Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.29 Confirmed for February 21

  • Thread starter Famine
Ah, so it'll be ~2350lb instead of the 2130lb. Guessing it's the 2.7L with 207hp then...
Hopefully we have weight reductions and bore/stroke-up, as well as all the other engine upgrades. If it can get under 2100lb at around 400hp it might be good for Sarthe. Cool-ass car regardless though and a very welcome addition to the game. Now we just need the 959! (and 992... and a GT2 of some flavor)

@MikeUD06 I don't buy that Sophie couldn't run on the PS4 Pro, and if it can't it's poorly optimized. Which that latter part might be true of the game in general given the extremely low-poly off-track assets. I play on PS4 Pro and PS5 and I don't really notice a difference in performance; they both have weird stutters occasionally where the game will freeze for 1/4sec. Might be an issue with the server, but it's kind of odd that it seems to happen at the same places on the same track if it's a server issue.

But they haven't finished the "offline" portion of the game a year after launch, so of course it's not optimized properly, lol.
AI is very compute intensive and it's very likely that a netbook grade CPU from more than a decade ago couldn't cope with it.
Holy ______, I guessed the track location right 😳 🥳
And it is just as beautiful as the real world. In the next few days I will park something to look over the ocean. I hope they put dolphins in. 🐬

Differently, more grinding 😡 Here's to hoping that the new race car stays up for a while like the one off Pantera did.
And where's my Chevelle!? I don't want another over grown bug.

Anyway, the GR.3 race should be interesting as there was little practice time for everyone.

Username here & PSN are the same for me.
So, the question now is, why did they bother with all of this effort? As expected, Sophy is just the equivalent of the AI you'd find in pretty much any of the racing game of the last two decades. I still thing 24 Hours of LeMans had one of the better ones.

Is the power of the PS5 really necessary for this? Does it really need to be a special game mode?

All hype, no substance. Give a game AI developer two weeks and I bet they could out do the Sophy team.
Take a look at what the Sophy team are working on and impressions from press, influencers and users. The reports have been nothing short of glowing with claims it will be a step change in how AI is implemented in game.

First time out of the gate I was expecting glitches, cheating and all sorts of weirdness. Instead it delivers the best AI challenge I've seen on a home console/PC sim. And by a considerable distance at that!
On it worth me upgrading to PS5 ?
It's pretty much game up for PS4 now. PS5 is a far superior experience, we're also unlikely to get a PS5 Pro model. There are rumours of a new PS5 model at the end of the year with a detachable disc drive. But actual hardware performance will be unchanged.
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Grand Valley is back!

Captura de Tela 2023-02-21 às 15.16.06.png

Captura de Tela 2023-02-21 às 15.11.01.png

Sad to see my favorite circuit turned into this 😣
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So basically, another 1 hour of content, in 6 races, 1 Circuit Experience (easy as hell, everything on first try) and 2 Extra Menus that are basically click and collect, and not actual challenges of races or anything really.
Yet another PD clown-tier single player content update. Was it too much to ask for an Endurance race and some Championship café menus or a pack of missions?

Not to mention, another 6 catch the rabbit races, where the Gr.1 race has the leader 30 seconds ahead of you on a 10 lap race... and doesn't stop. 🤡 The only thing that made me do something a 2nd time since I wasn't expecting the Miyazono McLaren VGT to not pit (and being unfamiliar with the track on a Gr.1 car (Audi R18 Tdi) also made me lose some seconds at first, thus the 2nd try even with the same strategy I was able to win on the last lap.

On the positives:

The new Grand Valley layout got the same treatment as Trial Mountain and Deep Forest, where it stayed mostly the same but had a few changes here and there, the 2nd sector is most noticeable alongside the longer backstraight on the bridge.
To be honest, I really dig this track, it doesn't have the same feel as the OG GV, but it's still pretty likeable.
I wasn't expecting them to actually animate Elephant Seals though :lol:

The RA272 is pretty fun (a handful, as expected from 60s F1) to drive and has a nice sound. ... .... .......

And that's it.

... Oh, and I got wrecked by Sophy on the 1on1... You either nail the start and stay in front of it, or forget about winning. The other challenges are relatively easy.
I was over a second slower per lap on the Tsukuba challenge, on a slow easy to drive car car on a small track.

Haven’t tried the update yet; I’m sure the cars and GV Highway 1 will be fantastic to experience. But absolutely agree with you on events: nearly a year after launch and PD continues to provide catch the rabbit races and these checkbox extra menus that, while providing great context/history about the collected cars, are barely engaging. It is baffling how the cars and tracks are clearly painstakingly worked on, while the events just seem like Ctrl C + Ctrl V products and are barely given any attention. It screams afterthought and laziness even though we know PD are not when it comes to the tech aspect of things! Engaging game design clearly was not a priority. This is the most frustrating thing with GT7 nearly a year after launch.
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The leader stopped for me, before the last lap.
Hard AI setting?

Was it Miyazono in the McLaren VGT??

