Gran Turismo Sport 1.11 Update Now Available

  • Thread starter wicken
So I've tried to compare some car with real life in terms of sound and these cars are pretty close (or at least decent) to real sounds like. Will check the rest later :

Pity that 2005 Ford GT didn't sound like it should. It sounds brutal like a thunder and have loud rumble. PD sample is too clean (again this is the problem) and didn't capture the raw and rough tone of V8. I mean... come on Kaz... it's your favorite car! At least give it some love...

Nonetheless it sounds crisp, but hope there is fixes and tweaks for some of other car sound as well.
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Next car they gave me as prize 2000gt. Tried it and its amazing. Guess its good idea to start new game with newest update and try get those free cars now with all new ones. In reality i will never buy those expencive cars so its good that you can get at least something for free.
New supra looks amazing sound and drives same. In collection with mazda rx7 , gts starts to look like real GT game. All those cockpits so detailed i cant believe how good they look. Allways using quality mode on 1080p hdtv with ps4 pro. Its just another level in looks from assetto or pc2.
I've got to create yet more space on the HDD before I can download this update. I had to uninstall an entire game to make room for the last patch and that's still not enough free storage for two consecutive patches on GT!?

I'll have no other games installed on the PS4 in 3 months if they keep this rate up.
I left my ps4 overnight to update and in the morning it was just sitting there because there wasn't room. Luckily I still had both the Closed and Open Beta versions installed so easily found an extra 100GB!

This is a very very nice update, the cars selection for this DLC and the GT league single player mode also keep updating i'm very happy about it

I agree. Thought they might have added more races in to the existing League series, as well as adding new ones. Presume we'll get more Gr.1 endurance events when Spa and LeMans arrive.

The new track layouts at Maggiore are nice too. The new right-hander into the downhill to link into the S-bends is a great bit of track.

Instead of buying the 20 mil credit cars, why not just win them? :P
I think it's safe to say that if I don't win those cars, I won't ever be driving them. And you know what? I'm ok with that.

Also the FT-1 in Gr.X? And you can't even pit the two Le Mans racers together in a race? That's really stupid.

Agree. I can sort of see why the historics are in there, but putting the FT-1 in the game and immediately making it useless when it would function perfectly as an N500 is questionable.

IMHO it's brilliant that the pricing of these ultra rare cars is in the stratosphere.

Challenge is a good thing for me.
Long term goals are good for me.
I don't want a game to be "over" in 125 days.

Finally, rather than use the unhappy word "grind", I always think of it as "earn". For me, if a game becomes a "grind", then I really should move on.

It's these millenials who always got a prize at sports day just for taking part. No dedication to the cause!

I like to think that GT is rewarding us for doing actual racing, since you wouldn't just be able to buy these cars on a whim in real life. They have kinda spoiled that with the free car after 26 miles thing, though!

True, but i don't think PD is finished with GT League events just yet and i hope there will also be a Historic Racing Car event in the future, so i can race the Ferrari 330 P4 against the Jaguar XJ13, one-make race in custom race was not that fun to be honest.

I suspect that this will be the case. They may add that event back into League when the Mk.IV and Le Mans circuits are ready.

Misbehaving using malfunctions in the game, does that mean the N24 Miata glitch?
I would guess they're more concerned with people getting the lap advantage in Sport mode races.

Here's hoping that by the next update PD adds enough content to start draining the Gr. X class and forming respective classes for the non VGTs currently trapped in there. The purpose of Gr. X is to act as an "overflow" for anything that doesn't fit into the current class lineup, so considering the classic Le Mans cars aren't competitive against anything but themselves right now that placement is accurate, but it doesn't make them functional.

Yes. I don't see why they couldn't have dropped in a Gr.H class. Or multiple historic classes, Gr.H1, Gr.H2 etc
Porsche was fairly easily the fastest Gr.3 car, not OP as such, just very stable, good in the corners and decent down the straights. If there was any car they should have nerfed, it was the Porsche as it was too good an all round car not to pick in races which is why everyone has picked it pretty much since the release of the game.

The big Problem in my opinion is the idioty of fixed Setups which are complete nonsense setups. The should let us change Gears and LSD and you would see that the Porsche never was an OP car.
The only thing which made it a competitiv car was the fairly good Transmission.

If you drive a championship with open setups you realize that the porsche has no chance against the bmw.

The BMW is on most tracks around 8tens - 1 sec faster hast around 40 kw more and 200 Nm more and almost same weight ~ 1350 kg and a hell of a stable car.

If they would let us change Transmission and LSD it would better show the real strenghs and it would be better for Sport and Lobby mode because the cars would be more balanced.
A couple of things I've noticed:

1: The tyre texture on those 20mil beauties is astoundingly detailed. Can't imagine how long that took to create. Seriously, take a closer look.

2 The new (old) Jag is a wonderful, exotic car, and the detail, of the engine bay in particular, is top notch.

Impressive that this DLC is free. Cheers PD.
For the 2 most expensive cars in the game to actually be usable in events and not just put in a "class" where they are effectively relegated to one make races and photomode.

