Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.49: Eiger Nordwand, Six New Cars, Physics Changes, & More

  • Thread starter Famine
I don't expect this update to be popular with players that use analog inputs at all. I think casual players as a whole will be turned off, because it seems like a big step to a more hardcore sim direction.

If it's true that 80% braking becomes the new sweet spot for ideal driving, then that's fantastic for skilled wheel and controller users, but literally (and I mean literally!) impossible for people using the face buttons to brake efficiently, and a harder thing to manage for more casual players using other methods than just slamming the brake trigger all the way down.

It will be interesting for sure. The physics seem very obviously geared to competitive sport mode play and that's just, for better or for worse, not where the bulk of the players are.
@GOTMAXPOWER will still be quick anyway 😎
I don't expect this update to be popular with players that use analog inputs at all. I think casual players as a whole will be turned off, because it seems like a big step to a more hardcore sim direction.

If it's true that 80% braking becomes the new sweet spot for ideal driving, then that's fantastic for skilled wheel and controller users, but literally (and I mean literally!) impossible for people using the face buttons to brake efficiently, and a harder thing to manage for more casual players using other methods than just slamming the brake trigger all the way down.

It will be interesting for sure. The physics seem very obviously geared to competitive sport mode play and that's just, for better or for worse, not where the bulk of the players are.
I wouldn't worry too much yet, GT7 is so aggressive with smoothing pad players inputs that it might actually help us, especially if some of the chronic understeer has been dialled out.
I was over it from the start. It just seemed gimmicky to me. 'Here's improved AI but only parts of the game utilize it and only part of the player base can use it'. Yeah, how about no. You want to improve AI? Fine but you need to go all in. Make it available for all game modes and for every player.

Until they do that, then I really don't care about it.
i fully agree...I just think its something Sony and PD will try to use to make us play the game more or spend money on credits
...impossible for people using the face buttons...
I mean, trigger buttons have been around for what, 20 years now? Barring any physical disability why would anyone be using them?

The triggers allow for a wide range of input values. If one chooses to use the push buttons they are willingly choosing to be at a disadvantage.

My setup for years has been:

R trigger - gas
L trigger - brake
Circle - upshift
Square - downshift
X - e-brake

... but I don't know of anyone who uses face buttons for brake/gas since triggers became a thing.
Not to bring up a sour note, but am I the only one who noticed the ridiculously insane prices that were listed in the video for tires and what not? 😲🫣 Are they increasing the prices on everything?!?
Japanese version of the game so all prices are shown as x100
Not to bring up a sour note, but am I the only one who noticed the ridiculously insane prices that were listed in the video for tires and what not? 😲🫣 Are they increasing the prices on everything?!?
Think for a second. What could be the reason a JAPANESE developer, who make a game in JAPAN, might have a game preview with prices that seem different to what you are used to?
Just want to remind anyone who does not like the update - it has been over 2 years since the game is out, PD still working & publishing content updates.....

I agree with you my friend.

I am grateful to PD, because I know they work hard to bring us top notch content. I understand that some people want more, but I believe PD have truly provided us with a game that's paid for itself many times over.

I encourage folks to be patient and try to understand that perhaps some content may be still in the works, being tweaked/tested.

I also believe they DO pay attention to our desires, therefore we should state them respectfully. Doing so would add to the overall morale of those who work for PD.

In the meantime, as you await features and content you want, perhaps just get your fix from one of the "dozens" of other racing games we have available to us.
They shouldn't have announce the Update that early...Next Week will be OK
You seem to get no love for this post, but I feel exactly the same. I played the game for month every single day, clocking in at 1058 hours. But since they announced the change in physics I didn't drive a single mile. Maybe that's just me, but I feel like there's just no point in playing until the update hits.
You seem to get no love for this post, but I feel exactly the same. I played the game for month every single day, clocking in at 1058 hours. But since they announced the change in physics I didn't drive a single mile. Maybe that's just me, but I feel like there's just no point in playing until the update hits.
Question 1: Is the physics unclear only for rally or for all driving?

Question 2: I think it's good to save money until the update comes, right?

Except for the rich 🤣
It's exactly that for some of us.

No offense, but I kind of find it rude when people go, "Why would anybody...?" without fully thinking things through. =/

You’re quoting the exact part where he acknowledges people with disabilities and excludes them from his question, but still call him rude.

Really tricky not to offend people these days…
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Gran Turismo has always come up short in the realism category, if the physics update pushes them closer to sim, that’s a good thing in my opinion.

They have a long way to go to be a full out sim, so it’s not like it’s gonna suddenly scare off majority of their player base. They might actually be closing in on the perfect balance between arcade and sim.

It’s rare for me to see drivers lose control and manage to get it back if they’re on a wheel. When you’re following them and see their car start to turn, most of the time, they’re just headed for the wall or off track. It almost looks like they’re doing it on purpose too. And it feels like it’s happening in slow motion haha

I think that could be improved on. I don’t know what it’s called but it’s like you cannot countersteer quick enough.

