Hell, you can gain an advantage on a Playstation simply be investing in a solid internet connection, hardwiring it and using a low latency screen!
Do you propose requiring users with this advantage to also be limited as to who they can play against? What about those with a PS4 Pro or PS5, guess they will need to be segregated as well?
I've got a 350mbps connection, my PC and PS4 Pro are both hardwired, I use a 32" curved low-latency gaming monitor that sits right on top of my T300, with T-LCM Load Cell pedals, guess what I, still lose races. The hardware doesn't offer quite the advantage you think it does.
Then again your
4.7 second reaction time might be the issue!
Mine's 255ms which is reasonable for the 50-year-old I am, so either you don't quite understand what a reaction time is, or controller vs. wheel isn't the issue at all.
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Hate to break it to you, but if you care that much about it being a true simulator race, you're playing the wrong game.
I'm fairly certain given all the data they have access to that Sony are not 'guessing' and see no need to change the set-up, ditto with every other esport series around.
Pad users have got through to the Academy and the World Tour before, they simply have to use a wheel once they get to the events.