Gran Turismo Sport delayed to 2017

  • Thread starter Pophead
I just watched the newly released clips and the 'interview' with Kaz on youtube.

I think Sony realize that they don't need GT for console sales and are happy to let Kaz show off the technical side of the PS4, instead of previously where GT had more of an influence on console sales.

The big wigs @ Sony aren't going to be hardcore sim racers, they're going to look at the situation alot more generally. They know games like PCars and AC will partially fill a gap for the more serious online racers, while games like Driveclub etc cater for more basic / offline needs. The PS4 has sold well and they still have the big games (FIFA, Battlefield etc) doing well, I'm willing to bet they're not bothered what Kaz releases, aslong as it shows off the capabilities of the console.

GT is still great clickbait (Marketing / PR), they won't care about sounds, number of cars / tracks etc, they'll care more about VR and 4k etc etc getting exposure.

I think both Sony and Kaz will be alot happier with a relationship like that compared to one where Sony are reliant upon Kaz and Kaz feels pressured by Sony.

They still have GT Academy which is great PR and now they have the FIA solely on their consoles too.

I don't think any of them care that a 'full' GT which is reliably playable (online, as it's meant to be ((not running a 3/4 full lobby with no mics to get some kind of online reliability)) has been waited on for 10 years (or however long it's been).

In that time a whole new generation of gamers have been born or grown into video games, in their eyes this will help compensate for the GT fans who walked away owing to GT5 or 6.

Until or if (what is effectively) 'GT7' (i.e. a full working game like GT1-4) actually lands on the shop shelves, we all might aswell get used to the fact that those days are long gone and no amount of bitchin, hoping, whining or speculation is going to change anything..
Interesting analysis. That's yet another reason to think that PD is now an insane company.
I thought Kazunori had a good relations with Porsche?
I don't know if Turn 10 has good relations with Porsche but licensing is not a problem for them. Only Poly. I don't see Ruf on the Brand central screen (Copper box build), it could mean no Porsche and no Ruf?!? Something like Porsche put a veto on Ruf presence in a FIA championship? Or I'm wrong and a nice Porsche trailer is waiting 2017.
GT is still great clickbait (Marketing / PR)...

Is it really, though?


1.3 million views since Oct 2015.

Forza Horizon 3

4.7 million views since Jun 2016.

Battlefield 1

50 million views since May 2016.

I think Gran Turismo has allowed itself to become less than relevant to modern gamers. You're not seeing millions of people watch the advertising even if they're not sure if they're gonna buy it, because people are no longer engaged with the franchise. At best it's something that they used to be interested in, but it puts out content so rarely and the quality is so iffy when they do that people have just given up buying into the hype train.

Like it or not, Gran Turismo is no longer a top tier franchise.
Is it really, though?


1.3 million views since Oct 2015.

Forza Horizon 3

4.7 million views since Jun 2016.

Battlefield 1

50 million views since May 2016.

I think Gran Turismo has allowed itself to become less than relevant to modern gamers. You're not seeing millions of people watch the advertising even if they're not sure if they're gonna buy it, because people are no longer engaged with the franchise. At best it's something that they used to be interested in, but it puts out content so rarely and the quality is so iffy when they do that people have just given up buying into the hype train.

Like it or not, Gran Turismo is no longer a top tier franchise.

It's Poly, they used to be cool in the past with rock songs and thrilling trailers. Now they are just weird in kids eyes. But I like it because it's something different. I know there is Forza aka the classic GT but on next gen (without the good soundtrack...) And the new GTs which are more experiences than racing games.
I know there is Forza aka the classic GT but on next gen (without the good soundtrack...) And the new GTs which are more experiences than racing games.

I dunno man, Forza has a pretty good soundtrack, IMO. Especially the Horizons. I downloaded the FH1 soundtrack so that I could play it in my car when I go for a drive.
I dunno man, Forza has a pretty good soundtrack, IMO. Especially the Horizons. I downloaded the FH1 soundtrack so that I could play it in my car when I go for a drive.
Ah, sorry I mean FM5/6. FH2 and FH3 have both an amazing soudtrack. (Better than GTA 5 IMO)
Ah, sorry I mean FM5/6. FH2 and FH3 have both an amazing soudtrack. (Better than GTA 5 IMO)

I kind of know what you mean. They're not outstanding. But on the other hand, I find that I don't switch them off like I do with many other racing games. They blend well into the background. I suppose that's intentional.