It’s happened to me in high horsepower cars, accelerating down a straight, tire breaks loose at like 80 mph from a tiny tiny steering input and the car just drives itself right off the track with literally no hope of catching it. You let off immediately, lightly feather the gas and countersteer like crazy but it just continues on its path.

I’ve even tried the opposite, keep it floored and steer into it in hopes I do a 360. It still just does the same thing. Like the games code says, he lost traction, activate magnetic wall 🧲 NOW! Like the front of your car has one big magnet 🧲 on it and so does the wall.
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You’re quoting the exact part where he acknowledges people with disabilities and excludes them from his question, but still call him rude.

Really tricky not to offend people these days…
The rude part also refers to his entire post. I just didn't quote the entire thing except that part because that bothered me the most. =/

Let's move on from this, please.
Are we getting all Eiger Nordwand layouts?
Nenkai believes it’s just the one (and maybe a reverse layout).
There's definitely* the "short" course and the reverse layout - that's why they're here. Others are unlikely, simply on the basis of not being shown in the trailer at all...

*With qualification, but as close to definitely as possible.
Guess we have to wait and see. Nice that we're finally getting a new track. More layouts wo definitely be welcome.

Curious if we are able to race more than 3 laps against Sophy with this update.

My brain always used to connect Matterhorn (I think this is Matterhorn) and Eiger together mainly because of the elevation and scenery. Are they actually remotely related or was I always making that up?

My brain always used to connect Matterhorn (I think this is Matterhorn) and Eiger together mainly because of the elevation and scenery. Are they actually remotely related or was I always making that up?
They are the same kind of track concept (both are fictional tracks based on the trails of a different real life Swiss mountain) but they aren't related to each other, no.
In regards to making gt more accurate to real life and therefore more of a “sim”, putting off the more casual player base, I think it’s important to remember that real doesn’t equal difficult but in fact should make it more natural to drive.

It amazes me that people still put forth the above fallacy, making gt more realistic will make it feel more controllable to every part of the player base from beginner to expert.

And any worries controller players have shouldn’t be concerned, pd have always been ahead of the pack with that.
In regards to making gt more accurate to real life and therefore more of a “sim”, putting off the more casual player base, I think it’s important to remember that real doesn’t equal difficult but in fact should make it more natural to drive.

It amazes me that people still put forth the above fallacy, making gt more realistic will make it feel more controllable to every part of the player base from beginner to expert.

And any worries controller players have shouldn’t be concerned, pd have always been ahead of the pack with that.
The reason why players tend to support that fallacy is because many games that claim to be "realistic" tend to favor wheels over controllers. Assetto Corsa and Project Cars 2, for example, are difficult to play on a controller without proper setups. Seeing as GT's main player base uses a controller, and likely have little interest or knowledge on how to calibrate controllers, it would only make sense that concerns would arise.
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The reason why players tend to support that fallacy is because many games that claim to be "realistic" tend to favor wheels over controllers. Assetto Corsa and Project Cars 2, for example, are difficult to play on a controller without proper setups. Seeing as GT's main player base uses a controller, and likely have little interest or knowledge on how to calibrate controllers, it would only make sense that concerns would arise.
I would say that’s more down to the dev implementation rather than the device itself. For example I reckon PD could’ve set up Project CARS and AC to drive really well on a controller.

I’m not saying it doesn’t get harder the more realism you add, especially with snap oversteer and potentially more dynamics entering into play and such. But I think PDs window of “how realistic before it gets untenable at the same or similar controller quality” is really quite wide because they’re so good at it. I don’t think they’d ever have a flat out bad controller feel, at worst it’d just be “good” I think. I’m confident they can tackle pretty much anything and have it feel good if not fantastic.

Maybe there is a limit, but if worst comes to worst they can just damp out the extra depth in favour of controllability. I would rather they do that because imo the most important thing is good controller feel. Nothing worse imo than something that doesn’t feel good to drive. Could have the best physics in the world but it’s gotta be enjoyable to use.
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I leave for a week and PD drop a big update!

-A new track is definitely welcomed, but I can't help but feel disappointed with the track that was chosen. Very short, narrow track with some Monaco-esque tight turns will not yield good racing, IMO. It'll be very difficult to pass and will likely end up being stale races. I'd much rather see GP type tracks where side-by-side action is available.

-Cars are cool. 22B rally car is pretty cool... I'll buy one but it'll likely just collect dust next to the Corolla and the rest of the GrB cars. The road cars are alright I guess. And the VGT is, well... a VGT. Again, would much rather have seen a nice refresh of GT cars but oh well.

-Sophy around N24?! I am more excited about this than all the new cars combined! I just hope we can make it more than one lap.

-New physics as well. My interest is piqued on this one for sure, especially with an ongoing manu. Changing up the physics half way though the - ridiculously short - season will make things very interesting.

Definitely a big update. Not the direction I was hoping for, but interested to see how it all plays out.