Most PC games are developed with the console versions in mind and design the game based on it, and then scale the resolution, draw distance, performance, etc. up or down based on the console version because the console version is actually what sells the most. That's why several games last gen looked incredible in their first PC reveal, only to then have drastic graphical downgrades years later during launch as they had to rewrite entire lighting models, or have to downgrade/re-author assets to work on the console version, all downgrades carried over to the final PC version.
Some games may be made on PC first, but then the console versions have drastic concessions made or just outright end with a crappy product. ACC on base PS4 runs at 30fps, Polyphony isn't going to target 30fps for base PS4 and have GT7 PS4 players compete at 30fps versus GT7 PS5 players on 60fps.
Cyberpunk 2077 also crashes constantly on last gen consoles, runs at 20fps, with absolutely hilarious looking bugs and LOD systems, major retailers ended up accepting returns of opened copies because of the backlash; Sony banned the game from being sold on psn after accepting refunds. And regarding WRC9/wreckfest, besides a resolution and framerate boost, those games absolutely look the same, with the same assets, between PS4 and PS5.
cyberpunk developed with a focus on higher-end PC hardware first, then tried to downport to weaker console hardware.