Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
Even though the actual content of the license tests aren’t anything new for me, it’s precisely my experience that makes them potentially fun. This is because I’m hoping that much like in GTS, we can keep track of our best times for even the most basic license tests, and compare said times against our friends, at least. That sort of emergent competition could get us to hone our skills even more. Even if we already have gold on a given test, perhaps we could have a reason to still return to it, if only to see if we can get an even better time.

I can admit that in GTS, I’ve at least returned to some Circuit Experiences and Mission Challenges to see if I can get better personal bests. But I digress.

Even if there aren’t any leaderboards - even among friends - I still think the license tests are good for veterans, if only to see if they still have literacy over GT’s game mechanics. Plus, I’m hoping the more advanced license tests may teach the player about deeper mechanics, like fuel mapping, brake balance, and/or maybe even tuning a specific setting like downforce or gear ratios.

My issue with the license tests being required for GT3 and GT4 was that they could be very hard to get gold in, at least when I last played them years ago. If the license tests are as comparatively forgiving as they are in GT5/GT6/GTS, then I wouldn’t mind them being required at all.

That being said, I wonder how the return of the driver level will factor into this? Maybe you’ll be unable to enlist in certain license tests, such as the Super License, until your driver reaches a certain level. Either way, even if the driver level does literally nothing, I seriously hope it’s much easier to max out the level than it is in GTS, where excessive grinding is a necessity. I can only assume that maxing out the driver level in GT7 will be the basis of a trophy, like it was in GTS...
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If the rumors are true and if the trademark filing is for real, it's going to be at the PS Experience event later this year. That's how this whole thing with the beta started, yes? 'Cause of the site leak?

Take it with a huge grain of salt, though, before a certain someone says it himself. >_>;
Even though the actual content of the license tests aren’t anything new for me, it’s precisely my experience that makes them potentially fun. This is because I’m hoping that much like in GTS, we can keep track of our best times for even the most basic license tests, and compare said times against our friends, at least. That sort of emergent competition could get us to hone our skills even more. Even if we already have gold on a given test, perhaps we could have a reason to still return to it, if only to see if we can get an even better time.

I can admit that in GTS, I’ve at least returned to some Circuit Experiences and Mission Challenges to see if I can get better personal bests. But I digress.

Even if there aren’t any leaderboards - even among friends - I still think the license tests are good for veterans, if only to see if they still have literacy over GT’s game mechanics. Plus, I’m hoping the more advanced license tests may teach the player about deeper mechanics, like fuel mapping, brake balance, and/or maybe even tuning a specific setting like downforce or gear ratios.

My issue with the license tests being required for GT3 and GT4 was that they could be very hard to get gold in, at least when I last played them years ago. If the license tests are as comparatively forgiving as they are in GT5/GT6/GTS, then I wouldn’t mind them being required at all.

That being said, I wonder how the return of the driver level will factor into this? Maybe you’ll be unable to enlist in certain license tests, such as the Super License, until your driver reaches a certain level. Either way, even if the driver level does literally nothing, I seriously hope it’s much easier to max out the level than it is in GTS, where excessive grinding is a necessity. I can only assume that maxing out the driver level in GT7 will be the basis of a trophy, like it was in GTS...
Thing is, will licence tests tie in to FIA?

The way players join Sport Mode, they must watch two videos. Then, they can just jump in and race from there. Some learn to race among others, some learn how to abuse others, some learn race craft.
Licence tests are basically an unlock feature. Any one player can access Arcade Mode, pick a circuit and learn the skills to drive, without doing a test. That’s what it comes down to. I’m saying whether you like doing the tests or not, it’s not a requirement to actually learn to drive.

It’ll be interesting if PD tie the two together. Again, I doubt they’d do it, but would be interesting.
I would like to point out a (possible) "downgrade" I have noticed from both Gran Turismo 7 trailers


Basically, here we see a photo inside the Carrera GT and if you look on the mirror, you'll see that the driver's helmet and part of the car interior is reflected on that mirror. Just like real life

Now, on the most recent trailer, the car interior and exterior reflections seems to be absent from the mirrors. The only change seems to be a higher resolution track reflection and a higher draw distance.

