Gran Turismo 7 "February" 2025 Update Prediction & Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Famine
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@Famine Wasn't there a data leak or something? I can't find the thread.

Are there any cars or tracks from that thread that are still missing from the game?
What's the deal with all those muscle cars for sale? Something 'Murican coming?
It's just for colour collectors. I'd assume other classics with a ton of colour options will soon become special picks in the same way - stuff like the Dino or the 3.0 CSL.
Famine Wasn't there a data leak or something? I can't find the thread.

Are there any cars or tracks from that thread that are still missing from the game?
A huge up-top disclaimer: There hasn't been a reliable datamine in years, and nothing in these is guaranteed to not have been leftovers from past games or guaranteed for PD to have kept working on, or if they are working on them there's no guarantee they won't be for future games. I also have zero knowledge of the methods of any of these, I'm just compiling references.

With that said:

Cars: See this thread. First post has most of them from a mid-2022 leak, there are a couple more cars not in that list (the Mazda M2 1001 is one I remember) that are later on in the thread.

Tracks: There's two main sources: First of all, there was a leak in late GT Sport's code that had 7 or 8 of the 9 GT7 track additions in it (depending on whether you count test_snow_ishibashi as Lake Louise; Watkins Glen is the one that was missing). While I don't necessarily think all of these are coming, it is pretty accurate in hindsight.

Then there was a purported "leak" in 2023 from the same guy that got Lake Louise correct, and also had Gilles Villeneuve and Zell am See in it. I think it's still fair to be sceptical of this one though.

Other small things: Albert Park (Australian GP circuit) and Gilles Villeneuve were found in Scapes data around release day.

And there's also persistent rumours about Red Rock Valley Speedway that I don't personally know the origin of.
My prediction is that they might somehow make engine swaps available for hybrid cars, maybe transmission swaps or something... There's just no way PD added all that crazy aero for the chr knowing how slow it is! It's even slower than the Prius 🤣
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My only prediction is that they will expand the customization options for the F-3500A with period correct wheels from BBS and OZ and the car will be provided with engine swap options, like a V8 and a V10.
Fine then...

Please use this thread to make your predictions for, and discuss, Gran Turismo 7's next update.

We're calling it the February 2025 update because... why not? While Kazunori Yamauchi has stated that the updates aren't monthly by design we have grown to expect it. February seems likely, ahead of the game's third anniversary, and it'll probably be called 1.56.

As a quick fun note, there have been 99 cars added to the game to date. I wonder what car #100 will be - something special, perhaps?


    There are no second chances on this because we've wasted too much time with people who want to divert threads from their purpose and we've gone out of our way to give them enough other places to get it out of their system...

    Apropos of that, wishlists go in the Car & Track Wishlist Thread which we made specifically for that purpose:

  • Predictions are guesses with evidence. Given that the entire past history of free Gran Turismo game updates (with one exception) has given us the expectation of the number of cars (single digits) and tracks (one or zero), if you're posting ridiculously long lists of cars and multiple tracks then that's a wishlist. See the first rule. So are lists of brands (multiple) which have never been in the game series before or which have been cut and are showing no signs of returning (coughs Lotus *coughs).
  • bUt We DoN't HaVe AnY eViDeNcE. Sure you do. There's been, like, 27 content updates now. That shows you what volume of content you can expect and what type of content PD is focusing on. Lately it's also been filling in generational gaps of certain model lines and there's quite a few left, but there's been a few surprises in the past, some well-placed cars from our Suggestions forum (hey look, another place to express your car/track wishes!), and some 4K-era upgrades to cars from previous games.
  • Go
roger that.

..but..but.. they don't have the C6 Z06 😢 Just the absurd ZR-1
the c6 z06 needs to be in gt7.
the c6 z06 needs to be in gt7.
Given the ZR1 is already in, adding the Z06 should be a no brainer. I'd like to see the Evora and 06 VW GTI. And the Tz3 Stradale


Really, I'd like to know how much longer we have to wait until GT8. 4 years between GT Sport and GT7, but there was covid. GT7 will be 3 years old next month.
Really, I'd like to know how much longer we have to wait until GT8. 4 years between GT Sport and GT7, but there was covid. GT7 will be 3 years old next month.
I think with your timeline, GT Sport to GT7 was more of a closer step than say GT6 to GT7. I’d expect GT8 to be closer to 2030. If it’s announced this year or next it would surely be a GT7.5 (even if they call it GT8)
I think with your timeline, GT Sport to GT7 was more of a closer step than say GT6 to GT7. I’d expect GT8 to be closer to 2030. If it’s announced this year or next it would surely be a GT7.5 (even if they call it GT8)
No it wont take that long 2027 at the very latest also make sense for 30th year anniversary. They proably already shifting more focus towards it.
A reveal this year towards the end is very possible. But proably no later than mid 2026.
I think with your timeline, GT Sport to GT7 was more of a closer step than say GT6 to GT7. I’d expect GT8 to be closer to 2030. If it’s announced this year or next it would surely be a GT7.5 (even if they call it GT8)
I agree with @Ande3200 if not sooner. 2030 would be an EIGHT year stretch between titles.

