you know what I want? I want an independent regulator to inspect the roulette code, like for gambling sites, to check the code is random and not fixed. I want PD to be put under scrutiny the money-grabbing ****wits.
It is literally a free lottery. Whether it's fixed or not, it doesn't matter really.
If you need "motivating" to paly the game then the game isn't as fun as it should be.
GT7 has got a long way to go to start getting these things right, but having mechanics in your game to motivate players to regularly play over a longer period of time is exactly what all kinds of 'live-service' games do. Destiny has vendors which have a rotating selection of exotic stock (sound familiar?), games like Fortnite and Warzone have battlepasses which have contain exclusive limited time content which is unlocked over time by playing the game.
Of course it's always helpful if people actually want to play your game, but you would be surprised/shocked/saddened by the number of people who play a game they aren't particularly enjoying because they don't want to miss out on the limited time content. Again, doesn't that sound familiar? How many players are there who are already going through the miserable process of grinding races in GT7 so they can purchase everything that comes through the legend and used car dealerships? How many players have spent money on MTXs for the same reason?
These days it's extremely difficult to find any game that doesn't employ some sort of 'FOMO' mechanic, and it makes sense from a business point of view. It helps keep existing players invested, often serves as a revenue stream (MTXs in the case of a game like GT7, or you can 'skip' levels on a battlepass by paying money). Like or dislike the practice, players need to come to terms that this is the future (and present) of gaming. You can vote with your wallet as always, but unfortunately I think you'll find that enough people have already voted the other way...
I know people are going to say "This stuff shouldn't be in a full priced videogame!", and maybe in the future we will see GT7 become free-to-play (like we saw happen with Destiny 2), obviously that isn't very helpful to us right now. In my opinion, even though I acknowledge what they are trying to accomplish, it is extremely clear that Polyphony Digital have next to no experience in building a live-service game, to me it just feels like they tried to copy what other games are doing, but have ended up making a real mess of things and have failed massively to make this kind of model attractive to the consumer.
In Destiny, I want to play 5 days a week grinding content because then I can purchase new powerful gear that is fun and cool to use. In GT7, I guess I'm supposed to spend a ridiculous amount of time/money so I can buy a McLaren F1, so I can, umm, actually I'm not really sure what I'd do with it other than look at it in my garage? Yeah, the game needs a lot of work.