Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.15 is Now Available, Adds Suzuki Vision GT, New Cafe Menus, Races, Online Time Trials, Image Export & More

  • Thread starter Famine
Just noticed the weather radar has been changed with this update. Looks different and now only goes 50 miles out instead of 93. Why does PD keep taking away features? Stupid
Weather distance is the exact same, the "50 miles" thing highlights 1 cube length, the radar is 4 cubes wide (2 in each direction). So its still 100 miles ;). Its only a visual change to the radar.
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think I was a massive dumbass when I was looking forward to the 24H races they promised not too long ago in this update. they also posted this tweet on the 24th

genuinely no idea why this couldn't be included

Maybe it refers to 24h race 2023
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For the birthday tickets, I don't suppose they're backdating them for anyone whose birthday had already been and gone between launch and now? Assuming people have actually logged on around their birthday... Asking as someone who's birthday was in April 😄
Nope, pure PD.
This update has given me a better idea of roadmap that's been laid out for GT7. Or so I think. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but we get a Group 1 event and a VGT event after we get a new Group 1 and VGT car. Now, we've seen a Hypercar Track Days event in the Jimmy build as well as a La Festa Cavalino Event so it stands to reason that the next update will contain a hypercar and a Ferrari. I could be wrong though. Also, the game currently has 430 cars compared to 433 in the Jimmy build, so the pattern will probably be as follows: 3 new cars, 3 new events containing 9 new races related to 2 of the cars in the update. If this is the pattern, then we'll have an extra 63 cars and 189 new races by March 2024. Hopefully they add more than this but I'm not convinced they will at this stage.
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My only gripe with the update is the Rampage Camaro essentially being copped out of any event limited to just "Road Cars"

Guess it's going to have to tear apart the WTC 700, dilly dilly.
This update has given me a better idea of roadmap that's been laid out for GT7. Or so I think. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but we get a Group 1 event and a VGT event after we get a new Group 1 and VGT car. Now, we've seen a Hypercar Track Days event in the Jimmy build as well as a La Festa Cavalino Event so it stands to reason that the next update will contain a hypercar and a Ferrari. I could be wrong though. Also, the game currently has 430 cars compared to 433 in the Jimmy build, so the pattern will probably be as follows: 3 new cars, 3 new events containing 9 new races related to 2 of the cars in the update. If this is the pattern, then we'll have an extra 63 cars and 189 new races by March 2024. Hopefully they add more than this but I'm not convinced they will at this stage.
This is PD, nothing they ever do is that consistent. No way it'll continue in any pattern for that long.
Not aimed directly at you @Sonic939 but you are all over this board this morning......

I do not understand why people are all up in arms about what the developer thought would be best for their game. If they wanted it to be online, that is their choice. If they wanted to have microtransactions, also their choice.

GT Sport was always online. It was a requirement of the game. Why don't people wait a week or two to see reactions to a game before they purchase it? Is FOMO that much of a thing? I expected GT7 to be always online because GT Sport was. I would have been surprised if it wasn't.

Asking a developer to change the game that THEY designed to work how YOU think it should is nonsense! They obviously chose this direction for a reason.

Now I do understand the complaints about the amount of content. Yes, I would have loved to have more content out of the box but it wouldn't matter to me because I get at most 1-2 hours to play a day. It would take a while to get through all of the original content for me anyway. Do we want developers to ship a game and not update it ever? Like it used to be?

Can we just have some patience and let PD do their thing? We will get new content/updates when they are ready to give it to us. The only update I am grateful for is 1.08 and that was so I could play again. Everything else is a gift! You cannot compare GT Sport updates and GT7 updates. They are two different games.

If you do not like how PD created their game, create your own and sell it to the masses! And then they can complain about all of the things you wanted in the game that they think you should change.......

Why can't we just enjoy what we have?
dont ask questions just consoom product & get excited for new product.
yeah no, still not buying gt7
Yep. My TGT-II is now useless on this game. Its just one thing after the other with these muppets.

All valid complaints are just ignored and met with silence.

Never again PD. Never again. After all of your marketing BS and flat out lies in the lead up to release, you can now go and get well and truly ****ed.
My 2 cents on the update - most (if not all has already been mentioned but oh well)

They completely failed in the key areas that should have been included in day one content but at least they tried.
PD added events that people were asking for (GR1, Kei cars and Vision GT's) and they added in 3 new cars. Yay.

However, they have gone about this wrong. New events should not be added as "cafe menu". PD needs to unlock an entirely new menu option with Race series and add a massive list of races. Races with Grid starts and decent rewards. This will actually add the content people were expecting on release and help curb the grind.

The online lobby should never have been released in its current state, ever. There is no excuses for this. This needs to be fixed to at least the quality of Sport.
They need to forget about micro transactions for a minute and increase the rewards for custom races and online races, so its in line with the rest of the game - IE: 1-2million credits earnt per hour. Anything less is a joke. THe people that want to avoid MTX will just use the AFK script, or grind their hearts out either way. Let people sell their cars.

