Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
Though obviously not the same as if events were directly put into the game by Polyphony, especially in terms of prize credits, but there are places that have essentially developed their own career mode using the "Custom Race" feature.

I was working on one myself a while ago on Discord, and should probably get back around to it sometime.

Just another option for people who want something structured and aren't bothered about the credits.
I was just thinking after that comment yesterday about how much easier it would've been to add on to the Beginner/Amateur/Professional/Expert/Endurance segments of campaign than it obviously is to add random events to tracks, or expand on the Cafe Menu's.
I just realized that I've got almost enough cash to complete my car collection. I need another 67, all of which are readily available at Brand Central. According to my calculations I would need 54,917,000 Cr. for all of them while my current balance is 53,904,154 Cr.. I am literally two Tokyo races away from a full car collection. I could also wait till Thursday for the Time Trial Gold rewards, but I feel like the full collection is going to happen before then.

I will post a screenshot when it's time 😁
That would be fine if we had, for example, a 4WD, RWD, FWD cup for each circuit. Wouldn't it also make sense to have the MX-5, Radical, Porsche Cup, (Classic) Mini events for every venue? Every circuit should also have open 550pp, 600pp, 700pp etc. events.

PD just need to copy & paste a whole host of events to each circuit and make Missions repeatable with payouts. Oh, and some endurance races!
It's such a simple thing and so bleedingly obvious but PD don't choose the obvious path. The ignorance is totally baffling.
That would be fine if we had, for example, a 4WD, RWD, FWD cup for each circuit. Wouldn't it also make sense to have the MX-5, Radical, Porsche Cup, (Classic) Mini events for every venue? Every circuit should also have open 550pp, 600pp, 700pp etc. events.

PD just need to copy & paste a whole host of events to each circuit and make Missions repeatable with payouts. Oh, and some endurance races!
I'm not a great fan of that kind of answer to the lack of events in the game....

We need a greater variety of events accross all tracks (and the game has the content to deliver this), not the same ones replicated everywhere ad nauseum. That would be boring and lazy to say the least. They could add brand new event types on the tracks that lack them.

But for the remaining 700pp, 800pp and other "clone races", my proposal is more to "randomize" them. As an exemple, take the 700pp race at Le Mans : expand the list of opponent cars with all available Gr.4 (I don't remember how many they are, a bunch), 20 of them will be picked to create the grid and they will start in random positions. Moreover, time and weather should be randomized. The race would be held at sunrise, during the afternoon, or in the middle of the night under downpours. A single event could deliver a lot more than what they give currently.
You can't ask for a more complete and deep game and be satisfied with a simple duplication of things we already have.

We need creativity.
I'm not a great fan of that kind of answer to the lack of events in the game....

We need a greater variety of events accross all tracks (and the game has the content to deliver this), not the same ones replicated everywhere ad nauseum. That would be boring and lazy to say the least. They could add brand new event types on the tracks that lack them.

But for the remaining 700pp, 800pp and other "clone races", my proposal is more to "randomize" them. As an exemple, take the 700pp race at Le Mans : expand the list of opponent cars with all available Gr.4 (I don't remember how many they are, a bunch), 20 of them will be picked to create the grid and they will start in random positions. Moreover, time and weather should be randomized. The race would be held at sunrise, during the afternoon, or in the middle of the night under downpours. A single event could deliver a lot more than what they give currently.
You can't ask for a more complete and deep game and be satisfied with a simple duplication of things we already have.

We need creativity.
Missions are ideal for that sort of creativity where you can offer a scenario to the player. IE surviving a downpour and not being able to change tyres. Fuel saving to complete a race. You could even have something more in-depth like safety car scenarios. Although I’m not sure PD’s current AI could cope with that!

Repetition for me is doing the same Tsukuba 550pp Chile event over and over again. There are certain PP events and race conditions I enjoy more than others. The frustration is being limited to certain tracks or cars from a particular region.

PD don’t seem to have much inclination or enthusiasm to radically transform GT7. It seems their focus is already on GT8. So I’m trying to suggest improvements that will significantly improve the gameplay experience with little dev resources.

There’s similar reasoning behind my desire to see Group A race cars and Porsche Cup models (besides them being cool!). The 3D modelling is done , PD just need to model race interiors.
I still don't get why they teased it before launch if over a year later it's still not there.
I don't get why they teased the Model 3 if over a 1.5 years later it's still not there. I get what "future update" means, but come on...

Missions are ideal for that sort of creativity where you can offer a scenario to the player. IE surviving a downpour and not being able to change tyres. Fuel saving to complete a race. You could even have something more in-depth like safety car scenarios. Although I’m not sure PD’s current AI could cope with that!

This is exactly why I avoid missions and why I think races should be "randomized" or more "open" (can't find the word). I hate it when creativity is used to serve restrictions. I hope that real endurance races won't be relegated to this section of the game.
Happy -which country’s Sony social media team will accidentally launch the trailer early- day everybody.
Is it really early if the update is less than 24 hours away? That seems like an intended time, even on the later side considering the time most games will have between trailer and update.
Update will be available in wha,… 17 hours? Trailer or no trailer. It’ll be fine.
The Update will be in 17 hours yes. But lack of trailer is interesting. I thing we didn't have that in history of GT7 updates... there was one time were Kaz's silhouettes were late, but trailer was always available day before update or earlier.
EDIT: Tree'd

Eh, it's something.
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I imagine they are extra menus. One for buying Mazdas and another one for Honda Civics...under no illusion that we'll get anything like a curated championship for the new Mazda race car or anything like that.
Cars look nice, even if they aren't first picks of mine. I'm miffed about the lack of a new track, but the new events with good payouts will surely offset this, right? Right..?
Two Toyotas, Two Hondas(well, one Honda in its Honda Brand Central dealership, the other in Garage RCR) and one Mazda.