Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.23 Now Available: Adds New Cars, Menu Books, Races, and Scapes

  • Thread starter Famine
Precisely, they make far more from the whales than they do anyone else, and they target the games economy and MTX prices accordingly to achieve maximum effectiveness.

There are studies around all of this, the pricing structure and in game economy is not an accident no matter how many people insist MTX'shave nothing to do with it, for reasons such as they never bought any. Neither have I, but they most certainly have driven the in game economy of GT7.
I'll still maintain, that Sony is doing MTX's wrong in regards to GT7.

Being that this game was advertised as car-collecting being front and center, I still think they would make much more money if they had an MTX pay schedule similar to what it was in GTS. I'm not one to grind for any cars, but I'm not above paying for what I want if the price is right, either. At $20usd for 2 million credits, the price isn't right. If they made a slide-scale of $3-10 per LCD car, I'd probably be in. So would many others I reckon. For those of us who were kids when the first Gran Turismo came out, we're grownups now. We have disposable income for things we're passionate about. You could probably say the same for those who came into the series from GT1-4. For those Americans that might read this, PD really should have taken the "Costco" or "99 cents store" approach with MTX's.

Maybe I'm wrong tho 🤷🏽‍♂️
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Mentioned more than a few times, the main problem is online only. If we had a harddrive save, buying the cars would be worth it. Being able to keep them forever as opposed to paying to use them for four or five years only, is bad business.
Polyphony execs/devs who started working on the GT franchise in the 90s, are now a bunch of 40/50 somethings who seem to have lost touch with reality. They don't seem to know who their fanbase are, or what motivates them to play the game. In my opinion, they should have split the game into 2 parts. Single player and sport mode, instead of integrating the two. They have managed to alienate both camps with their inability to provide a consistent gaming experience.. It's heartbreaking for someone like me, who started playing GT since 1998 and bought every title since the original Gran Turismo. Sony's blatent greed has tainted a once great franchise.
I'll still maintain, that Sony is doing MTX's wrong in regards to GT7.

Being that this game was advertised as car-collecting being front and center, I still think they would make much more money if they had an MTX pay schedule similar to what it was in GTS. I'm not one to grind for any cars, but I'm not above paying for what I want if the price is right, either. At $20usd for 2 million credits, the price isn't right. If they made a slide-scale of $3-10 per LCD car, I'd probably be in. So would many others I reckon. For those of us who were kids when the first Gran Turismo came out, we're grownups now. We have disposable income for things we're passionate about. You could probably say the same for those who came into the series from GT1-4. For those Americans that might read this, PD really should have taken the "Costco" or "99 cents store" approach with MTX's.

Maybe I'm wrong tho 🤷🏽‍♂️
Sure, reducing the price will increase the quantity purchased, but it doesn't necessarily maximise profit. Generally people will only buy enough to achieve the objective they want to meet, in GT7 that would be buying X car or maybe all cars, but there's still a cap there. Once you have all of the cars you want, be it all cars or select onces, the incetive to buy more Cr through MTX's will drop off a cliff. So there's a balance from a business perspecve, do you sell 300 MTX's at £20 each or 500 at £10 each for example. 300 at £20 each would make you more money.

No one truely knows how a pricing model will stack up against another in actual fact, you can only predict and forecast, but the pricing model in GT7 will be based on a financial forecast which will have considered several pricing models and the expected impact of each. That's not to say a big corporation like Sony can't get a pricing model wrong, of couse they can (horse armour DLC for Oblivion anyone), a forecast can ultimately be incorrect as it's heavilly based on trends and speculation and trends change and speculation can be incorrect, but in turn we can only speculate also. So you might be wrong, but you might be right and Sony's model might be wrong, it's one of those "we'll never know" situations.
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By reading official communications from PD & Kaz. Nenkai and other sources simply confirm ongoing developments in GT7 and the franchise.
Sorry, but do you refer to Twitter as official communications? I wanna get that straight so I can properly adress taking twitter as official comms.
The car selling feature is ready.
"ready" is a little word thats not expressing a lot. In this case, ready means "not usable for the customer". I dont think customers would agree to your definition of "ready". I certainly do not agree. We cant sell cars. End of story.

I know, theres people here desperately trying to get hired by Sony / PD, or have their fan site supported by them. I also know that japanese folks dont like criticism to be posted publicly. But your aspirations and false arguments (the feature is ready - we cant use it?! - yea but its ready, so everything is fine!!) are starting to get funny.

