilised for continuity.


GT7 Endurance Events UI HD1080.jpg
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Here is my latest piece - Endurance Events selection screen. It is what you see after selecting from the image in the spoiler below.

The background from the Endurance category tile is carried over while the colour scheme from my Licence cards is utilised for continuity.


Great work as always. I really hope gt7 has endurance races back.
I finally made my first design of the License Center.
GT7_License Center Design 1.png


- The License Icons aren't made by me. So, thank you @GTRufus for sharing your GT license icons!

- I thought of using the Gran Turismo 6 event icons, but they just didn't feel right. So, these GT4 type ones were chosen instead.

- The Licenses are going to be similar to earlier GT titles, but there will be some new tests thrown in as well. I will also bring back some old tests perhaps too.
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I finally made my first design of the License Center.


- The License Icons aren't made by me. Some other guy on this Forum designed them and I downloaded them. Thank you whoever that was.

- I thought of using the Gran Turismo 6 event icons, but they just didn't feel right. So, these GT4 type ones were chosen instead.

- The Licenses are going to be similar to earlier GT titles, but there will be some new tests thrown in as well. I will also bring back some old tests perhaps too.

Nice, I see you have taken inspiration from some of us.
I like the basis of you Licence Centre @RandomCarGuy17. If I were you I would centre the group of tiles and continue the 'Welcome to the Licence Centre...' across the screen as the right side looks a little empty. Also, how about licence progress in each tile.

Keep it up!
I like the basis of you Licence Centre @RandomCarGuy17. If I were you I would centre the group of tiles and continue the 'Welcome to the Licence Centre...' across the screen as the right side looks a little empty. Also, how about licence progress in each tile.

I intend to do so, I didn't like it being off-centered either. As for the tiles themselves; I intend to include something else in them. Oh, maybe I could have a check mark to indicate what prize the player got. The trophy system for license tests always seemed a bit odd to me. I never remember getting a trophy for passing my license test.
Well, I adjusted my "License Center" menu a bit as suggested by Paul. I also added a couple of things to the license tiles such as a slight description of each license and a counter on the bottom for how many tests are completed.
GT7_License Center Design v1.1.png

This is the screen for when you select a license that's a work in progress. The name of each test will appear at the top of the tile with info such as the course & car appearing further down.
GT7_License Center Design - B-License.png
Well, I adjusted my "License Center" menu a bit as suggested by Paul. I also added a couple of things to the license tiles such as a slight description of each license and a counter on the bottom for how many tests are completed. View attachment 303725

This is the screen for when you select a license that's a work in progress. The name of each test will appear at the top of the tile with info such as the course & car appearing further down.
View attachment 303720

From an Opel to a Charger Hellcat. Quite the jump. :lol:
A new UI design from me. I think this one looks more polished and professional compared to my other one.

Gran Turismo 7 Fan Art V2 - Main Menu by AmeerGT, on Flickr

This photo shows the drop down menus that appear once you press the Options button. For the car selection, it will show you your 7 most recent cars and allow you to go to your garage if you want to see the rest.
Gran Turismo 7 Fan Art V2 - Drop-down Menu by AmeerGT, on Flickr

(Great designs too everyone.)​

Loving that personal touch of the name on the plate. Amazing job!
I at the moment have some free time due to being stranded at my house. So, I touched up my menu design for the license tests.
GT7_License Center Design - IA-License.png

- I switched around the cars & course info.
- The white box that is now on the bottom of each License Test tile is for when you complete a license. I always found it weird that you would be given a trophy for passing a license test, so I thought that players would be given check marks instead.
- In place of gold, silver, & bronze; there will be 3 different colored check marks. Black will replace bronze, yellow will replace silver, and green will replace gold.
- Tell me if any of you are familiar with the "Super Fast Corners" tests that I displayed. Those test names were not my idea, they came from the past. :P
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- In place of gold, silver, & bronze; there will be 3 different colored check marks. Black will replace bronze, yellow will replace silver, and green will replace gold.

I don't know why but i felt that ether the check mark colour is based on bronze & silver & gold OR Red is bronze & Yellow is silver and Green is Gold. I'm not saying it's bad (Actually looks great) or telling you to change it but just saying.
I want to make some of my own but i think it's hard to do with tools like gimp 2 (i'm bad at doing these).
I don't know why but i felt that ether the check mark colour is based on bronze & silver & gold OR Red is bronze & Yellow is silver and Green is Gold. I'm not saying it's bad (Actually looks great) or telling you to change it but just saying.
I want to make some of my own but i think it's hard to do with tools like gimp 2 (i'm bad at doing these).
Don't worry about it, I think I sort of get what you're saying. I wouldn't change my idea anyway if you did tell me that I should change it. Anyway yeah; I thought of using red as a replacement for the bronze metal, but the color red on tests usually means fail. So, I didn't think it would fit well as a passing mark.

Also, gimp isn't actually that difficult to use once you practice. Just keep messing with it and look up some tutorials online if you're confused by it.
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Looked brilliant, @Sebas!

Wait: why the description says "Complete the challenges above" while the challenges were below the description?
:embarrassed: I just realized my mistake, the thing is that the description was supposed to be below the challenges, and when I changed them I didn't correct that word. I'll change it
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Hope this thread's still alive...
Literally just made my account today to show my UI idea. It went through two redesigns and I'm still not exactly happy on how it looks.

Career Mode and Dealership coming soon!

I see lots of GT5 in this one. Nice.

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