I certainly wouldn't call them good or go out of my way to listen to them, but if it's a design choice to have unobtrusive music I suppose I can respect that.

Still, it can't compare with...

I bought two Cardigans albums on the back of that.
I kind of know what you mean. They're not outstanding. But on the other hand, I find that I don't switch them off like I do with many other racing games. They blend well into the background. I suppose that's intentional.

I certainly wouldn't call them good or go out of my way to listen to them, but if it's a design choice to have unobtrusive music I suppose I can respect that.

Still, it can't compare with...

I bought two Cardigans albums on the back of that.

If only that Poly could be back... I miss the PS1-PS2 vibe of GT. Not just the soundtrack. I have a working CRT TV in my basement, I want to play GT3 to know if it's nostalgia or it was really an amazing game. (Ps1 games are too outdated IMO)

Maybe you're right about the unobstrusive music decision of Turn 10.
Is it really, though?

I think Gran Turismo has allowed itself to become less than relevant to modern gamers. You're not seeing millions of people watch the advertising even if they're not sure if they're gonna buy it, because people are no longer engaged with the franchise. At best it's something that they used to be interested in, but it puts out content so rarely and the quality is so iffy when they do that people have just given up buying into the hype train.

Like it or not, Gran Turismo is no longer a top tier franchise.

That's why I put marketing / PR in brackets.

Like it or loathe it, GT is still a huge name in video gaming for many, and taking into account things like GT Academy, it reaches beyond the video gaming community too.

When a product does that, it's like clickbait i.e. it gets people's attention.
PD are lucky Sony are killing it, GTSport will sell alot especially in Europe but would've been interested to see if Forza sold more had Xbox was the market leader.

GTSport however will probably end up selling less than Uncharted 4 and TLOUR, should be close with God of War and Horizon maybe.
Is it really, though?


1.3 million views since Oct 2015.

Forza Horizon 3

4.7 million views since Jun 2016.

Battlefield 1

50 million views since May 2016.

I think Gran Turismo has allowed itself to become less than relevant to modern gamers. You're not seeing millions of people watch the advertising even if they're not sure if they're gonna buy it, because people are no longer engaged with the franchise. At best it's something that they used to be interested in, but it puts out content so rarely and the quality is so iffy when they do that people have just given up buying into the hype train.

Like it or not, Gran Turismo is no longer a top tier franchise.

Well GT6 sold more than 5million in last 3yrs which is more than other racing games in same time. Not only GT but all racing franchise sales have go down overall 💡
Once again, just like in the cinema business, sales don't tell everything. Lots of sales does not mean it's a quality product... Batman v Superman made a lot of money for example, but the movie itself wasn't very good all things considered. GT6 might have sold a lot, but that doesn't make it a great game because of that.
Is it really, though?


1.3 million views since Oct 2015.

Forza Horizon 3

4.7 million views since Jun 2016.

Battlefield 1

50 million views since May 2016.

I think Gran Turismo has allowed itself to become less than relevant to modern gamers. You're not seeing millions of people watch the advertising even if they're not sure if they're gonna buy it, because people are no longer engaged with the franchise. At best it's something that they used to be interested in, but it puts out content so rarely and the quality is so iffy when they do that people have just given up buying into the hype train.

Like it or not, Gran Turismo is no longer a top tier franchise.

GT does get high views on its on merit, don't think they have ads going to their own channel. If you compare their official channel to say Turn 10 Studios then it's much higher. Microsoft and EA spend a lot advertising games on TV and Internet advertising. I doubt likes of the Forza franchise, the sales they make even cover the marketing costs. That franchise is fortunate to be still around in my opinion as I think they would have likely made big losses on every title released.

GT is one franchise that seems most relevant to modern gamers. Not surprised seeing likes of Thrustmaster and Fanatec will make their best ever steering wheel for GT SPORT. Also I imagine a game like GTS will get more people buying PS4 Pro and PS VR.

Gran Turismo is still the top PlayStation franchise, bigger than Halo too which is Microsoft's biggest creation. If GT is not a top tier franchise then I don't know what is, I think it's a bit like saying Mario is no longer a top tier franchise.

Anyway GT5 did well in sales with a lot less views than GT SPORT on the official PlayStation YouTube channel if that's what you're making your case on.
PD are lucky Sony are killing it, GTSport will sell alot especially in Europe but would've been interested to see if Forza sold more had Xbox was the market leader.

