- 838
- Lienden, Holland
- GasMonkey_NL
Couldn't have said it better myself. You can't fault the look of the game, it's absolutely stunning. There is just so much missing that the being the best looking racing game just can't make up for. DLC is my big hope.
But how is 3 (or whatever) tracks missing
- car count is okay and will be more they say
- tracks is fine and there will be more maybe
- graphics, more then perfect
- sounds are good maybe no PC2 but not bad at all.
- menus online looks more then good!
- damage, bwah dont care
- gameplay for controller is the bet there is wheel i dont know
- career, i dont get the problem there from everyone its a racegame not a Uncharted. There is for a racegame enough to do and online is awsome!
The one big problem i think is the weather stuff thats a shame but if there is rain its for me already good. But we dont know.
My point is i think that some people talk worse about the game then it is. Shure you cant like it or you expected more but saying that theres nothing in it etc thats just HATE