Because I did the race twice (retried the 2nd time) and even saw the replay of the first race to see if he really did pit, and he didn't. He does lose a lot of pace on the final laps but he doesn't pit and starts 30 seconds ahead of you.

Used a 2011 Audi R18 TDi at about 7xx hp (with medium RPM turbo) on FM2 the whole race, on medium tires. Pitted on lap 6 again for mediums.
The first race I did some mistakes, but still thought I could easily win, but didn't expect the leader to not pit at all. The 2nd time, after knowing the car and track combo, I catched with Miyazono during the middle sector on the last lap.
Yes and yes.
Actually... Thinking about it now... It seems like this is a staple of the AI behaviour.

There were a few races of the Neoclassical Car series where some of the Gr.C cars wouldn't pit at all (mostly the Jaguar or the Mazda) and then, after doing the race again, they would pit on the last lap.

Seems like this is the same case.
This is my main problem with this statistically fast AI... if one wants to mimic human, there needs to be certain level of aggression, risk and failures. Cant see Sophy taking a bad line or braking point just to force you as a competitor to making even bigger mistake. They said the Sophys are all the same just hindered by less fitting car. This means they dont have the mood swings or pressure induced errors, that human have.

I might be wrong, but to me Sophy is developed with perfection in mind - not realism. Very Japanese. Appreciation of perfection over being fallible.
Hence why these are just limited time events. We are basically just beta testing Sophy so the developers can gather feedback. Our reactions will help them further refine the AI. If Sophy didn't drive with this "perfection" they never would have been able to compete with the World Finalists and would have been a fail on their part. Just as it's a learning opportunity on the developer's part, I feel it's also one for us. You watch the top drivers replays to find out how to be quicker and you can do the same with Sophy.

I guess the scenery and the surroundings that it had for 6 games were part of the tracks character. Trial Mountain and Deep Forest didn't undergo this much of a transformation. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the track is in the game and I'll use it a lot but it just looks dull in comparison to me.
Unless maybe you try it in VR? I believe they have been saving this track to coincide with the release of PSVR2. Sure the GT purists want the original version, but I'm glad they took the highway approach. Perhaps this opens the door for a return of Circuit de La Sierra. I know highly unlikely, but one can dream. :D Just received confirmation my "package" will arrive tomorrow. I am so hyped.
I think that they could call this track like anything. But not Grand Valley. Sorry but this is not Grand Valley. Not the Grand Valley that we've played in GT Series from 1st version to 6th version on PS3
Well... It's not Grand Valley Speedway. It's Grand Valley Highway 1. GT7 has Tokyo Expressway East, but they also have Tokyo Expressway South and Tokyo Expressway Central. How dare Polyphony have the audacity to name all those tracks "Tokyo Expressway"?
You forgot the 16 Sophy races, not that i think we have enough Single Player content..
Not single player/campaign content...

But more races for you to experiment with and interact with PD's next gen AI. While cool, it's only for PS5 users and will only be in the game for 1 month.

The single player experience of this game is appaling to say the least.
And they had the time and chance to get to it on this update and yet again disregard it entirely, basically copy pasted settings from others races and put in in the Grand Valley racing catalog...

Oh, sorry, not racing catalog, catch the rabbit catalog. That's far more accurate.
Not single player/campaign content...

But more races for you to experiment with and interact with PD's next gen AI. While cool, it's only for PS5 users and will only be in the game for 1 month.

The single player experience of this game is appaling to say the least.
And they had the time and chance to get to it on this update and yet again disregard it entirely, basically copy pasted settings from others races and put in in the Grand Valley racing catalog...

Oh, sorry, not racing catalog, catch the rabbit catalog. That's far more accurate.
So quit GTP and quit playing. It's clear that after a year of bitching and moaning that nothing is going to change, so why stick around and put yourself through it?
So quit GTP and quit playing. It's clear that after a year of bitching and moaning that nothing is going to change, so why stick around and put yourself through it?
I agree. If you aren't happy with the game, just quit. Stop coming here to bitch about it. Go find another racing game that better suits your needs. If you can't be happy with PD for giving you more cars, a new track, VR2 integration and a look at the future of it's AI all FOR FREE, then you clearly are never going to be satisfied with anything they do. A lot of the updates that have come out recently could have been held off for 6 months and bundled together in to a DLC package that PD could have easily charged $25 for. And people would have paid for it! But no, they gave it to their users for free and they still get crapped on for it.
I agree. If you aren't happy with the game, just quit. Stop coming here to bitch about it. Go find another racing game that better suits your needs. If you can't be happy with PD for giving you more cars, a new track, VR2 integration and a look at the future of it's AI all FOR FREE, then you clearly are never going to be satisfied with anything they do. A lot of the updates that have come out recently could have been held off for 6 months and bundled together in to a DLC package that PD could have easily charged $25 for. And people would have paid for it! But no, they gave it to their users for free and they still get crapped on for it.
Sorry, I'm not a PD simp mate. I criticize what this game needs to be critized for. You don't like it, ignore it...
It is good. It’s not perfect. Enough for me.
Err... I don't give a flying ass about you?
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