GTSport however will probably end up selling less than Uncharted 4 and TLOUR, should be close with God of War and Horizon maybe.
Sony are lucky to have PDI IMO. GT seems to sell hardware without having a game on sale. Many people seem to have have bought PS4 for GT and now getting a PS4 Pro for GT and HDR TVs. Forza got PC gamers to now sell to, still struggling in sales with probably one of the biggest TV advertising budgets. They didn't do good in comparison to GT when 360 was higher in sales.

I think GT SPORT will become biggest seller for a PlayStation IP on PS4 (Sell also more than GT6). It's been the case for PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3 and for a sim racing game, I think they've done extremely well to have achieved that. GT SPORT looks like the most realistic looking game ever created so I think that will help it sell well.
GT does get high views on its on merit, don't think they have ads going to their own channel. If you compare their official channel to say Turn 10 Studios then it's much higher. Microsoft and EA spend a lot advertising games on TV and Internet advertising. I doubt likes of the Forza franchise, the sales they make even cover the marketing costs. That franchise is fortunate to be still around in my opinion as I think they would have likely made big losses on every title released.

GT is one franchise that seems most relevant to modern gamers. Not surprised seeing likes of Thrustmaster and Fanatec will make their best ever steering wheel for GT SPORT. Also I imagine a game like GTS will get more people buying PS4 Pro and PS VR.

Gran Turismo is still the top PlayStation franchise, bigger than Halo too which is Microsoft's biggest creation. If GT is not a top tier franchise then I don't know what is, I think it's a bit like saying Mario is no longer a top tier franchise.

Anyway GT5 did well in sales with a lot less views than GT SPORT on the official PlayStation YouTube channel if that's what you're making your case on.

Sony are lucky to have PDI IMO. GT seems to sell hardware without having a game on sale. Many people seem to have have bought PS4 for GT and now getting a PS4 Pro for GT and HDR TVs. Forza got PC gamers to now sell to, still struggling in sales with probably one of the biggest TV advertising budgets. They didn't do good in comparison to GT when 360 was higher in sales.

I think GT SPORT will become biggest seller for a PlayStation IP on PS4 (Sell also more than GT6). It's been the case for PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3 and for a sim racing game, I think they've done extremely well to have achieved that. GT SPORT looks like the most realistic looking game ever created so I think that will help it sell well.
Hmmm, 90's are over. Car culture is no more something cool. Look at the last Fast and Furious : where are the cars?! FH3 is IMO the best racing game this gen but it's not a huge seller. We shouldn't forget the PS3 era which harmed a lot the GT reputation.
Hmmm, 90's are over. Car culture is no more something cool. Look at the last Fast and Furious : where are the cars?! FH3 is IMO the best racing game this gen but it's not a huge seller. We shouldn't forget the PS3 era which harmed a lot the GT reputation.
The Fast and Furious franchise was after the 90's. Last one peaked at 4th worldwide biggest grossing film so I think there is still a lot of people interested in cars in some way. Must had some cars in it, IIRC there was a Forza game for it. Only played demo of FH3, found it boring and not fun to drive.

GT reputation seems highest it's ever been.
@Saidur_Ali I'd bet it won't do Uncharted 4 numbers.
I reckon it will do higher numbers than Uncharted 4, it will be amazing if it can do double them.
The Fast and Furious franchise was after the 90's. Last one peaked at 4th worldwide biggest grossing film so I think there is still a lot of people interested in cars in some way. Must had some cars in it, IIRC there was a Forza game for it. Only played demo of FH3, found it boring and not fun to drive.

GT reputation seems highest it's ever been.

I reckon it will do higher numbers than Uncharted 4, it will be amazing if it can do double them.
Do we live in the same world?! Fast and Furious is now an action movie. GT is seen by many with love and nostalgia from those who have played on PS1-2. For the younger, it's nothing special next to Forza. I hope you're right for the good sells, however twice is a bit too much for a racing game today.
Go on then, what you have in mind? Good to see Naughty Dog doing well, hopefully though PDI keep tradition of having highest selling first party title on every platform they're on.
Do we live in the same world?! Fast and Furious is now an action movie. GT is seen by many with love and nostalgia from those who have played on PS1-2. For the younger, it's nothing special next to Forza. I hope you're right for the good sells, however twice is a bit too much for a racing game today.
I thought it's always been an action type of franchise. GT is still special to me.