- 722
- Austria
If they have KERS or DRS they will use it, I would guess...(I usually don't race against such cars in custom races)Hi all, I've got a few questions regarding custom cars (single player only) which I couldn't get answered using the search thread function, or on which I found inconsistent answers.
- Do opponents make use of Nitro / KERS / DRS if equipped with (I suspect no)?
- What setup do garage car opponents use (without BoP)? The last selected / active configuration? Or stock? Or anything else?
Also I've found inconsistent information about what tires are being used. I've experienced that I could give an opponent garage car heavy rain tires but it still will have almost no grip in heavy rain like those cars I've equipped with conform or sport tires.
- Similarly: Do (garage) opponents only pit to change tires if I bought the corresponding tires (e.g. change from race hard to wet when it rains only when I bought them wet tires)? And do they pit at all only if tire wear and/or fuel consumption is activated?
- I don't see the weather option to select surface wetness at start of race - has this been removed?
- Does Boost effect only opponents or me as well (I wouldn't have experienced the latter that's why I'm asking)?
- What's the difference (in effect) between boost and slipstream? Just distance?
Thanks in advance!
I never ever used any nitro in GT, so I cannot answer this question...
Garage cars always use the latest selectet configuration, the one exception from that rule are tires
Cars will always use there default tires unless you have equipped them with RH tires, then they will use RHs!
Comfort or Sport Tires should behave similar to rain tires as long the surface wetness is in the top 2 tiers...
I think, race cars change racing tires even if you haven't bought them those tires, while road cars don't do that(if someone knows that better, please correct me on that!)
They only pit when tire wear and/or fuel consumption is activated(there would be no use for pitting, when those are not activatet...)
I think the possibility for surface wetness has been removes or is hidden so well, that I cannot find it anymore(I was asking myself the same question before...
I think, boost effects all cars in the race including your car.