I am actually genuinely curious about this, is it because there won't be real-time gameplay ray tracing on the game? Or maybe they're still working on it? That's my doubt and insight about it.
I would like to point out a (possible) "downgrade" I have noticed from both Gran Turismo 7 trailers

View attachment 1083155
Basically, here we see a photo inside the Carrera GT and if you look on the mirror, you'll see that the driver's helmet and part of the car interior is reflected on that mirror. Just like real life
View attachment 1083156
Now, on the most recent trailer, the car interior and exterior reflections seems to be absent from the mirrors. The only change seems to be a higher resolution track reflection and a higher draw distance.

I am actually genuinely curious about this, is it because there won't be real-time gameplay ray tracing on the game? Or maybe they're still working on it? That's my doubt and insight about it.
i was thinking the carrera gt scene was actually replay mode rather than gameplay mode, but i have no clue
Now, on the most recent trailer, the car interior and exterior reflections seems to be absent from the mirrors. The only change seems to be a higher resolution track reflection and a higher draw distance.

I am actually genuinely curious about this, is it because there won't be real-time gameplay ray tracing on the game? Or maybe they're still working on it? That's my doubt and insight about it.
You don't need raytracing to reflect the car's interior. One image was a curated promotional shot, the other is gameplay, and they do it for gameplay purposes otherwise it would be hard to see anything behind you from that mirror if it reflected the interior.
I would like to point out a (possible) "downgrade" I have noticed from both Gran Turismo 7 trailers

View attachment 1083155
Basically, here we see a photo inside the Carrera GT and if you look on the mirror, you'll see that the driver's helmet and part of the car interior is reflected on that mirror. Just like real life
View attachment 1083156
Now, on the most recent trailer, the car interior and exterior reflections seems to be absent from the mirrors. The only change seems to be a higher resolution track reflection and a higher draw distance.

I am actually genuinely curious about this, is it because there won't be real-time gameplay ray tracing on the game? Or maybe they're still working on it? That's my doubt and insight about it.
Also the camera angle is different. If you're in a car irl, you don't see yourself in the mirror, if you sit in a normal driving position. I agree that the Carrera picture looks heaps better, but it's not comparible to the bottom one. Like others have said, I also think the top picture is just a promotional shot in maybe a replay or a different build of the game than the bottom one.
The Carrera GT screen and trailer fragment was from replay, as right now we know that RT is not going to be present during actual gameplay...
There's one upgrade though in the new trailer / build - shadows seem to finally be hi-res again (first time since GT5 Prologue).
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Ah... OK; thanks mate.

I can live with that seeing as I'll be buying one just for GT (PS5), as I've done with all the previous consoles.
I'm going to need either a beta or campaign mode play demonstration before I'll part with money for this. If it is like GT6 I'll pick it up as a disc from the used section for about £10 max.

If there is proper racing I'll pre order the 25th anniversary edition. And buy it on disc to add to my Gran Turismo collection.
License tests are part of the charm of GT. They were pretty handy when I started using my wheel for the first time too.

I’m kind of hoping we need to complete them to enter races in sport mode, just to clean up the lobbies a bit. The 2 videos in GTS are a joke.
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License tests are part of the charm of GT. They were pretty handy when I started using my wheel for the first time too.
Indeed. Besides, getting gold on each license test should take up less than 0,1% of total playing time for people who are both experienced enough to be bothered about 25 years of repetitiveness and committed enough to post about it on a forum.

Of course this shouldn’t distract from the possibility that the license tests could be improved. However, the sheer amount of criticism around it has been disproportionate to the tiny fraction of playing time required to clear them. GT has design choice issues across the board affecting players on a daily basis, and in this regard the licenses tests are almost entirely negligible.
Indeed. Besides, getting gold on each license test should take up less than 0,1% of total playing time for people who are both experienced enough to be bothered about 25 years of repetitiveness and committed enough to post about it on a forum.

Of course this shouldn’t distract from the possibility that the license tests could be improved. However, the sheer amount of criticism around it has been disproportionate to the tiny fraction of playing time required to clear them. GT has design choice issues across the board affecting players on a daily basis, and in this regard the licenses tests are almost entirely negligible.
Co-signing on this statement completely. Well said.
Is it likely that we'll get 24h races in gt mode like GT4/GT5?
Didn’t Kaz say in one of those recent interviews that they were still discussing whether to include those endurance races? I really, really hope they include them. Can someone think of a reason why one would possibly omit them? Because I can’t. Pretty sure that if we get them, pit-stop saving will also be included.

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