From all the things people are saying (short career mode, lacking options in online, no use for later licenses, middling car and track list etc etc) this game seems to suffer from the same broad problem that every GT game since 5 has. It'll be a far, far better game in 6-12 months after a bunch of updates.
It seems to be the case for all games of this type these days, it's only A>B story driven games that really seem to be complete on launch day, like Horizon FW, Spider-Man, that type of game. Sure they'll add expansions to those as well, but they're a coherent game that you can start and finish and feel like it's all there. Devs can't just go and patch in an extra bit of story content in the middle of those games and ask people to play through it all again. You can't have the story finish 80% done and expect people to wait for updates for the last 20%.
But for open-ended games like GT, where this is no linear A>B path, no story, and clear room for expansion in all areas, it does seem to need that. As I say, it's been the case for all online-era GT games and 7 seems no different. In 6-12 months the game will probably have 3-4 extra locations, ~50 new cars, a bunch of new races and events, major issues patched, and who knows what else content. It'll be quite simply an objectively better game.
Which for me is not a problem at all, I have such a big back log of stuff to play I rarely feel the need to buy games day one any more. I'll be very happy buying GT7 in 6-12 months and I'll surely experience a far better game than those buying it day 1 who then play the updates piecemeal as they come. I'll get to experience the original game along with all the updates fresh from the start, in one go, feeling like one cohesive game.
Of course I get why people want games on day 1, it'd be absurd to suggest people don't buy them or anything, but for those of us who don't mind waiting, it's going to be a far better experience a while down the line.
Which is a shame it has to be like that, but that's modern era gaming for you.