Literally anything other the offline content, currency and fixing online lobbies should be put on hold until they have this sorted out. The game has been out for 3ish months now and they haven't got the basics done yet, its embarrassing for PD IMO.

Side note:
Always online is how the game is designed. Its not something that needs to be fixed as it is a perfectly working feature of the game. Being internet connected is how the world works now and is not an issue here. Some more offline content would be great though.
I didn’t realize until now, but they added a “race settings” option for custom race when sitting in the pre-race track scene, so you don’t have to back out and then re-enter custom race and redo all of your settings. Finally.
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No. Find answers to your questions before you commit so you know what to expect.
I think some folk may be a bit peeved that they bought the game off the fantastic reviews on this and other websites that had pre sales copies when it clearly was far from a finished product. I've decided not to get GT7 going off the feedback and will probably wait a while before deciding on buying F1 2022. I've plenty of other games to keep me entertained until then.
Not aimed directly at you @Sonic939 but you are all over this board this morning......

I do not understand why people are all up in arms about what the developer thought would be best for their game. If they wanted it to be online, that is their choice. If they wanted to have microtransactions, also their choice.

GT Sport was always online. It was a requirement of the game. Why don't people wait a week or two to see reactions to a game before they purchase it? Is FOMO that much of a thing? I expected GT7 to be always online because GT Sport was. I would have been surprised if it wasn't.

Asking a developer to change the game that THEY designed to work how YOU think it should is nonsense! They obviously chose this direction for a reason.

Now I do understand the complaints about the amount of content. Yes, I would have loved to have more content out of the box but it wouldn't matter to me because I get at most 1-2 hours to play a day. It would take a while to get through all of the original content for me anyway. Do we want developers to ship a game and not update it ever? Like it used to be?

Can we just have some patience and let PD do their thing? We will get new content/updates when they are ready to give it to us. The only update I am grateful for is 1.08 and that was so I could play again. Everything else is a gift! You cannot compare GT Sport updates and GT7 updates. They are two different games.

If you do not like how PD created their game, create your own and sell it to the masses! And then they can complain about all of the things you wanted in the game that they think you should change.......

Why can't we just enjoy what we have?
I'm not disagreeing with you, but just because a forum with a bunch of pissed off people exists, doesn't mean you have to be pissed off too.

About a month or so ago I realized this and since then I only check this site to see when any new updates are coming out and I completely quit the GT subreddit once I realized I was arguing with literal children. Just because a bunch of people are up in arms about a video game doesn't mean you need to be too.

If you take a break like I did and come back to this place a month later nothing changes, you'll see the exact same users still complaining about the same exact things. I don't understand how people find the energy to stay pissed off for so long without putting it down and coming back later.

But I'd also point out that it serves a purpose. PD does seem to be listening to the people who are pissed about the state of the game and actually addressing people's complaints and improving the game (albeit very, very slowly). So at the end of the day people like you and I, who have other things to do besides be pissed off over a video game, end up with a better game.

The way I see it, the complaints are helping things a long, but you also don't have to engage with them. Remember this game came out 3 months ago, these people have been pissed off since launch, there's nothing anyone can say to make them feel better.

Don't fall into the pit of anger if you're happy with the game. Don't waste your energy, PD and Sony don't need to be defended, and just sit back and wait for the next update. Let them be pissed off for your benefit.
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Huge content for single player =/= 9 more races...

Still 1 day of playing... and waiting for another patch.
Unless you are a pro monster that is able to complete these in 2 hours with 1 st place, it should keep you busy for some days, and you can also repeat these events with other cars to try a different challenge and a slight different experience 😎

If those have also water change then the longevity should be bigger
I'm not disagreeing with you, but just because a forum with a bunch of pissed off people exists, doesn't mean you have to be pissed off too.

About a month or so ago I realized this and since then I only check this site to see when any new updates are coming out and I completely quit the GT subreddit once I realized I was arguing with literal children. Just because a bunch of people are up in arms about a video game doesn't mean you need to be too.

If you take a break like I did and come back to this place a month later nothing changes, you'll see the exact same users still complaining about the same exact things. I don't understand how people find the energy to stay pissed off for so long without putting it down and coming back later.

But I'd also point out that it serves a purpose. PD does seem to be listening to the people who are pissed about the state of the game and actually addressing people's complaints and improving the game (albeit very, very slowly). So at the end of the day people like you and I, who have other things to do besides be pissed off over a video game, end up with a better game.

The way I see it, the complaints are helping things a long, but you also don't have to engage with them. Remember this game came out 3 months ago, these people have been pissed off since launch, there's nothing anyone can say to make them feel better.

Don't fall into the pit of anger if you're happy with the game. Don't waste your energy, PD and Sony don't need to be defended, and just sit back and wait for the next update. Let them be pissed off for your benefit.
I wouldn't say most are pissed.
Personally I am disappointed and want PD to do better. The game has everything there to be the best GT game but its its current state, its broken and incomplete. We did enjoy the game but after as soon as the cafe menu ends, there is essentially nothing but the grind for cars left to play for and its a LONG grind (akin to a full time for over a month, playing the same track over and over)

The problem is that previous GT games normally come released with 100x more single player content than GT7 has and the only hint of new content from PD is about 3 hours worth of content a month. This would be great if the game was complete but it's clearly not. PD need to dedicate a team to purely creating events to complete the single player version of the game.