You should realize that many people have spent a lot of money on a product that is failing expectations. Thats not unusual in the gaming industry in 2022 and is also tolerated - IF improvements and actual FIXES follow the mess on release. And thats the second thing, PD is failing at. And thats just one fail too much.

Or, its not a single fail here, because PD and Sony are totally aware of the quality of their product and service. And everything the customers are experiencing is something PD/Sony are accepting, because revenue was good on release and nothing else matters, as they have abandoned the game anyway.

Thats why nothing has been fixed, instead some content has been released. I have read how many people at PD are working on gt7, and man, thats not a lot. Comparing that with the headcount other studios are putting up for AAA titles... Oh. And how many employees a company is assigning to a project says a lot more than advertising texts on Twitter..

So they either failed at making a good game, or they betrayed their customers.
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Sorry, but do you refer to Twitter as official communications? I wanna get that straight so I can properly adress taking twitter as official comms.

"ready" is a little word thats not expressing a lot. In this case, ready means "not usable for the customer". I dont think customers would agree to your definition of "ready". I certainly do not agree. We cant sell cars. End of story.
*Click the embedded links.

Kaz made a post on the PlayStation Blog on March 25th. In it he stated some near-term plans including Time Trials, Selling Cars & Endurance Missions (including 24hrs).

So far only Time Trials have been added. Nenkai has been monitoring updates in each build. In September he detailed how car selling actually functions. A few days ago he mentioned server side updates had been implemented.

The latest build also has PSVR2 related updates. Along with a kiosk mode, which I assume, would be used to demo PSVR2 in stores etc. Sophy Missions continue to be worked on.

None of this tells us when something will release. It’s fairly solid evidence PD will carry out what they publicly stated. GT7 is a (minimum) 2-3 year investment for me. With that said I’d be disappointed if a number of these features & events are not rolled out by Christmas.
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Good point about Christmas. It may very well be that Sony will roll out their "major improvements" to bolster holiday sales. And another series of improvements just before the new Forza debuts.
*Click the embedded links.

Kaz made a post on the PlayStation Blog on March 25th. In it he stated some near-term plans including Time Trials, Selling Cars & Endurance Missions (including 24hrs).

So far only Time Trials have been added. Nenkai has been monitoring updates in each build. In September he detailed how car selling actually functions. A few days ago he mentioned server side updates had been implemented.

The latest build also has PSVR2 related updates. Along with a kiosk mode, which I assume, would be used to demo PSVR2 in stores etc. Sophy Missions continue to be worked on.

None of this tells us when something will release. It’s fairly solid evidence PD will carry out what they publicly stated. GT7 is a (minimum) 2-3 year investment for me. With that said I’d be disappointed if a number of these features & events are not rolled out by Christmas.
Kaz said the course maker for GT6 would be 100km square, was cutting it close as to whether it would make it for launch and it would have a GPS feature where you could drive a real route and then import it in game.

The course maker eventually came nearly 2 years later, was far smaller in size and the GPS feature never happened.

His words and what actually happens rarely align.
Kaz said the course maker for GT6 would be 100km square, was cutting it close as to whether it would make it for launch and it would have a GPS feature where you could drive a real route and then import it in game.

The course maker eventually came nearly 2 years later, was far smaller in size and the GPS feature never happened.

His words and what actually happens rarely align.
I’ll not hold someone to account for a mistake almost a decade ago. He’s not the first, and won’t be the last, dev to have to scale back plans after making an announcement.

PD’s stated plans are all fairly straightforward. By all accounts implementing selling cars wasn’t as straightforward as previous games. But it seems they’ve overcome this.
I’ll not hold someone to account for a mistake almost a decade ago. He’s not the first, and won’t be the last, dev to have to scale back plans after making an announcement.

PD’s stated plans are all fairly straightforward. By all accounts implementing selling cars wasn’t as straightforward as previous games. But it seems they’ve overcome this.
That's the tip of the iceberg of things Kaz has said that haven't happened, or have taken far longer than he suggested. You're placing WAY too much faith in datamined stuff. If you can't take what Kaz says or what is written on the GT site as cast iron guarantee of something you certainly can't take datamined information as "fairly solid evidence" either.
That's the tip of the iceberg of things Kaz has said that haven't happened, or have taken far longer than he suggested. You're placing WAY too much faith in datamined stuff. If you can't take what Kaz says or what is written on the GT site as cast iron guarantee of something you certainly can't take datamined information as "fairly solid evidence" either.
I don’t take a great deal of notice of datamined car & track lists. Often just text files or legacy data. I take notice when there’s talk of specific cars & tracks being tested in-game. Same for features.

