Gran Turismo 7 Game Update is Coming October 3, With Three New Cars

  • Thread starter notarjy
I don't know about that, I'd be rather impressed if they'd had the 2024-model GT-R in the game in March 2022!
You know what I meant....
Except for the GTR specifically here, which is technically and practically still a copy paste from a template and given some minor tweaks...

Actually, All three cars here are based on templates....

I am not being ungrateful or indignant toward PD or Kaz
I know how much work they have to go through in seeking perfection, since I know what their end goal is, which a full 8K encyclopedia of cars....

With limited resources, it is bound that we see things we have been expecting and have seen before trickle down extremely slowly back....

What we saw , all the cars and all the tracks from previous GT games, may or may not come back, but if they do, it will be painfully slow getting what we have been yearning for so long...

So I still stand by my words, this is a tiny update in the Gran skim of things.... There are newer cars that others games have, but we are still lagging behind... That's what is even more frustrating....

Whether PD /Kaz give us what we want in a nice free update, or in a brand new game, I don't care , but I want it and I am willing to pay for it if it is a new game....

Would I pay for an update? It depends on the value of it...

If it is Spec 3 with at least 50 news cars and tracks... Sure as long as the price is reasonable (below $30 max)
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The game would be no worse off for the absence of this content, as such it is pointless.
Well I know I'm going to have a great evening with my mates, sending it in obscenely coloured Hi-Aces on a wet Nordschleife.

Propbably could have done that in the ambulance but that's not the same.

I do acknowledge that you basically need a group of mates and some dedication to really keep the game fun, which is a shame.
Obviously one more GTR will be come to the game at least. The 2007 model, because of the history reference and what means to Polyphony

Obviously we need all of the R35s and Skylines

plus the Italdesign R35 :D
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I tend to feel that at this stage in the games life, any updates should be headline content. This is just yet more beige vanilla fluff. The game would be no worse off for the absence of this content, as such it is pointless.
I don't think any expansion to the event roster is pointless. The game launched with about 100 events and over the updates that number got bumped to 220, while it's easy to look at this as "it's just another 5 events, who cares", over time, it adds up to make the game a better experience.
I don't think any expansion to the event roster is pointless. The game launched with about 100 events and over the updates that number got bumped to 220, while it's easy to look at this as "it's just another 5 events, who cares", over time, it adds up to make the game a better experience.
If you buy it tomorrow.

When you bought it at launch we've had to painfully wait for all these additions and updates.

It's one thing to recognise where we are today but also prudent to remember how achingly slowly we got here and with quite a few miss steps along the way.

Another way to look at it is for the first 5 or so updates it's easy to go "yay new cars and races" 2 years down the line for "some" people these few car updates and corresponding events seem a little hollow. I love the game, platinum trophy, nearly 6k sport mode races and counting but being brutally honest they just don't feel like strong enough "content" updates just a few more car models (meticulously scanned and detailed but from a 99% bumper cam player I don't even get to appreciate them in any great detail)


Just to clarify, everybody does themselves and if stuff floats your boat that's great. This is a forum to express different view points and mine is as stated. It's hard to get super excited about a van, another GTR and another Evo when I spend my time in areas of the game that don't benefit from them and an area that has seen little to no love since launch.
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The question is whether the Evolution Meeting (the first new series since the Jimny Cup in 1.42) will have an associated Menu Book.

@05XR8, you got the GT-R Cup part right. It was bold predicting a new chili race, though it isn't without precedent; we got a pair of GT Cup Gr.3 events (Red Bull Ring and Mount Panorama, both 5-chilis) in 1.40.

We need a 1974 Dodge Monaco, 1975 Dodge Monaco and 1974 Chevrolet Bel Air for the Chicago scapes.

To add to @Rossell2's answer, the quattro Pikes Peak, the 2002 TT and a (I think the newer) R18, requiring a Collector Level of 42. It probably will be for a car ticket.
I was going to put the Evo event on that list instead of the Gr.4, but that would have been too logical. ;)

Had a feeling PD would do the Premium trim like they did the 2017.
If the R35 is that T-Spec, is it the Premium or Track Edition?

I’ll predict we get the NISMO at some stage.
I don't think any expansion to the event roster is pointless. The game launched with about 100 events and over the updates that number got bumped to 220, while it's easy to look at this as "it's just another 5 events, who cares", over time, it adds up to make the game a better experience.
All events suck...not a better experience, when people grind four same races. ~2.5 years by now.
A thing to check in the morning: Right now, the Evo IX increases in PP from its listed number (510.20 to 510.66) the moment you buy it in Brand Central. That was not the case prior to the 1.50 hotfix.

If that changes, they've likely done some suspension fixes regardless of whether it is mentioned in the patch notes tomorrow.
A thing to check in the morning: Right now, the Evo IX increases in PP from its listed number (510.20 to 510.66) the moment you buy it in Brand Central. That was not the case prior to the 1.50 hotfix.

If that changes, they've likely done some suspension fixes regardless of whether it is mentioned in the patch notes tomorrow.
The Evos are just some of the 126 cars (and counting; not all of the UCD/Hagerty's cars have come back into the dealerships since I noticed the discrepancy shortly after the 1.50 update) that have the wrong PP listed in the various dealerships. A correction, especially on the dealership end, would not necessarily be indicative of a suspension fix.
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People complaining about this update seem to forget that this is just a filler update and that we've got a major update coming up in November with the PS5 Pro patch :indiff:
People complaining about this update seem to forget that this is just a filler update and that we've got a major update coming up in November with the PS5 Pro patch :indiff:
How do you know its a major update? It may be just an update to enable the pro features with the usual few cars etc,hopefully it may be something bigger but who knows.