Then there is the other issues that should not exist. IE: a full priced game built like a free to play game. PD has gone a small way into fixing this but its not enough. They have added Single earning only events with large rewards still only gets players to owning about 10% of the total car list (in terms of price). You still can't sell your cars and the rewards for winning races is set up in a way that only 2-3 races are worth your time when grinding for credits. It's not good.

The added feature of RNG just doesn't work with GT games. They tried and is a clear fail, time to fix this now PD

The fact that the lobbies do not work properly on release just shouldn't of happened. GT7 is clearly built from GT Sport and there is no reasons for the lobby system to be a backwards step at all but somehow it's about 100 paces behind. This needed to be working on release, no excuses. A couple of small bugs that quickly get patched would be acceptable but what PD are expecting its players to put up with is an absolute joke. This needed to be sorted in the first update but its been around 3 months now, its almost like PD dont think its a problem.

Most are annoyed because this game could be the best GT and it looks set to be the best GT... its incredibly disappointing that PD are insistent at drip feeding content and only making the game that we have already waited many years for... and paid full price for... take many more years before it actually feels complete.

It's really not much to ask for PD to sort out a few little things.
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Anyone else’s FFB seem lighter since the update? Had to change the controller settings to 10-10 and still a bit light? Nice extras in the update though, apart from 3m car FFS
Unless you are a pro monster that is able to complete these in 2 hours with 1 st place, it should keep you busy for some days, and you can also repeat these events with other cars to try a different challenge and a slight different experience 😎

If those have also water change then the longevity should be bigger
The new content is solid, it's just not what we expected 3 months into the game with 400+ cars, 34 tracks with 63 layouts. If they just added GR4-3-2-1 events to every track we would have 100+ new events. And then they could build from there.
There were more in another YouTuber's video, but I don't feel like hunting for the video when I have no idea who made it.
Ok let's say for the sake of argument that they are holding content back. That's pretty much the case I'm sure for most racing titles nowadays. Legends and H5 probably have content already completed but are releasing it on a monthly/quarterly basis.
It's good business sense and it keeps gamers anticipating what's coming next. I quite like it. Also, I believe that if they shipped the game 'complete', people may be excited with the content for a little while longer but then they'd get bored very quickly because that's the nature of the world we live in.

Then, new DLC would need to be charged for. Many would complain saying they had already paid $70, that should entitle them to unlimited future DLC for ever and ever, amen and what's this greedy PD bs etc. Nothing is free in this world.
PD doesn't owe anybody anything. At the end of the day, Kaz wants to share his ideas and passion with the world. Like many artists, he doesn't want to compromise on his work and all credit to him.
Finished all 3 Menu Book pages - overall extremely enjoyable races.

They reworked the weather radar and doubled the max radius - did not catch that in the patch notes - nice!
Now I just wish they would let us look at the weather before even starting the race.

1.15 seems to have bought some performance improvements as well. 99% sure there is less pop in in Le Mans.

EDIT: Scratch that last part. Still an unacceptable amount of pop in in the PS5 version of the game.
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Happy with the update.....I have everything golded and I'm happy for everything new....we asked for Gr1 events, et voila....I didn't knwo what to to with the are here....sure I would prefer 1000 new events for every car and every track...but I think the mayority hasn't complete 30% of the in their view, there are maybe absolutely too many events...
Finished all 3 Menu Book pages - overall extremely enjoyable races.

They reworked the weather radar and doubled the maxi radius - did not catch that in the patch notes - nice!
Now I just wish they would let us look at the weather before even starting the race.

1.15 seems to have bought some performance improvements as well. 99% sure there is less pop in in Le Mans.
Which car do you use for Gr1?
Ok let's say for the sake of argument that they are holding content back. That's pretty much the case I'm sure for most racing titles nowadays. Legends and H5 probably have content already completed but are releasing it on a monthly/quarterly basis.
It's good business sense and it keeps gamers anticipating what's coming next. I quite like it. Also, I believe that if they shipped the game 'complete', people may be excited with the content for a little while longer but then they'd get bored very quickly because that's the nature of the world we live in.

Then, new DLC would need to be charged for. Many would complain saying they had already paid $70, that should entitle them to unlimited future DLC for ever and ever, amen and what's this greedy PD bs etc. Nothing is free in this world.
PD doesn't owe anybody anything. At the end of the day, Kaz wants to share his ideas and passion with the world. Like many artists, he doesn't want to compromise on his work and all credit to him.
PD most certainly do owe the players something. Starting with an explanation around why they felt it necessary to flat out lie about the game and it features pre release. I also think it can't hurt for PD to release some sort of roadmap like EVERY other live service game especially considering that they insist on drip feeding completely baffling updates that hinder more than they help. Keeping the players in the dark about everything is beyond ridiculous.

PD have burned many, many people with the garbage that they are pulling. The are getting well deserved push back from the fans that he clearly give no ****s about.