Scepticism is all well and good. But it would be particularly hard faced of Kaz to backtrack on this particular statement. Arguably even a resigning matter.
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I don’t take a great deal of notice of datamined car/track lists as they’re so extensive. Often text files or legacy data. I take more notice when there’s talk of specific cars & tracks being tested in-game. Same for features.

Scepticism is all well and good. But it would be particularly hard faced of Kaz to backtrack on this particular statement. Arguably even a resigning matter.
Take note all you want but you said the car selling feature is ready. Neither Nenkai nor yourself can say that for sure based on so little information.
None of this tells us when something will release. It’s fairly solid evidence PD will carry out what they publicly stated.
Yes, as I've said before: I totally agree with you on this one. 100%. They will roll out new features.

But that wont fix the issues the game has, which you seem to ignore.

I used to be a Chef. Imagine you came to my Restaurant and ordered a Steak. I made you a ****** Steak. It is the best possible meat, but badly made by me. You call on the waiter, he tells me that a guest is unsatisfied with this Steak. I load your plate with more potatoes and send it back out to you. You still have the bad steak but loads of potatoes, so you're still unhappy with that, right? You send the plate back and this time, I load it with more vegetables. Perfect vegetables. You get it back and are still facing a bad Steak - right?

Thats what happens with GT7 and new features. Maybe Sophy will be absolutely groundbreaking, great, fun and just perfect! That might very well be true! But I dont wanna race the best AI that has ever been in a game - I wanna race my buddies in Lobbies. Thats a very basic feature of racing games, aint it? But I cant, because this Steak still sucks and PD keeps sending out new potatoes and vegs!

And that Nenkai dude, sorry, its a french data miner. Talking about (on twitter) car selling stuff, he closes with:

"do not take this as an indication that it may actually work that way, it could be entirely different for all i know"
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I'll still maintain, that Sony is doing MTX's wrong in regards to GT7.

Being that this game was advertised as car-collecting being front and center, I still think they would make much more money if they had an MTX pay schedule similar to what it was in GTS. I'm not one to grind for any cars, but I'm not above paying for what I want if the price is right, either. At $20usd for 2 million credits, the price isn't right. If they made a slide-scale of $3-10 per LCD car, I'd probably be in. So would many others I reckon. For those of us who were kids when the first Gran Turismo came out, we're grownups now. We have disposable income for things we're passionate about. You could probably say the same for those who came into the series from GT1-4. For those Americans that might read this, PD really should have taken the "Costco" or "99 cents store" approach with MTX's.

Maybe I'm wrong tho 🤷🏽‍♂️
Call me crazy but You are correct 100%, even BUYING MTX is a freaking chore in this game, they should have like .99 4.99, 9.99, 14.99, 19.99, 29.99, 49.99 and 99.99 if the Geniuses at PD want us to buy 200 dollars of MTX for a Mclaren F1 for example, instead you have to like binge the buy button 8 times I mean WTFFFFF how can they screw that up for real!???

What I hate is the silence from PD, I can understanding why people are hesitant to buy MTX for this game considering we are renting cars since we can’t really own anything yet and for the time being we don’t know if they will ever transition to offline saves or transfers, I just heard the PS5 got Jailbroken with an older software update so who knows, I’ve seen online games get mods but still we will see
The reason they haven't implemented the car selling feature is because they mostly have pressure from Sony to keep milking the heck out of the MTX as much as possible. Implementing a sell car feature will definitely make a dent in the MTX sales trend... MFers.
Where is your evidence for that exactly?
People selling CLK LMs and Toyota RSCs in Gran Turismo 4 over and over again to make quick millions... There would only need to be one easy to get, high sell car in GT7 to break the entire system.
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All I want to know if the selling car feature will affect your profile’s car collection percentage 🤭🤭 will it drop or stay the same?
All I want to know if the selling car feature will affect your profile’s car collection percentage 🤭🤭 will it drop or stay the same?
What does the car collection percentage do? Does it improve your in-game status? Just asking what it actually does. Do we get rewarded?
Probably nothing but after grinding this game and currently sitting at 92% I wonder if car sales will drop the car total and percentage, I mean my garage says I have 410 cars but my profile says I bought like 350 cars so far 😒, and to be honest my last five roulettes prizes have been nothing but cars that I already have, it’s like this game knows I need money but wants me to give me more cars instead 😒
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All I want to know if the selling car feature will affect your profile’s car collection percentage 🤭🤭 will it drop or stay the same?
It won't drop...