Most cars are 0ne make races (GR 3) etc They are classic cars they are going to cost more than everything else. PD have locked it up to prevent cheats and keep the field level, something simple that quite a few people take issue with apparently. If you don't like the game trade it problem solved complaining/second guessing won't fix it...:banghead:
I like the update but for example Dodge Viper dashboard quality is unacceptable crappy. The lines are square around the instrument panel. Check out...
This is ridiculous in 2018 and ridiculuos if they say : let's play in 4k :DDD
I still can observ in the game jagged edges which is also ridiculous. I use PS4 Pro and 4k HDR TV and Forza 7 on PC MUCH cleaner and sharper on the same TV ! PS4 Pro and GT Sport is not REAL 4K, its fake and I'm disappointed.
Maybe PS5...
I like the update but for example Dodge Viper dashboard quality is unacceptable crappy. The lines are square around the instrument panel. Check out...
This is ridiculous in 2018 and ridiculuos if they say : let's play in 4k :DDD
I still can observ in the game jagged edges which is also ridiculous. I use PS4 Pro and 4k HDR TV and Forza 7 on PC MUCH cleaner and sharper on the same TV ! PS4 Pro and GT Sport is not REAL 4K, its fake and I'm disappointed.
Maybe PS5...
The only thing ridiculous is the comparison pc - ps4 pro, if GTsport were on pc it would not have the technical limits that there are on console:lol::D
The only thing ridiculous is the comparison pc - ps4 pro, if GTsport were on pc it would not have the technical limits that there are on console:lol::D
I agree but I bought everything from the best and visuality is .... strong medium....dissapointing
The big Problem in my opinion is the idioty of fixed Setups which are complete nonsense setups. The should let us change Gears and LSD and you would see that the Porsche never was an OP car.
The only thing which made it a competitiv car was the fairly good Transmission.

If you drive a championship with open setups you realize that the porsche has no chance against the bmw.

The BMW is on most tracks around 8tens - 1 sec faster hast around 40 kw more and 200 Nm more and almost same weight ~ 1350 kg and a hell of a stable car.

If they would let us change Transmission and LSD it would better show the real strenghs and it would be better for Sport and Lobby mode because the cars would be more balanced.

Allowing setups does not benefit Sport Mode in any way and definitely won't make the cars more balanced. Not only will it make the BoP a lot harder to get right as you would need to know how to put the best setup on each car, it also completely screws with the idea of a driver rating.

At the end of the day the BoP is based on how the cars perform in Sport Mode so complaining that it doesn't hold up in your own private championships is nonsense. If you don't like the BoP and it doesn't work for you, make your own one.
1. Allowing setups does not benefit Sport Mode in any way and definitely won't make the cars more balanced.
2. Not only will it make the BoP a lot harder to get right as you would need to know how to put the best setup on each car, [..]

3. At the end of the day the BoP is based on how the cars perform in Sport Mode so complaining that it doesn't hold up in your own private championships is nonsense.
4. If you don't like the BoP and it doesn't work for you, 5. make your own one.

1. Yes it would benefit from it. I'am only talking about Transmission and LSD. The rest they can let it like it is.
2. Ok in that case you are right, but i did not talk about the whole Setup.
3. Yes it should perform in Sport mode, but I am thinking that a big Part of this Game will be in privat Championships aswell. So it should be not that outbalanced. (If iam looking to yesterdays daily race at monza... 2 cars on top 10...)
4. Yes I do not like the BoP right now, because its way outbalanced, Gr.4 is a mess and Gr.3 get more and more in that direction.
5. Would be nice to do so, to do a own BoP system for privates. But I dont think that theres something where you can set up a own BoP System for each car. (I do not mean that max power and Min/Max Weight)

At the beginning the Porsche was OP, thats for sure, but back then there where more Cars in the Top 10, like Mclaren, Ferrari, Atenza, Toyota... now there are almost only 1-2 Brands in the Top 10...
20 mil cars!!, I thought we were over that:banghead:
Honestly I got the 20mil cars in GT6 (or was it GT5?) just to find out that there was nothing to do with them other than arcade mode 👎
It's these millenials who always got a prize at sports day just for taking part. No dedication to the cause!

I like to think that GT is rewarding us for doing actual racing, since you wouldn't just be able to buy these cars on a whim in real life. They have kinda spoiled that with the free car after 26 miles thing, though!

I have to agree. For some, the ideal gameplay might be a single button to click to buy every car in the game and win every race in the game.

For me, the ideal game engages me for hundreds of hours, and looking at the thresholds for GTS in-game achievements, the designers seem to agree. I'm nowhere near level three in earnings and it will take a lot of effort to get there. When I get there, I will be able to afford the cars I lust over.

I'm OK with that, but maybe some would like to have the bar lowered to trivial levels
Loving the game and the update. Big respect to PD !!!! Keep em comin and cant wait for the future.

Some minor things I hope they will change soon. A special class to drive your 20 million hard earned cars is necessary. And easy to arrange. Also I would like to have an overview of all the (minor but relevant) changes.

One question:
“With so many classic cars in game now will the clutch pedal be finally available to change gears??”
What do you mean ? The clutch works all the time if you choose a car with manual gearbox, and there are plenty of them in the game already from the beginning ?

One other thing, i hope they release the GT app soon. It would be cool to go to the discover tab and check out the community creations and download decals and stuff on the go.
You can do this already with your mobile phone on Its almost the same as an app and works perfectly checking out and adding creations and liveries directly from your phone into the game. You can check friends stats and your library. There is no need for a special app for me since it works just perfect on the go.

We can even grind over night, Custom Race - Mercedes AMG GT3 against a Gr.1 car on Northern Isle Speedway, 12 hours, 2 cars, boost off, professional, that will give you 933.000 and 7.400 xp for second place, use a controller and tape the R1 and leave the controller on charging, i usally do this if i'm watching someting on the TV, sleeping or if i'm not home and can't grind myself.
Are you serious ? You must be making a joke not choosing the N100/200 cars to do this right ? It will earn you 2 or 3 million I think. I dont do this, but if you do it, you gotta do it right.

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