Usually, there's 2 iterations per console cycle. GT7 has allowed a split, so PS4 had, essentially, 1.5 iterations. So, there's likely one more coming in the next couple of years. I'm thinking 2026. There's no reason to rethink anything. No more PS4 support.

Waiting until 2030 is essentially cancelling the title. Given they stated 12.7 million copies of GT7, they aren't cancelling it.
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And there's also persistent rumours about Red Rock Valley Speedway that I don't personally know the origin of.

The source is from here, which also mentions Zell am See; however the Red Rock Valley mention might have dated back from GTPSP, putting that one in doubt.
Cool… I don’t agree.

If GT8 comes sooner I think it will be like GT5 to 6 - which would be a shame.

I think Polyphony will sink more time into GT7 than 4 years and consequently more development time into 8

Between gt5-gt6 it was just 3 years. And the gap will sure by longer than that between gt7 and next title. But not 8 years. More like 6 at max. Their never has been a longer gap than 6 years between gt titles. And when the gap was that long their was spinoffs between the titles,
To add to the people saying when GT7 will come out, 2027 or 2028 in my opinion would be more likely. GTSport came out 4 years after GT6 and GT7 came out 4-5 years after Sport.

Likely be an evolution on what GT7 has done.

Though back on topic, I wanted to amend my predictions here:
I haven't done one of these in a while, but I feel like predicting.

I'm thinking if it's a new track, it might actually be Pikes Peak this time due to PD still having that license and it's been really long into the game's lifecycle at this point. 2nd guess would be Red Rock Valley based on past information mentioning Red Rock Valley being a possibility.

If Pikes Peak Hillclimb is added in this update, I imagine a series of challenges being added related to the track. Could be a special time trial challenge like how there were similar things added in GT6 (Sierra Time Rally) and GT Sport (Lewis Hamilton Time Trials). Going further, there will be certain cars being used for this challenge.

Also, some new Pikes Peak scapes based on a past render I've seen PD use when promoting a past update. I imagined the scapes just weren't released yet as they weren't finished and are saving them for a big update. Which could be this one.

For cars:
1. Pikes Peak Hillclimb car for the update (I'll say the Peugeot 208 T16 Hillclimb Car).
2. 2006 Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STi, it's been a while since we last got a Subaru added to GT and since PD added both a Lancer Evo VIII and IX MR. I'm going to guess one iteration of the Hawk-eye STi will get added either now or at some point.
3. 1998 Mazda Roadster 1.8 RS (shown in the datamine) and Polyphony has added some Mazdas before in updates. Albeit newer cars, but still.
Assuming the update is a BIIIG one, I wanted to tack on 2-4 more cars since past BIG updates had 5-7 cars in them.

4. Ruf CTR Yellowbird, Polyphony has shown that they still think of Ruf with the RGT they added in the July 2024 update that had Eigar in it. So maybe they'll add an older Ruf model this time with arguably the most iconic one. Plus, it was a staple in the GT franchise since GT2.

5. Nissan R390 GT1, another signature race car in the GT franchise and I haven't seen them add a 90s race car in a while. So, I think the game is due for another one.

*6. Mclaren P1, if PD actually looks at the suggestions forum on GTPlanet. I noticed that this car is the highest voted car that's still not in GT7. So, there could be a chance that PD has thought of scanning an modelling it.

screenshot for referrence

*7. 1979 BMW M1, PD has enjoyed adding classic cars in their updates and this one is the most liked classic car on the suggestions forum.
Just to add to the conspiracy theory of a next GT announcement. It's about the recent multiple color offerings for Used and Legends cars. It makes sense to offer all the colours of these cars if the LCD and UCD rotations end when servers shut down.
Since the multiple colours began last year in November, I'm not sure how long it would take for a full rotation of colours for cars in both dealerships. I guess it would make sense to start offering all colours if a next GT is imminent.
Between gt5-gt6 it was just 3 years. And the gap will sure by longer than that between gt7 and next title. But not 8 years. More like 6 at max. Their never has been a longer gap than 6 years between gt titles. And when the gap was that long their was spinoffs between the titles,
My comparison between GT5-6 wasn’t time, but development of the game.

