Gran Turismo Sport Closed Beta Coming March 17: First the US, Then EU Region

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What wheel are you using? My T500 gives me almost zero FFB, despite using the highest settings.
G29 feels like dirt rally ffb which is pretty extreme considering it's on mixed terrain, I'm using both settings on 1 and if I'm honest that feels like 80 on p cars it's defo putting me off at this stage
The lack of reduction in steering force when you understeer is a pain In the butt.

So far I'm not impressed by the ffb.

Does look pretty good on a PS4 Pro however.
Looks like the Lancer is the dominant one at Dragon Tail, with the 3 fastest times being with the Evo. Europe qualifying.

EDIT: So far i'm really liking dragon tail, it didn't take many laps to learn the track either, I think i'll be spending many many hours on this track!
Not feeling the car with G29 around Brands much (which is not bumpy either :grumpy:) It doesn't help that I've been driving GT3's around the same track in Assetto Corso a lot.

Don't like Dragon much but the new oval is not too bad.
I'm a happy chap. Feels great with a DS4; it's not quite "PCARS or AC, but with actual controller optimisation", but it's certainly the closest the series has ever been. A certain level of care and finesse is needed now that wasn't necessary in previous GTs. In particular the GR.4 Sirocco had me bamboozled for a while! A surprising challenge.

I really lik the new tracks. They seem pretty well designed, look clean and are satisfying to tour round. They fit well with the series imo. Dragon Trail reminds me of Estoril for some reason, I'm not entirely sure why.

Above all else it just feels great, after the traditional slog of waiting, to be going round in circles in a GT game again. 👍
I agree, it feels great on a DS4 and is quite beautiful (especially the Dragon Trail track). Gran Turismo is a mainstream game (Project CARS is in more of a simulator niche and Assetto Corsa is barely a game) so having it well optimised for controller users who will be the majority is great.
So onto the first race.

You can abuse the curves and grass far too much.

Annnnnnd the netcode crashes.........So i miss the race i just spent 15 minutes qualifying for.


And yep I noticed the abusing too. One or two wheels on the outside while turning full lock and then accelerating only seemed to boost my turn, not slowing me down or spinning me out at all. (Driving the GT-R)
The lack of reduction in steering force when you understeer is a pain In the butt.

So far I'm not impressed by the ffb.

Does look pretty good on a PS4 Pro however.
I'm feeling the steering force reduce a little when under steering. It's quite subtle but enough to tell me what is happening. Fanatec CSW v2 with cronusmax.
Similar thing happened a few times with the US beta in the first few days when many people got it. It should sort itself out soon, probably just has to get used to the high volume of users.
I'll just join the thoughts-so-far train. Have a link to the 40 or so minutes I've played the actual game so far.

The main menu is the best it's been in a long time. It looks a lot better than the mobile OS that was GT6, and it's even faster. Granted, it's on a better system, but still, for a menu that was supposed to be a lot faster to load and stuff, GT6 got a bit hairy. The entire menu system is very well organised, everything's right where it's supposed to be, and while it may not be as colorful as it could be, it's not an assault on the eyes either.

Visually, it's ok. But then again, I'm a cheapskate who hasn't yet been converted to PS4ProMasterRace and has money to spend on a huge TV with fancy SciFi features. Then again again, if I wanted things to look über-amazing, I'd watch a J.J. Abrams movie. Any lack or detail of trackside objects, likewise.. not really a thing I pay too much attention to in a racing situation. If that can save some performance to spend elsewhere, I'm mostly fine with it. I will agree that there could be a little more in the way of life, but this is still the beta, so I'd perhaps expect some changes there.

Car handling, from what I've been able to experience when the only rear-wheel drive cars I have are limited to an oval, is a lot like you'd expect from a GT game. Whereas in.. certain other games.. it feels like every car wants nothing more than to kill you (no matter how much you try), GTS feels like it invites you to push that little harder, brake a little later, accelerate a little earlier. And when things inevitably go wrong, you know you've only got yourself to blame. It doesn't feel like the game decided that you, by random chance, should have no grip at this point in time. And that's just it - as long as the car is in its comfort zone, it'll do exactly as you tell it to and, if you're precise enough on the sticks, you can position it exactly where you want it. Is it a simulator? Probably not, so if you're the 1%, you can pass on it.

Short note on the HUD: I really do like the rev bar. I had my concerns at first, but it's actually quite handy, at least in these early stages.

Now, the biggie: the tracks available for today.

  • Brands Hatch is.. well, it's Brands Hatch. Driving it feels exactly like it does on GT6, so while there's nothing wrong with it, it's not a stand-out either.
  • Blue Moon Bay. It's there. It's a tri-oval. Can't say I'm a particular fan, but I guess at least it's not a retexture of NIS. So there's variation in ovals now. Good.
  • Dragon Trail is where it's at for me personally. Creating good original tracks is one place where Polyphony leaves everyone else in the dust, and, quite frankly, it's been a while since we last had a brand-new one of those. The first sector-and-a-bit is definitely a contender for Top 10 Sectors On A Fictional Racetrack. I like how the first kink feels like it can set up an overtake into the chicane, which, given the angle of the second part, could work for an undercut. The last part, though, is where the money's at - the way the right hand kink, which is taken at full throttle in a WRX N300, feeds you into the slower nearly-hairpin which requires you to jump on the brakes the moment you've straightened up again.. I don't know how good that section works for racing, but as a corner combination, that's about as good as it gets. Also that little right kink after the hill - I like to think that's taken from a GT5 Course Maker track of mine, but made a little more.. reasonable :lol:.
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I agree, it feels great on a DS4 and is quite beautiful (especially the Dragon Trail track). Gran Turismo is a mainstream game (Project CARS is in more of a simulator niche and Assetto Corsa is barely a game) so having it well optimised for controller users who will be the majority is great.

I play with a ds4 as well and in 3th personview. I dont share the same experience at all. It feels strange and unnatural the way the cars behaves. Under the impression I dont get any proper feedback from what the car is doing. Oversteer and understeer feedback is almost non existant.
I waited 10 min for the race to start, of course there was an network error when matchmaking started. Now we will have to wait another 20 min.. guess what will happen at 17:20?

First impressions... G29 FFB feels a bit weak... graphics are great in 4K, sounds are awful, as bad as ever. Overall presentation is slick and beautiful... but i get the feeling this isnt same old GT anymore... this will be more like iRacing for console players, i think. Which isnt that bad.