In GTS, Tesla can run forever without refueling. All Gr.1-4 or Nx00 cars can refuel.
True but not very good the just ported the sound from the Mclaren VGT thats "my issue" here.It sounds good imo
Using my experience from how much i drove it in pcars 2 i already feel comfortable with itJust spent the last half hour or so trying to get comfortable with the P1 GTR... it is most definitely not beginner friendly.
Free or not free... I don't like the Tokyo tracks/layoutsI don't understand why some people Always need to complain about the free content we get.
Don't race on them then. Some of us enjoy the new layouts. I think they are looking pretty goodFree or not free... I don't like the Tokyo tracks/layouts.
Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray Sport Coupe '63 = 100,000 Cr.
Tesla Motors Model S Signature Performance ' 12 = 92,000 Cr.
Pontiac Firebird Trans Am '78 = 75,000 Cr.
McLaren P1 GTR '16 = 3,600,000 Cr.
BMW M3 Coupé '07 = 93,000 Cr.
Ferrari F50 '95 = 1,900,000 Cr.
Greddy Fugu Z = 300,000 Cr.
The Real Driving Simulator!
I spent more time installing the update than playing it!
Sounds still suck (F50 sounds like an old Datsun)
Tyre model sucks (lack of longitudinal grip in 1st, 2nd and sometimes 3rd gear)
OTT spin outs
Game still wants to reset your car when you're off track for a couple of seconds
Earn rate for credits is poor vs. what costs to acquire certain cars
Chase the rabbit model still prevalent offline - it doesn't matter what you're racing, you'll catch them in the final lap or two
Online racing is dirty, horrible penalty system, clunky crash model
Where's the proper clutch engagement?
Where's the proper steering angles when using a wheel?
Where's the function to turn your headlights at will so you can actually see your dashboard gauges?
Weather, time of day still non-existent
Cars with unrealistic torque curves resulting in higher speeds in sections of track vs. reality
Incorrect gearing in cars (F40, 22B)
I guess the game load times are pretty good though compared to other games.....
Cry me a river. If you have so many issues with the game, you literally don’t have to play it. No one’s forcing you. At least PD are working on trying to fix some of these things.
Noob question but How you do thatAnd the fool does not know how to turn off the car reset!!
Yeah CJ, please share?
Clearly buried in the spaghetti bowl of menus somewhere.
p. s. I've been GT'ing since Gran Turismo 1, hardly a noob. But maybe that just means I see issues others don't and am happy to call them out, rather than pretend this is a 10/10 title that can do no wrong..
3.6 million and 1.9 million, respectively.Sorry if I missed it, but can anyone tell me the price of the p1 gtr and f50?