So yeah if we do get GT8 sooner rather than later, I’m going to be concerned about its content and quality.
My comparison between GT5-6 wasn’t time, but development of the game.

So yeah if we do get GT8 sooner rather than later, I’m going to be concerned about its content and quality.

Quality of the content will not be an issue as its all top notch. Quantity however might not be a massive gap. But it could still aim for 600-700 cars if we get 2027 release
Quality of the content will not be an issue as its all top notch. Quantity however might not be a massive gap. But it could still aim for 600-700 cars if we get 2027 release
I disagree. I think Sophy needs more development time, be it race opponents or B-Spec, I’d like more tracks, I’d like more environmentally modelling (it never rains in California!).

It’s not the development of the content that I’m concerned needs time, but I have my separate concerns over that since GT7s odd philosophy of events - missions, championships, the need (or lack thereof) for licences.

I’ve invested quite heavily into GT7, more so than any other PS5 game. But come October, it’ll be competing with GTA6 and it needs to really be something special to make me ditch my casual play of GT7 to start from scratch again with GT8. If it’s anything like GT6 was, I won’t invest initially.
I disagree. I think Sophy needs more development time, be it race opponents or B-Spec, I’d like more tracks, I’d like more environmentally modelling (it never rains in California!).

It’s not the development of the content that I’m concerned needs time, but I have my separate concerns over that since GT7s odd philosophy of events - missions, championships, the need (or lack thereof) for licences.

I’ve invested quite heavily into GT7, more so than any other PS5 game. But come October, it’ll be competing with GTA6 and it needs to really be something special to make me ditch my casual play of GT7 to start from scratch again with GT8. If it’s anything like GT6 was, I won’t invest initially.

Gta 6 is not competing with gt7 or the next gt. Very different games.

Sophy ai will most likely be feature they will push much harder in the next gt title. Proably as big markerting campaign for gt8.

Events, missions, championchips is not going to take long for pd to make. The biggest work is towards new cars and tracks in the detail pd makes them. And they no doubt has been holding back content to release for the next gt game. 5-6 years is more than enough time for them to release a new title with good changes.
And when they drop ps4 support its so much more they could do.

Their is no reason to doubt we wont have a new gt within 2 years. Dont be supriced if its even revealed some time this year.
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Gta 6 is not competing with gt7 or the next gt. Very different games.

Sophy ai will most likely be feature they will push much harder in the next gt title. Proably as big markerting campaign for gt8.

Events, missions, championchips is not going to take long for pd to make. The biggest work is towards new cars and tracks in the detail pd makes them. And they no doubt has been holding back content to release for the next gt game. 5-6 years is more than enough time for them to release a new title with good changes.
And when they drop ps4 support its so much more they could do.

Their is no reason to doubt we wont have a new gt within 2 years. Dont be supriced if its even revealed some time this year.
GTA6 is indeed competing with GT7 for my time - maybe not anybody else, but it is for me. I have very limited gaming time, maybe 2 hours a week.

And I will be surprised if GT8 is announced this year (as well as feeling apprehensive about the quality of the game).
GTA6 is indeed competing with GT7 for my time - maybe not anybody else, but it is for me. I have very limited gaming time, maybe 2 hours a week.
In that regard everything in your life is competing with everything else in your life.

GTA does indeed not compete with GT in the way COD competes with Battlefield or BMW competes with Audi. Those guys are going after the exact same audience, while GT and GTA are not.
GTA6 is indeed competing with GT7 for my time - maybe not anybody else, but it is for me. I have very limited gaming time, maybe 2 hours a week.

And I will be surprised if GT8 is announced this year (as well as feeling apprehensive about the quality of the game).

Just because it compete with your time dosent mean those 2 games are competing. Completly different games with different focus. Well you should not be supriced if a new gt game is revealed this year. It in general 2-3 years between each gt title with each new game reveal. Gt6 released in 2013, gt sport was revealed only 2 years later. And 3 years after gt sport released, gt7 was revealed.
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Cool… I don’t agree.

If GT8 comes sooner I think it will be like GT5 to 6 - which would be a shame.

I think Polyphony will sink more time into GT7 than 4 years and consequently more development time into 8

Yeah same. The time between GT Sport and GT7’s releases is irrelevant, as GT Sport was, for all intents and purposes, “GT7 Prologue”.
In that regard everything in your life is competing with everything else in your life.

GTA does indeed not compete with GT in the way COD competes with Battlefield or BMW competes with Audi. Those guys are going after the exact same audience, while GT and GTA are not.
The guy literally said "my time" I don't know why everyones responding like he's making a global objective statement.
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