You cannot get rid of a car unless it's a duplicate.

If you have for example, ONE Renault Clio, you cannot sell it, or even get rid of it. Maybe this can change when selling cars comes to the game, but for now, you can't get rid of a single car model.

So yes, the Car Collection Percentage will not drop.
What does the car collection percentage do? Does it improve your in-game status? Just asking what it actually does. Do we get rewarded?
Nothing. You get nothing. Just like completing to level 50 gets you nothing. That's part of the biggest complaint factor for this. So much content in GT7 simply doesn't matter. It doesn't make sense. There's licenses that aren't even needed in game. They keep randomly adding races to random tracks so there isn't even an end plan on getting some reward for golding all of those.
The premise is just doing enough races to earn enough credits to buy cars that mean nothing. Neat.
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All I want to know if the selling car feature will affect your profile’s car collection percentage 🤭🤭 will it drop or stay the same?
I doubt Polyphony will let you sell cars that are not duplicates, so it probably won't affect the collection percentage.
Probably nothing but after grinding this game and currently sitting at 92% I wonder if car sales will drop the car total and percentage, I mean my garage says I have 410 cars but my profile says I bought like 350 cars so far 😒, and to be honest my last five roulettes prizes have been nothing but cars that I already have, it’s like this game knows I need money but wants me to give me more cars instead 😒

I’ll have a look, but I’ve bought over 1000 cars, but I only have collected 340.
Edit: 338/442

At the moment, I bet PD are gathering Data on how many players discard duplicates, before implementing the sell feature. I’m down to 382 cars after deleting duplicates. The favourites option is not enough for me. I need folders for group saves(ain’t happening). The, I’d actually not delete cars. Was a hassle even with saving custom races. Anyway, like some have pointed out, they’ll probably hold out as long as they want.

Edit: tree’d by all the above. That’s what I’m getting at. I’ve bought all these cars and nothing. Another poorly executing “thing to do”. I’m not looking to be rewarded. I‘m doing my own thing.
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Nothing. You get nothing. Just like completing to level 50 gets you nothing. That's part of the biggest complaint factor for this. So much content in GT7 simply doesn't matter. It doesn't make sense. There's licenses that aren't even needed in game. They keep randomly adding races to random tracks so there isn't even an end plan on getting some reward for golding all of those.
The premise is just doing enough races to earn enough credits to buy cars that mean nothing. Neat.

So much truth in here.
I’ll have a look, but I’ve bought over 1000 cars, but I only have collected 340.
Edit: 338/442
View attachment 1197814

At the moment, I bet PD are gathering Data on how many players discard duplicates, before implementing the sell feature. I’m down to 382 cars after deleting duplicates. The favourites option is not enough for me. I need folders for group saves(ain’t happening). The, I’d actually not delete cars. Was a hassle even with saving custom races. Anyway, like some have pointed out, they’ll probably hold out as long as they want.

Edit: tree’d by all the above. That’s what I’m getting at. I’ve bought all these cars and nothing. Another poorly executing “thing to do”. I’m not looking to be rewarded. I‘m doing my own thing.
This game is weird I swear their numbers are all over 🤣🤣, I’ll stop trying to make it, make it sense LOL


I meant evidence it was big bad Sony making PD do it rather than PD being the bad guys.
It’s simple, this game has yet to sell over a million units, Sony has been losing money on hardware and since people are barely buying their games on Consoles, they expanded to PC, Sony is milking consumers dry anyway they can at the moment, for example, bundled consoles, Sony is only selling new bundled consoles from Sony direct now and retailers, they talk about mark ups, inflation, etc but we as consumers already paying 550 for the disc console, that digital license costs them next to nothing. I could had bought a used physical copy in ebay for like 17 bucks for HFW but I had to pay full price just to get a PS5 in July 🫣

Daddy Sony’s calling the shots, if you think October is the six month mark which is a perfect way of telling us that they had six months to make X amount of money from MXT’s etc.

In corporate **** always rolls downhill